Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia | E.C.C.C |

Summary of Supreme Court Chamber Judgement on Appeals in Case 002/02

Summary of Supreme Court Chamber Judgement on Appeals in Case 002/02 Thu, 09/22/2022 

Remarks by His Excellency Dr BIN Chhin, on the delivery of the Trial Judgement in Case 002/02 against NUON Chea and KHIEU Samphan

Today is another historic day on which the Case 002/02 Judgment is delivered for the Cambodians and all humanity in pursuit of justice in the framework of national and international criminal law.

Press Release of ECCC on NUON Chea and KHIEU Samphan Sentenced to Life Imprisonment in Case 002/02 (English/French)

Today, the Trial Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) convicted former senior Khmer Rouge leaders NUON Chea and KHIEU Samphan of genocide,

Trial Chamber, Summary of Judgement Case 002/02 (English/French)

Trial Chamber, Summary of Judgement Case 002/02 COURTESY COPY - NOT CHECKED AGAINST DELIVERY

Press Release: Japan makes a new contribution of US$1.2 million to the ECCC

The Government of Japan has announced a new contribution of US$1,221,818 to the international component of the
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