Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the University of Health Sciences [Unofficial Translation]


Human Resource for People’s Wellbeing

Today I am glad to meet you all from the University of Health Sciences at the late 2019 […] we are glad that you have become human resource for national health sector at the time that the Royal Government is driving forward policy of social welfare or protections. It mainly covers actions of our medical officials and staff or medical practitioners. Training of medical staff and specialists of every level and professions has offered us chance to serve our people in health sector […] let me take this opportune moment to inform our people about local medical expertise and professions concerning transplanting of human internal organs such as kidneys. Our medical expertise at the army hospital has reached a level that they can ensure safety of kidney transplant and patients only need to have someone with similar blood types to offer them the organ(s). Having said that does not mean I encourage selling/buying of internal organ(s). (I wanted to share with you that) for profession/expertise abroad we have been seeking medically, we could now find them locally […]

Keeping Abreast with Medical Technology and Diseases

Year after year, quality of (medical) training increases. While taking this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the professors and related health science universities for their efforts in training our students, I hope that, through exchange programs of experts with other countries, our medical professionals at every level will receive further knowledge and keep abreast with new diseases arisen from climate change […]. While we are dealing with traditional diseases, new diseases are on the rise. We have this Ebola in Africa, for example. Our health service has done its job not only within the hospitals but also provide screening for contagious diseases at every national entries/exits […]

Allowing More Recruits from Education and Health

Let me affirm to you all that (the Royal Government allows) more recruitments in 2020 only in two sectors – firstly, education. We allow recruitment of 3,600 more staff since there is growing number of students in addition to more teachers going into retirements. Secondly, health, we allow recruitments of 1,300 to replace those going into retirement and for the sake of more hospitals putting into operation […] (as for recruitment process is concerned) we have already introduced reforms regarding ages to take entry exam. We do not limit age as a condition for people to take entry exam anymore […] not only in health but also in other sectors as well […]. Let me reaffirm that I do not agree with the request of the Ministry of Health to screen people’s health before allowing them to take entry exam to become civil servants. My reason has been clear that, firstly, this would create a barrage for those taking entry exams, and secondly, it could become a source of corruption. For instance, those who pay money would not have to have their medical checkup […]

Better Interconnectivity, Electricity, and Security Help Spread Medical Staff

I used to bring this issue up, perhaps in 1997, at a health annual conference when HE Hong Sun Huot was Minister of Health that 70% of medical staff concentrated in urban area where there were about 30% of people, while 30% of medical staff are working in rural area where there were 70% of our population. It is twenty years later now. We could say that thanks to better connectivity, rural-area-reaching electricity and security, spreading medical staff and service has improved […] in 1980s, to get a permission to study in the faculty of medicine, students had to sign a contract with the state to report to state’s duty (after they finished their studies). In addition to this, there were quotas for students from provinces to learn medicine and they signed contracts with provincial governors. In fact, the province had no students to come to study medicine. They were people in Phnom Penh. When they finished their studies, they would not go to work in provinces. We have contracts no more and we had to resolve this contracts related problem through to 1996 […]

Taking Medical Responsibility from Beginning to End

I am calling on (the Ministry of Health) to pay attention on inspections and controls of private health clinics and/or drugstores. I have a suggestion. We have state and private medical service. Please do not fight for patients. If they do, they have to take responsibility from beginning to end. They (private health clinics) should not send the final-stage patients to state hospital only after they could no longer help them. Once the patients arrived to the state hospitals, they died. Calmette has been facing many of this situation. The Ministry must ensure that private medical staff or clinics must take full responsibility from beginning to end or they should send them right away to state hospital […]. By the way, because of my health and I lost my voice, I had to call up Samdech Tia Banh to take my place at the ASEAN Health Ministers meeting in Siem Reap. I was so sorry that I could not make it […]

Paying Heed to Medical Ethics

I continue to seek our medical staff, as we have scored so much progress, out of medical ethics and profession, to accept that we still have shortcomings and there have been complaining from our people. On this particular point, I am calling on our medical staff to change their attitudes. It is true that the majority of them have had social attitudes or change ones already. We are asking the remaining small number of them to avoid this “one dead fish spoils the rest in the basket” words. We must be thinking about words and actions vis-à-vis patients. There should not be discrimination among patients from poor to rich. Everybody has one life. It was because s/he is poor that s/he is coming to us for help. Those who are rich seeks medical attention abroad. We should give more sympathy and care to those with limited resource. Should we not change or fix this, whether we were able to purchase more millions-worth equipment, dissatisfaction would continue […]

Targeting Those Below and Not Far Above Poverty Line

We are getting more resourceful now. We still have about 10% of our population that are living below the national poverty line. They are our targets of attention and care. Beside them, we also have those living not far above poverty line. They are our targets of attention […] Let me clarify for you here on another issue that only teachers (in education) and medical staff (in health) are receiving higher salaries that those employed in other services. I hope they do not envy with teachers and medical staff because everyone needs teachers to teach their children, and medical staff to take care of their health […]

