General News

Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the graduation ceremony for student teachers and the inauguration of the Phnom Penh Pedago...

Congratulations to the 266 teacher graduates who have worked hard to achieve their goals. After the graduation,

Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the celebration of the 19th July-1 National Fish Day [Unofficial and translations]

Cambodia was and still is considered an agricultural country. By 2023, agriculture accounted for about 22% of the country’s

(Video) Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the solidarity dinner with the Cambodian MSMEs and handicrafts family [unofficial ...

After the liberation from the Pol Pot regime 45 years ago, the priority goal of the Royal Government is to promote the development and improvement of people’s lives

(Video) Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the 17th anniversary of the Cambodian Veterans Day – June 21 (CVD) [Unofficial and...

The work concerning the veterans/retirees has three components […] honors, livelihoods and opportunities […]