Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Diplomas Presentation Ceremony to Students of Cambodian University for Specialties (CUS) [Unofficial Translation]


(1) Strengthen the quality of education, enhance the capacity of human resources to respond to global development

[…] Without human resources, nothing can be done. We must prioritize the training of human resources to meet the needs of the nation’s development. We need to see an imbalance between the needs of development and limited human resources. This requires us to work together to strengthen the quality of education, training, and human resources to respond to the ever-increasing (as well as) evolving globalization of the world in this stage of industrial revolution 4.0, a new turning point that we have to tread along, or in other words, enter the stage of the digital economy, which requires the strengthening of human resources.

(2) Change by democratic way … does not lead to society upside down

(What happened in) our country was different from what used to happen in the world. In this world, changing one political regime to another is just a change of leadership, though leaders may have different focuses. Coming to power through elections, some leaders may choose to initiate reforms. For instance, some president/prime ministers would nationalize certain things – like the nationalization of the bank, once they have power in hand. Some come up with new taxes or some with tax relief […] this is a democratic change. Each leader is not the same. They have different political agendas. However, it does not lead to overturning society upside down […]

(3) Changing regime in a revolutionary way

Another change is the revolutionary change. Many countries in the world have experienced through the liberation from the colonies. On the other hand, through the transition from one regime to another, as in the case of our country, we have changed from the first monarchy, the Sangkum Reastr Niyum era of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, to the Republican regime of Lon Nol, and then to the Democratic Kampuchea regime of Pol Pot. We then continued to the regime of the People’s Republic of Cambodia and later the State of Cambodia, and finally to the Second Kingdom […] there are many more examples of revolutionary regime changes. In general, those countries did not experience what we did in Cambodia. In many countries, the old heritage is accepted, and on the basis of this old heritage they strengthened and moved forward […]

(4) Educated under the leaky roof school, but despise education in Cambodia

Today we have received a total of nearly 50,000 people (of human resources) from the Cambodia University of Specialties. Aren’t those gains the result of all our efforts? […] some are quite concerned that we reminisce Cambodia’s past. They learned under the leaked roof schools that we worked hard to build, and educated by the teachers we worked together to train them, but those people underestimated the quality of Cambodia’s education. We recognize that the quality is not enough. However, even in other countries, quality of education is a matter of improvement still. Those countries are also working to promote reforms in their education sectors […]

(5) “Ten Years of the Cambodian Journey”: Teachers Allowed to Teach Extra Hours

Science and technology are constantly evolving with the acceleration of socio-economic development and the challenges we need to address. All countries have a need to strengthen their response capacity through human resource training. I am still proud of the right decision given to the private sector to invest in education. If I am not mistaken, we have allowed that since 1990. In 1989-90, we provided opportunities for the private sector to participate (human resource training), even before the Paris Agreement was signed […] you may want to review my book entitled “Ten Years of Cambodia’s Journey” – in which I suggested permission for teachers to teach extra hours […] but I also added a phrase -“teachers (teaching extra hours) should have special consideration for poor students who do not have money to pay” […]

(6) About 1.5 million poor/at-risk youth will be trained at state vocational institutions

[…] Those who do not pass the Baccalaureate exam (will be) allowed to study for an associate’s degree and have a place for training […] I am preparing a study and this study will become a reality. This year, we have already approved the budget. We cannot make it (happen). The study will (examine the feasibility) of vocational and technical training for young people from poor and vulnerable families across the country, numbering about 1.5 million at state vocational training institutions […] free of charge and they will also receive a monthly allowance. We will do it later this year. In other words, we will ensure that students from poor families who cannot afford to go to university receive vocational training […]

(7) Provide skills for human resource to respond to external investment demand

We give them such training opportunity not only free of charge, but we also give them allowances. We are thinking of whatever we can to train human resources. If we deal with this 1.5 million people successfully, I think the informal economy needs to be integrated with the formal economy. There are many who are working in informal economy that we need to pay attention to and many of them are good human resources. We aim to give the 1.5 million target people the sort of skills training needed in the coming year as there would be more external investments that need not just strength but also technical expertise. Cambodia’s potential is the young laborers, but their capacity is not up to demand yet. That is why I instructed the Economic Policy Committee to study this possibility that we promote vocational training for youth with poor and risk challenges to receive training […]

(8) 2022 Baccalaureate Exams – the oldest is 56 years old, the youngest is 13 years old

[…] This year, the oldest student who took the Baccalaureate exam was 56 years old in Oddar Meanchey province. To encourage lifelong learning, I sent her 10 million riels. For the youngest student who passed the Baccalaureate exam was a young boy of 13 years old, 3 months and 5 days, until the day of the exam. the day before I called him to my house to arrange for his (further study) […] may I encourage every student (to please) continue to make your efforts. We should not finish our efforts at the time that we are getting a degree. You must continue to strive for higher (and) deeper knowledge. That is what we called ” Lifelong Learning” […]

(9) January 25, 2023 … Day 100 countdown to the SEA Games that Cambodia has been waiting for 60 years

[…] Let us not forget that January 25 (2023), the day after tomorrow, is the day we have the countdown campaign of 100 days to the SEA Games. That will be exploding (with activity) across the country. Cambodia has been waiting for 60 years, on the one hand due to the unfavorable situation and on the other hand (although) we have peace as the favorite condition, we do not have the infrastructure. We now have the opportunity to host the SEA Games. I have received information, yet to be confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that Indonesia will hold an ASEAN meeting in May. We will also launch the (SEA Games) in May. However, I just went for opening and closing ceremonies of (SEA Games) anyway […]

In (May) 2023, we will host the SEA Games, in which thousands of athletes will come for competitions in Phnom Penh. We will have two games. The SEA Games and the Para Games for people with disabilities. We must strive to do this job with responsibility, not just to win medals, but to be a responsible host, who can provide safety and fun for sportsmen/women and leaders from around the world in the territory of the Kingdom of Cambodia […]

(10) The King will offer the sports lights from Angkor Wat, and the budget for the SEA Games/Para Games preparation and support increased to more than 100 million US dollars

[…] On the 25th (January 2023), a national movement began to count down (to the celebration of the SEA Games). On January 25 (we) will hail the 100 days, on January 26, (we will hail) 99 days more to come, and on 27 (January, we will hail) 98 days more to the happening. HM the King will travel to Angkor Wat to provide sports lights from the former capital of Angkor. We (will) go (and get the sports lights) this March, and will be passing through countries before coming to Phnom Penh for the competition. This is a big event. We have to spend a large sum of money […] the Chinese friends helped build us a good stadium and we used own money to build more ourselves. Previously, I said we are freezing 40 million USD a year for three years (for the event). Now the budget for the competition and the construction has reached more than 100 million […]

(11) Information technology speeds up salary work and fights corruption The Covid-19 phase has led to a leap forward in the digital advancement in Cambodia […] some 3 million students studied online […] for business transaction, they make payment for each other over the phone. We use technology to fight corruption. (Civil servants and the armed forces) are cashing their salaries through banking system. It is not safe to carry money to (provincial) treasuries and release from the treasury to designated units […] we also had singled out the issue of ghost employees (- persons with names in list of payrolls but does not actually work) […] we also had this issue under the Lon Nol regime […] we have used information technology to speed up the working process on the other hand and push this digital issue to fight corruption on the other. For instance, taxpayers and tax collectors no longer have actual meeting […]./.