Joint Disaster Rescue Military Exercise with Vietnam

Since we are going to have this joint military exercise for disaster rescue purpose with Vietnam and some would take the chance to talk ill of it, let me share with our compatriots now about this event. Why would there need to be a military exercise for disaster rescue preparedness and response across border. It is my initiative as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia to seek cooperation on this matter with Vietnam, with Laos, and with Thailand. We have hiccups a number time already. In 2011, there was flood in Ratanakiri. I had to call Hanoi to seek intervention from the military region 5 of Vietnam […] in cooperation with military region 1 of Cambodia to evacuate some 200 families from Cambodia across the border to safety on Vietnam’s side. We also have frequent bushfire and forest fire raging across the Cambodian-Thai border areas and there had been this flood coming from Thailand to Cambodia’s Uddar Meanjei province. Neighboring countries, so to speak, must have cooperation to respond to and to manage disasters across borders […]

Transforming Battlefields into Markets and Development Areas

After we implemented successfully win-win policy, I have laid out two main strategies. Firstly, to transform former battlefields into market places and development areas. As of now, we have achieved 90% already in realizing this goal. We still have another 10% of the area that are still under mines and UXOs. We are working to liberate them by 2025. We must achieve a Cambodia free of mines. Former battlefields have become farmlands and there are markets activities too […] on 24 December, I will inaugurate Da market at the Cambodian-Vietnamese border (in the province of Tbong Khmum). I fought there no less than twenty times in 1971 and 1972 along the National Road 7 with the former South Vietnamese troops and the US army in their aggression of our territory. Areas along the border are no more fighting areas but ones with higher buildings, industrial and special economic zones […]

Three Policies Unified Cambodia

From 1979 through to 1993, divided into four, Cambodia had had four armed forces. From 1993 through to 1998, Cambodia had had two controlled areas […] KPNLF (Khmer People’s National Liberation Front) and FUNCINPEC (National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia) were with the Royal Government. The Khmer Rouge was in Pailin and areas along the border. They made Anlong Veng their city. They even printed their own money, radio and they had their outposts in Oral and Takaen Koh Sla, and Phnom Voar. Three policies have resulted in reunification among Khmer. Firstly, guarantee of life and their physical bodies. They were not to be arrested or killed. Secondly, guarantee their employments and careers. They could continue to be soldiers if they were ones. Thirdly, guarantee ownerships on mobile and immobile properties […]

Forceful Physical Infrastructures Investments

Some asked me of leaving the Khmer Rouge at their strongholds would lead to ungovernability (from the central government) […] some suggested we sparsely move them to Kompot, Takeo, Svay Rieng or Prey Veng provinces. I told they that was a wrong thinking. Firstly, that would make us keeping no promise to them about their ownerships on land, houses, etc. That would also cause troubles in provinces as to how could they go about finding land for them to settle in? That was a political shortcoming. We have military concern too. It could be more dangerous. If war were to happen again, it would happen only in one place, the same place – no more, no less. Should we disperse them, war would happen in the whole country […]. The matter was we applied soundly the three policies above, and forceful investments into the integrated regions. We have built hundreds of schools, no less than number in the mainstream Cambodia. We have worked on physical infrastructures, though roads are not up to standard but we have connectivity. I have said clearly that political and administrative integration would not be suffice. We must work to ensure functional physical communication and transport connectivity […]

Building Borderline of Peace, Friendship, Cooperation and Development

What was my second strategy? It was to build the Cambodian borderline with our neighbor of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development. That was what I wished for Cambodia. A country well developed has to have internal stability and good neighborly relations. Absence of these, we may have to station our soldiers all the time at the border. We also have more difficulties in financial supports and everything. As of now, our trade volume with Thailand stands at 7 billion USD. The volume of trade with Vietnam stands at roughly 5 billion USD. We have achieved this because we have peace and good neighborly relations. I have realized the two strategies. In so achieving, we are talking today about disaster response exercise across the border […]

In 21 Years of Unification, Economic Growth Averages 7.7%

In days to come, we will celebrate the 21 years of win-win policy that brought us national unification and allowed us to score in average 7.7% economic growth. The country has passed its milestone from a country with low income to lower-middle income status. Should there be no peace would we have these high buildings at Koh Pich Exhibition Centre area? […] I continue to stress on peace. Whatever you may talk about, without peace, nothing would happen. Look at the “1001 Nights” Baghdad, an old city, what has become of it now? Destruction. Worse still is Syria. Cambodia went through that. There have been this prophecy that no one could have believed it in our country – “where there would be houses but there would not be dwellers, where there would be road but there would not be travelers.” It all happened under Pol Pot’s regime […]

Youngest, Oldest, Richest, Shortest-served, Longest-Served, in Waiting Prime Ministers

The other days I saw a pictures of six people placed together for comparison. The first impression was Prime Minister of Finland happens to be the youngest one at 34 years old. I became Prime Minister when I was 32 years old too. On 14 January (2020), it will be my 35 years anniversary of Premiership. I was Foreign Minister at 27 years olds and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Ministers at 29 years old. Among the six dignitaries, Prime Minister of Finland was the youngest. The Prime Minister with the oldest age at 94 years old is Dr. Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia. A Former Prime Minister of Italy was the richest with over 11 billion USD. A former Prime Minister of Australia (Francis Michael Forde) was the shortest-served one – only seven days. Hun Sen is the longest-served Prime Minister. Dignitary number sixth is Anwar Ibrahim of Malaysia who has been the longest-Prime Minister in waiting. He could be taking over from Dr. Mahathir but nobody knows when? His wife is the Deputy Prime Minister, though […]./.
