Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Ceremony to Bless Newly Appointed Three Deputy Directors of Buddhist Monks [Unofficial Translation]


Showering Ceremony Indicates Faith in Buddhism

My humble respects to the two Buddhist Sangharajas, Samdech Sanghas Niayuok (Buddhist Monks’ Director), and Samdech Sanghas Niayuok Rong (Buddhist monks’ Vice Director), and compatriots. I am so happy to be present here with Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chimteavs, and Buddhist followers to celebrate the showering ceremony for the three newly appointed Deputy Directors of Buddhist monks […] Samdech Podhivung Am Limheng, the first Deputy Director, Samdech Preah Vannaroth Noy Chroeuk, the second Deputy Director, and Samdech Uddam Vongsa Muong Ra, the third Deputy Director […]

[…] Parishioners of the pagoda and Buddhism participating in this showering ceremony for the three Buddhist monks’ deputy directors indicated faith in Buddhism […] (as the first Deputy Director of the Buddhist monks, Samdech Preah Dhamma Likhet Luos Lay passed away,) we did not have a chance to appoint a new one in his replacement […]. We did not even have time to consult this with Samdech Tep Vong, the Supreme Patriarch […] a few months back, the Supreme Patriarch Samdech Tep Vong fell ill and hospitalized. As he now is recovering, the Minister of Religious Affairs falls ill and is in hospital […] showering to bless the newly appointed monks is a custom […]

Maha Nikaya and Dhammayuttika Nikaya Coexist Peacefully

As Prime Minister, I am doing whatever is required of me to do for the sake of racial and religious harmonization. You may have learnt already that in the world, many countries have had religious conflicts and suffered terrorist acts because of it […] to manage a state requires racial and religious harmonization. It is a big issue and it helps prevent a nation from division. The good thing about our country is we do not have religious conflict. I have noticed that though we have two Buddhist sects – Maha Nikaya and Dhammayuttika Nikaya, the two coexist peacefully […]

Cambodia is observing monarchy through appointment. The King does not have power to appoint a regency. The Constitution clearly stipulated it is the job of the Throne Council, which consists of nine people – President and two Vice Presidents of the Senate, President and Two Vice Presidents of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, and the two Supreme Patriarchs from both Buddhist nikayas. It is on this note that I have instructed concerned institutions to organize seating accordingly […] to avoid criticism that the Royal Government pays attention to one but not the other […]

Buddhist Monks to Defend Peace

[…] Stemming from peace, we have secured the present day situation. Buddhist monks can contribute to keeping peace […] Cambodia went through long protracted wars of destruction. Religions had been absent in the country under war and the regime of genocide. Dues to protracted war, Buddhist monks also divided, some supported this (political) side and some to the other side […] we should not let our country suffer division that will bring about devastating war […]. Buddhist monks should pursue roles of educating followers to defend nation, religion and King. In order to defend religion and King, first, we must have peace and defend peace […]

Whenever state misleads, there will be negative repercussion on religion. In reality, as they launched a coup to bring down Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk on 18 March 1970, a wrong decision made by politicians, the country plunged into war. Buddhist pagodas, churches, and mosques went ablaze because of bombardments and artilleries of all sorts. On the contrary, in the whole country, we have now 4,985 Buddhist pagodas. With 15 more, we will reach 5,000. How could we have this many pagodas? It was because we have correct leadership of the secular world […]

Four Indications of Progress in Religions

In relation to progresses made in religion, I could try to suggest four indications. Firstly, correct political platform of ruling party on religions. It is very important. For the past 41 years, with its manifesto on religion, the Cambodian People’s Party offered chance for every religion to progress […]. Secondly, people’s beliefs on religions. People are entirely free either to believe or not believe in any religions […] religions continue to exist or not would be up to people’s beliefs […]. Thirdly, people make progress regarding their living conditions. This suggests a close relation between Buddhist and secular worlds. Should people have difficulties in their living conditions, people would not be able to offer even alms, not to mention contribution to build temples […], and fourthly, interdependent relations between Buddhist and secular worlds. The two go in tandem. With one and without the other, the journey is impossible. As I said earlier, once the secular world went a wrong way, the Buddhist world was in jeopardy. It is a complementary relation, helping each other […] secular world also benefits from religions because they educate people to exercise good deeds […]

The Bridges Ready, Areykhsatr and Lovea Em Will Be Phnom Penh’s New Khan

The place that we are now was formerly a part of Kandal province. With its expansion of development, we had to include it into Phnom Penh. More will be so in the future. Once we have the bridges (over the Mekong) ready, we would have Areykhsatr and Lovea Em parts of Phnom Penh. There would be a new Khan. Once I have said that, land prices would go up. We are planning to build two bridges. We asked the Republic of Korea to help build one bridge (to cross the Mekong) from Jroy Jangva to Areykhsatr. (We are looking for help to) build another one to cross (the Mekong) at Kdey Takoy on national road 1 to Lovea Em on the other side […] that is what we have to do because we are in era of development […]./.


Keynote Address by Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet at the Global Chinese Economic �...

I extent my warmest welcome to you all and I hope that everyone has a comfortable stay in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia.