Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Distribution of Rice Seed to Flood Victims in Prey Veng Province [Unofficial Translation]


​​[…] Today is the last day of my presence in the provinces that have suffered flooding difficulties. Prey Veng is in fact the first province that suffered from flood and I should have come here first, but we have had some works to do in the provinces around the Tonle Sap. My presence there is no different from my presence here, even if it is late. Late is better than never […] I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the working group of the Royal Government as well as the Cambodian People’s Party under the leadership of Samdech Krala Hom Sar Kheng for helping people solve this flooding problem now as well as in the past. I am really grateful for all the efforts of our armed forces and civil servants who have helped solve the problem by not leaving any people starving to death that we did not know and did not help […]

As HE Chea Somethy, the provincial governor, said in the report, the seasonal flood this year is not that big, but it has scattered everywhere, affected up to 20 over 25 capitals/provinces […] as for the people living along the rivers, the worst thing they are concerned about is when there is too low seasonal flood. This is the true story of the river people. As in my native place, people are most concerned when the seasonal flood does not reach their homesteads. When the flood does not come, there will be no alluvial soil, and the pests will not go away. However, the situation now is not the same. According to their geographical setting, some areas have already grown early rain-fed rice, and some have been inundated by floods, either by seasonal flooding of the Mekong or rain […] looking back at the efforts made everywhere during my journey from Siem Reap, Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang and yesterday Kampong Thom and today to Prey Veng, the process of rice seed distribution is not slow […]

[…] I would like to thank the National Committee for Disaster Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, especially the Committee on Food Reserve, headed by His Excellency the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance, for which we have food reserves, including rice seeds allowing us to intervene in a timely manner […] the number of affected families is greater in number, but we provide rice seeds only to those whose rice fields are worse affected and have the ability to rehabilitate. Besides, we will provide people who need seed crops for intercropping to overcome difficulties in the future […] as each family is experiencing difficulties, the state is also making interventions to help them […]

[…] Yesterday I pointed out the difference between people suffering from natural disaster in the past and those in the present. When I was young, with my father, our rice field was flooded […] no one helped us except ourselves. Now the situation is different in that the CPP team, the authorities at all levels, are with the people. More or less, they are helping to solve the people’s problems, moving them from the affected areas to high grounds, providing food and medicine, and examining people’s livelihoods, including the provision of rice and seeds to help people rebuild their livelihoods […] this relief effort is only short-term. Importantly, people must rely on the rice seeds and other crops seeds to restore production (…) for profit. The Royal Government strives to send cash to the grassroots (in form of cash for work) at a time when the grassroots need to build small infrastructure where our people can participate and receive money as part of the local employment policy, rather than rushing into the city to find work […]

We truly mourn the loss of our people as a result of Covid-19. In a short period of time, 3,006 of our people died […] the situation was very deadly and I declared a state of emergency, and getting concerned agencies to have coffins made, crematorium ready, and more land for burial the bodies according to the traditions of each ethnic group. However, with people’s acceptance of health measures, partly because of the vaccination, we have escaped the Covid-19 crisis. Although Covid-19 has not yet been over, we have reduced the rate of infection and reopened the country. As of today, the 30th of October, in just two days away, we are one year into the reopening of the country, which has given our people the opportunity to engage in socio-economic activities, the opening of factories and other sectors […] in the field of education, the reopening allow us to get our boys and girls back to schools […]

[…] I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people here, as well as the people of Prey Veng, in particular, and to the people across the country, who voted for the CPP during the commune/sangkat councilors elections. The Cambodian People’s Party won a landslide victory across the country. This is a pride taken in the leadership and the support of our people. I sincerely hope that our people will continue to vote for the CPP in the upcoming elections […]

[…] Let me inform you today as I have not said anything a few days already […] the US side has provided information to us, but I have not yet announced […] we leave it to the White House in Washington to announce it first. It is now clear that the US President Joe Biden will travel to the ASEAN-US and East Asia Summits in Phnom Penh […] and he will send the Vice President to the APEC Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. There is a lot of work ahead […] we are waiting for our Russian friends, whether President Putin will come to Cambodia to attend the meeting. This year we have a lot of meetings. Our ministers in all ministries and institutions have done a lot of work, both domestic and foreign affairs, as the rotating chair of ASEAN in 2022 […]

[…] The Royal Government has introduced a policy intervention regarding the poverty card, which, in addition to one on the Covid-19 impacts, there will be another card that the assessment is underway regarding impacts of inflation to identify (the right) qualifications, with which we include families affected by the floods as well […] to help the people in need. This is just a small part of the state intervention to help the people. What the people really depend on is their own efforts. The state can only help at one stage or at one angle […] so far, the people have made a lot of efforts, but the state in its part does not ignore the lives and well-being of the people […]./.
