Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, impromptu speech at the graduation ceremony for students of the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) [Unofficial Translation]


(1) Human resource development reaches a point of pride

[…] We have focused on training human resources as a priority for the sake of responding to our effort to build the country. I have stated that we started with “those who know more, teach those who know less, and those who know less, teach those who do not know.” Gradually, our national movement has pushed the need for human resource development to a point we should be proud of. Although there is still a lot of demand, but we have trotted away from the point where we set out after the liberation in 1979 […]

(2) Develop both hardware and software to stimulate economic growth and attract foreign investments

Peace has borne fruits for us to develop (the country) in all areas. We are working to achieve development both hardware and software. Looking at hardware, what has been happening in our country, we have tried to address the needs of people such as infrastructure, transportation, bridges, roads or other areas related to economic growth, agriculture, canals or electricity, and other sectors to develop and attract foreign investment […] as for software preparation, we prepared and adopted legal documents and relevant laws each year and went through stage after stage […]

(3) The private sector participates in training human resources and public universities provide fees paying program

I am affirming that my decision (for the private sector to invest in human resource training) is correct. There are two main points. Firstly, we have opened up opportunities for the private sector to invest in human resource training. That is why (we see) dozens of private educational institutions. In addition to providing opportunities for the private sector, we also provide opportunities for public universities, to offer fees paying programs […] through which each university, including this university, has the budget to build better buildings that form the basis for further training of human resources […]

(4) The role of women in the economy … depending on the husband’s salary culture is changing

I am proud (on this change in culture that women used to depend on their husbands’ income alone) because at one of the meetings of young entrepreneurs, I observed and learnt that women play a very important role in the economy. It is part of the responsibility in the family society. The habit of having a husband and relying on husband’s income has changed. Women also have a salary. Do not underestimate them. It is true that in the past there was a culture of dependence on the husband. Now the culture (in the relationship between men and women) is not like that anymore […]

(5) The Royal Government pays for the training of 1.5 million poor youngsters

Both formal and informal systems, women play a very important role. Let us focus on further motivating women to receive training. If they cannot receive training in the formal system, they have to have received training in the informal system. The Royal Government will provide money to train 1.5 million poor people in the near future. It is clear that many in the informal economy will be enrolled in the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, as well as other relevant institutions, including the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, to have training in ancestral skills […]

(6) Despite the epidemic, Cambodia will reach high-middle income level by 2030

[…] Our country is moving forward […] towards leaving (the status as) a least developed country. That could be happening in 2027. The country is on track to become a high (-middle) income country […] according to the economic forecast, this can be achieved by 2030, even if the epidemic occurred in the country and in the world […] geopolitics becomes a hot topic […] not just the war between Russia and Ukraine. Asia is a dangerous destination now with some countries announcing they will send ships closer in to Southeast Asia to the South China Sea […]

(7) US-British-Australian alliance is putting arms race at risk

In addition, the alliance on the use of nuclear submarines between the United States, Britain and Australia is becoming a concern of ASEAN and countries in the region. ASEAN has its own uniqueness – (the declaration of the region) a nuclear-weapon-free zone. We oppose the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Even if there is no such risk, it is the starting point of a dangerous arms race. I understand that if this situation continues, the world will be in greater danger […]

(8) We must prevent armed conflict

We remain hopeful that the world will find a compromise to manage relations, especially tensions between the United States and China. We need to find a way to manage this relationship. We must avoid the recurrence (of the Cold War). Though the Cold War may have already taken place, let us prevent it from becoming a risk of war starting from any armed conflict. NATO used to be in the West. Now NATO seems to be heading towards the Asia-Pacific area, under this/that form. It is a concern […]

(9) Could leave less developed status in 2027 … be a high middle income in 2030

Despite the challenges of climate change, epidemics and geopolitical uncertainty, I firmly believe that Cambodia would leave the least developed countries status by 2027 at the latest and continue to reach its goals of being one of the high-middle-income countries by 2030, as set out as the goal of sustainable development. The economic growth that we have been experiencing at present gives us the opportunity to reach that goal. But this does not depend on the efforts of the Royal Government alone. All stakeholders have a role to play […]

