Audio-Message Excerpts on the Establishment of Quarantine and Treatment Centers in the Capitals and Provincial Town for Cambodian Workers Returning on Land Border from Thailand [Unofficial Translation]


Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs,
Mayors and Governors of Capital and Provincial Cities

So far, we have closed the provinces along the Cambodian-Thai border to prevent the spread of Covid-19 Delta variant, while there are influx of people in quarantine along the Cambodian-Thai border. We have observed the presence of our compatriots returning from Thailand to seek medical treatment in their own country. We also try to facilitate the sick people to cross the border to receive medical services on our territory, in addition to sending food to the Thai side to help supply our people there. As you know, we have no intention to prolong the lockdown. Moreover, we intend to reopen the border as soon as possible. In order for this to work, there are tasks that the capital-provincial mayors/governors needed to do:

First, the mayors/governors of the capitals and provinces in the area where the workers have returned must be working hard to send those in designated quarantine centers who are in a better condition to continue quarantines (and treatments) at their homes. We are issuing this so that we can save the places for those returning from Thailand (directly) or from the quarantine centers on the Cambodian-Thai border to do their quarantines instead.

Therefore, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs in the provinces and capitals, please prepare more quarantine places to receive people returning from the Cambodian-Thai border … the designated centers. On the one hand, we have to prepare new quarantine places and, on the other hand, we have to arrange for the transfer of those who are in quarantines (in those existing places with mild symptoms) to continue their quarantines in their homes so that we reserve those places for those from Thailand.

The second task is to ask the transport unit of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces […] to send more vehicles from the back, about 200 vehicles of them, to transport those already spent seven days in quarantines at the border areas to the provinces in the rear and hand them over to the provinces and the capitals to continue their quarantines.

We are doing this to save the quarantine centers on the Cambodian-Thai border for people who are returning and (already) staying on the other side of the border to come for quarantines. In this regard, by increasing the number of vehicles, the army must take charge of transport of our people who have already been in quarantines for seven days and send them to the provinces-capitals in the rear. I would like to reiterate (that we are doing) this to reserve the places, after we moved them to the rear, for our people returning from the Kingdom of Thailand to come and be in quarantines.

In case the number of returning people exceed the reception capacity, you must immediately apply the test on arrival and transport them to the inner provinces for quarantines. This problem … called on our officials, both front and rare, to take up the tasks urgently. I am calling on His Excellency, Lok Chumteav, Neak Oknha, who are involved in assisting the provinces and the capitals, to support and oversee this issue, taking parts with the provinces/capitals to manage the Covid-19 situation both those who are already infected inside and those who have just returned from the Kingdom of Thailand.

[…] I am asking Lok Chumteav Or Vandin to proceed with the third dose for the provinces along the Cambodian-Thai border i.e. the second week, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, to start the third dose for the front line officials along the Cambodian-Thai border […] because these brothers and sisters will be at risk after thousands of people from Thailand or maybe even more in Thailand are coming in. All of them will face with difficulties. Therefore, we must transport the AstraZeneca vaccine to the border immediately to inject doctors, army, police, military and other government officials involved in this work […]

(We) must get it done. We have enough AstraZeneca vaccine in hand to inject (people) there. I estimate that the number of people in divisions, brigades, battalions, and units, involved in this work of the armed forces, the national police, the medical personnel, and civil servants – is anywhere between thirty or forty thousand people. Let us allow the medical teams of the regional armies, divisions, brigades, battalions, battalions to train and be ready to inject. You have already done this before. Medical personnel in provinces will take charge of the injection in their respective provinces. They must be where the vaccine is delivered. Therefore, I would like to ask Lok Chumteav Or Vandin to work on distributing AstraZeneca vaccine for use as a third dose as we have already prepared. Let us jab it in the second week (of August). Previously, there was a consensus to start doing it in September. We cannot wait. There is such a high risk for our front line officers. We must decide to do it now.

Once again, I am reminding you that we are doing this work in steps. Authorities in the rear must be prepared urgently. Firstly, remove those who are in quarantines in the rear with mild symptoms to continue quarantines at home. Prepare the existing quarantines centers and/or get more appropriate places ready for roughly 10,000 people who have partially quarantined at the Cambodian-Thai border. We have over ten thousand more people who have taken just seven days quarantine and we needed to move them to continue quarantines further in to make places for new coming workers along the Cambodian-Thai border for their quarantines.

[…] The first thing is for the rear to get down to work. The second task is for the army to transport those who have been doing seven days quarantines to the inner provinces, and to have cooperation and communication with each provinces as to where to take them to and when they will arrive. This work must be done urgently through the means by which we have and more vehicles to go from the rear locations. It is possible to move the vehicles immediately from the rear to the front to carry out the campaign to transport the more than 10,000 people who have already been in quarantines for 7 days from the Cambodian-Thai border to centers in capitals/provinces. In case of overcrowding at the border, we have to make tests on arrival and transport them to the destination province in the rear.

This is an urgent order […] I am calling on leaders of the Royal Government who involved in assisting respective provinces take care of and contribute to the provision of necessary financial/material assistances to the provinces in addition to the national budget provided. Please be reminded again, Lok Chumteav Or Vandin, after receiving this voicemail message, must immediately carry out the deployment of vaccines to the border provinces for vaccination … by Monday (next week for those involved) in this high risk works (as they) are working to receive our workers back from the Kingdom of Thailand. Thank you./.


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