
( 2-6-2013 ) Item 10 of the Provisional Agenda: Periodic Reports, 10A: Final Report on the results of the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting

This document presents a synthesis and analysis of the second cycle of Periodic Reporting in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) submitted in

( 2-6-2013 ) Item 10 of the Provisional Agenda: Periodic Reports, 10B: Progress report on the second cycle of the Periodic Reporting exercise for Euro...

This document contains a summary of the activities undertaken for the implementation of the second cycle of Periodic Reporting in the Europe and North America region.

( 2-6-2013 ) Item 10 of the Provisional Agenda: Periodic Reports, 10C: Progress report on Periodic Reporting in all other regions

This document contains a summary of follow-up activities of the second cycle of Periodic Reporting for: Asia and the Pacific (see Section I), Africa (see Section II), and the Arab States (see Section III).

( 2-6-2013 ) Item 11 of the Provisional Agenda: Revision of the Rules of Procedures

In the framework of the Progress report on the implementaton of the recommendations of the evaluation of the Global Strategy and the PACT intitiative,

( 2-6-2013 ) Item 12 of the Provisional Agenda: Revision of the Operational Guidelines

The World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint Petersburg, 2012) adopted revisions to the Operational Guidelines and requested the World Heritage Centre

( 2-6-2013 ) Item 13 of the Provisional Agenda: Draft Policy Guidelines

The World Heritage Committee at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011) decided to “establish a four-year cycle for updating the Operational Guidelines and that the

( 2-6-2013 ) Item 14 of the Provisional Agenda: International Assistance

This document contains under Part I the status of the International Assistance budget for the biennium 2012-2013 as of 30 April 2013 and under Part II

Item 14 of the Provisional Agenda: Examination of International Assistance requests

This document contains under Part I the status of implementation of the International Assistance request  from Madagascar as requested by the Committee in Decision 36 COM 14,

Item 15 of the Provisional Agenda: Report on the execution of the 2012-2013 Budget and preparation of the 2014-2015 Budget

The first part of the document presents the Financial Report relating to the World Heritage Fund for the year ended 31 December 2012 established by the UNESCO Bureau of Financial Management (BFM).

Item 18 of the Agenda: Forthcoming sessions of the World Heritage Committee (18B)

By its Decision 36 COM 12B (paragraph 6), the Committee decided to “assess the feasibility of an ordinary session in October/November 2013, as requested in its Decision