(10) Myanmar could be slipping into civil war

Maintaining peace and political stability has a role to play. Without peace and political stability, do not talk about development. Look if they can talk about development in Ukraine? In Myanmar, the situation is different. In the past, the five points consensus was just about preventing violence, establishing dialogue, providing humanitarian assistance and finding solutions through negotiations. Now Myanmar could be slowly slipping towards a bigger civil war. At the last ASEAN meeting, I said that we should update on this issue […]

(11) The Cambodian-win-win policy not applicable in Myanmar

In some places, there have been more attacks. As the central administration struggles in national conflict, smaller states are consolidating their potential for independence. This is the point I see from watching in a distance on the situation in Myanmar. That war will last a long time. The story of Myanmar is as complicated as that of Cambodia before. It was fortunate for Cambodia. We moved out of the war through win-win politics. However, the Cambodian-win-win policy is not certain to be applicable in Myanmar. To be honest, we are proud (of the peace we realized) and we have to walk together towards the goal we want to go to and already set […]

(12) Hosting SEA Games and Para Games fulfill Cambodia’s responsibilities as a member of ASEAN

I think that by hosting the SEA Games and the Para Games, we have contributed to the role of ASEAN as a responsible member in strengthening people-to-people contacts and contributing to the strengthening of sports. We are not just performing host for the 17 million people. We have a responsibility to coordinate and strengthen relationships among ASEAN’s more than 600 million people. Some people say that we spend money wastefully. Why spend on the games and not something else? […]

Let me emphasize that the SEA Games is the duty of ASEAN members […] for the first time in the history of the SEA Games and the ASEAN Para Games, Cambodia did not charge for all accommodation, food and media fees. I confirm here that money can all be spent, but reputation will be there to stay. The reputation of Cambodia hosting the 2023 SEA Games and Para Games will be left for our descendants for hundreds of years to come […]

(13) Ensuring the unity of 600 million ASEAN people is the goal

No matter at what rank Cambodia may rank, winning and losing, the big thing for Cambodia is to organize a competition that guarantees unity for the 600 million people of ASEAN. We must take good care of players from different countries. We must pay more attention since they are athletes with disability of (some form) from other countries. We need to take care of them thoroughly […] whether we win or do not win (any medals), children, do not be discouraged. Sports always end with winning and losing. The important thing is to do well as a host, representing the 17 million people behind it […] hosting with responsibility (must have) the ethics as the athlete and the good services must be provided […]

(14) ASEAN can jointly bid to host the Olympics or World Cup

[…] Hosting responsibly is part of promoting the strengthening of sports within the ASEAN framework. I said at the opening ceremony (of the ASEAN Para Games), “I imagine that ASEAN can bid together to host the Olympics and to bid together to host the World Cup.” We can do it together […] speaking of ASEAN territory it is smaller than that of Canada, smaller than Russia, smaller than China even, (so) we can arrange for the competitions […]

(15) How about an ASEAN football team

I (once) shared an opinion with the ASEAN heads of state and government that we should have an ASEAN football team. We now have 11 countries. Each country member may dispatch two of their footballers to create an ASEAN team for competition with other teams […] we can have an ASEAN football team. As we are members of ASEAN, we need to think about the future of ASEAN […]

(16) Meas Soksophea apologized to the public and removed the controversial song from social media I thank Meas Soksophea – the singer – for posting a message apologizing to the public last night for the unintentional mistake. I thank you – daughter – for deleting them on Facebook and on YouTube. I call on social media players to stop […] making the situation worse. I already checked Meas Soksophea’s Facebook […] she even linked the posting of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts (regarding the controversial song) […] I do not try to make any more comments […] Meas Soksophea apologized and removed from Facebook and YouTube already […]./.


Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the celebration of t...

Cambodia was and still is considered an agricultural country. By 2023, agriculture accounted for about 22% of the country’s