Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen’s Conversation with the People in and Inspection of Stung Pursat 1 Hydropower Project Construction Site, Bramoy Commune, Veal Veng District, Pursat Province [Unofficial Translation]


(1) 99% of villages and 90% of houses nationwide are connected to the electricity network

[…] Nationwide, 99% of villages … and 90% of the houses are already connected to the national network. It is the age of electricity, not the age of incandescent lamp, the use of candles/lanterns […] the current solution of electricity also requires solving in a way that it does not pollute the environment. Therefore, hydropower is considered as a type of renewable source that does not affect climate change […] so far, 62% of electricity in Cambodia has come from renewable sources. We are trying to improve the remaining 40% […]

(2) Electricity demand increased from 30 MW to over 2,000 MW nationwide

[…] In the 1990s, we had a consumption of only 30 MW in Phnom Penh and in the provinces was even less. Now our consumption capacity (nationwide) is over 2,200 MW […] as predicted, electricity demand will increase. We need to find a source of electricity […] some have blocked (our efforts on) hydropower generation, but they also demanded that we address their electricity need. How to solve this then? (Electricity produced using) fossil fuel is too expensive. Coal pollutes the environment. To generate electricity in form of hydropower destroys the forest, causing the flooding of some areas. Do we have to go back to burning candles/kerosene lamps? Phnom Penh (previously needed) only 30 MW, now Phnom Penh alone uses up to 1,000 MW […]

(3) The return to coal-fired power generation makes climate change agreements meaningless

Let me talk a little bit about electricity prices. In Europe, the price of electricity has gone up. Firewood is now hitting a high price in Europe. Some European countries impose heavy sanctions on Russia. Russia does not cut off (its gas supply), but some Europeans do not buy gas from Russia. People who used gas for heating or cooking, they do not have (heating power) anymore […] supermarkets in the UK/Germany have had firewood in store for sale […] some European countries have been forced to re-use coal after they announced in 2021 that they would not build coal-fired power plants. Now European countries have re-used coal. Therefore, climate change agreements are no longer meaningful […]

(4) Damnak Ampil Dam, Charit Dam provide water for the dry season, Stung Pursat Dam reduces flooding

I have been wanting to build the Damnak Ampil dam since 1986 […] then HE Ros Sreng was the provincial governor […] it was my intention to build the Damnak Ampil dam […] we have got the Damnak Ampil Dam. From there, before dropping water to the Tonle Sap, there is another dam – Charit. I declare (building) the Charit dam from Canberra, the capital of Australia […] the people of Pursat benefit from the (two) dams. According to the study, building a dam on the Pursat River reduces flooding of the provincial town of Pursat […] in the rainy season and provides water well in the dry season […]

(5) To establish the fourth economic pole as a corridor of fish and rice covering 4 northwestern provinces

[…] I came up with the idea of creating a fourth economic pole that would cover four provinces in the northwest – Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Pailin. It all started from the negotiations between me and Chinese President Xi Jinping, in which we will create a fish and rice corridor project, because in this direction we have a lot of rice and fish. As for fish it does not refer to just fish from Tonle Sap, but also farmed fish. We also have other products […] I believe that China also looks to help with investment in the construction of national road 55 […]

(6) Let us turn Pursat river into a tourist area

[…] I wanted this area to be an attractive tourist destination in the future. The company (who are working on hydropower dam) can think of building resort. I heard that Veal Veng has a number of resorts. Originally this was a war place. It has now become a tourist destination. That is the fruit of peace. Some people do not dare to talk about peace. You can now see how much the people benefit from peace. Even those who do not dare to talk about peace for fear that (people thank) CPP for peace, they also benefit from peace. Soon they are going to places campaigning what they are going to do for people if the people will vote for them […]

(7) CPP RGC brings real benefits to people

The (Royal) government never promised but bring people the real benefits. You have already benefited from peace […] from the beginning, Veal Veng had not had roads. It was a fighting place […] the military engineering team under Gen. Kvan Siem’s command built national road 55 and 56 […] now we have a paved road to the border and we have another ring road connecting from Battambang and Pailin to Pursat, and connecting to Koh Kong. Are they not the benefits (that) the people have already received? Electricity prices go up in many countries. Cambodia does not go up in price. Our neighbors used to have lower electricity prices than us, but now they are starting to rise above ours […]

(8) Hope Pursat people will continue to vote the 4 seats for CPP

When it comes to electoral campaigning, people promise much more (than) we do. The funny thing is, while living in a shabby home, s/he goes out promising people concrete houses. I believe the people now are not like before […] as for Pursat, I do not wonder, is very supportive of the CPP. That is the truth. In 2008, we won all the four seats. This year, I hope (CPP) gets four more seats. But in order to get 4 seats, you will have to vote for the CPP so that we can all develop and then I will come to visit (people in Pursat) ay a later stage […]./.


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