Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Vanda Institute [Unofficial Translation]


Liberalized Education Investments Started Since State of Cambodia

I am happy to start this week by meeting students and presenting 3,216 graduates, 82% of which are women, of the Vanda Accounting Institute with diplomas. Take this opportune moment I thank HE Heng Vanda for the report regarding the Vanda Institute’s progress […] along with Banana, which is now the Norton University, liberalization of investment in education sector started since before we joined the World Trade Organization or the Paris Peace Agreement. We offered chances to private sector to take parts in making investment in human resource training. We have made every efforts to ensure that education and training would provide Cambodia human resources acting as locomotive to tug economic growth and national development […]

An Island of Peace

Samdech Preah Karuna King-Father had led the country, when Cambodia was a monarchy but with Head of State as stipulated in the Constitution after King Suramarith passed away in 1960, through a time when Cambodia was like an island of peace, while countries around it were at wars. The late King-Father put Cambodia in a path of guaranteed peace. Even though there had incidents of bombardments along the Cambodia-Vietnam border, instabilities along the Cambodia-Thai border, and armed disturbances by the many Khmer factions – red, blue and white by colors, Cambodia was in general in progress.

Coup Brought about War

Everyone received benefits from the leadership of Samdech Preah Karuna King-Father in that era. Cambodians went to study and developed their skills and jobs, while in neighboring countries, there was military obligation […] after the coup on 18 March 1970 that unjustly brought down the head of state, the country started to fall into flame of war. Everything in its way destroyed […] Cambodia divided into two. One side submitted to foreign aggression and another had has to fight against such aggression to support the legitimacy of the head of state […] from the onset, my brother and I joined the demonstration in support of the King-Father from Kompong Cham to Phnom Penh. We came as far as the current bridge of Jroy Jangva, where they opened fires on us […]

From Being Displaced for War to Migration for Better Life

Let me get back to youth and chances. As of now, everyone has the chance of finding and doing whatever s/he wanted in her/his studies and career. They may have to migrate in search for them. That is not something new or strange […] some said that Hun Sen’s leadership had caused people to move from one place to another […] migration from rural areas to urban areas is a normal process. Some have even gone abroad to find jobs and better life. However, it is not a displacement by war like in 1970s […] after the coup in 1970, people displaced against their wills from war zones. Land claimed and developed before 1970 left uncultivated as people ran wherever they thought would be safe […]

Civil Servants/Armed Forces to Cash Whole Month Salaries plus Bonus

I have a few things to share with all of you and our people today. Firstly, I thank our people for their spirit of exercising tax obligations. It has proven by the fact  that national income has soared. It is high time for me to affirm to our civil servants, the armed forces, and retirees that in April we are not going to cash salaries on a two-week basis […]. I approved request presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy and Finance to cash the whole month salary in April of civil servants, armed forces, retirees, administrative officials from village level and up, only one time before the Khmer New Year […]

March Collects High Incomes from Taxes

It is worth noting that for the month of March, we have collected high income from taxes. This has been possible because our people are exercising taxes and customs duty obligations regularly. I should share with you some of the figures here. In March this year, incomes from both customs duty and taxes have reached 700 million USD. This does not count in fiscal taxes yet. In breaking down figures, we have collected a sum of 476 million USD from internal taxes, and 250 million USD from customs duty […]

Spending Seventh to Eighth of Every Ten Made

It is time for our people to exercise strictly our tax and customs duty culture […] we must be patriotic and implementing culture of tax paying altogether. It is playing a great role in our country’s progress. The taxes collected will go back to our people in government spending in education, health, and infrastructures. Without incomes, we would not be able to do anything. Every year, we reinvest millions of USD from our saving. We are applying strictly a culture in which we are spending only seventh to eighth in every ten we made. We are keeping the remaining for investments in the following year. We have to have reserves […] that would not include the foreign capital reserves […]

To Collect Taxes Uncollected Yet

As of now, we have a cash flow of nearly three billion USD. We can use for salary. In the past, we have order to cash money for salary but the treasures did not have what it needed. We now have distributed money to banks (from where our civil servants, armed forces, and retirees can cash their salaries and pensions). This has clearly illustrated our people’s culture of tax paying […] on this note, I reiterate what I recommended that no need to high up taxes. We just have to make efforts collect every collectable taxes […] that would increase our incomes and allow us to do more and to expedite what we needed to do for the country […]

Royal Railway Continues Until New Agreement Comes

Let me clarify this issue about railway. Yesterday there was this clarification. It could have been because I did not hit every point in my elaboration. I did not talk about this period of transition with regard to withdrawing Royal Railway Company from the rail operation deal. I did instruct the Royal Railway to go into negotiation with the Ministry of Transports and Public Works […] I did not say anything about transition period […] the agreement (with the Royal Railway) is still valid. While we are waiting for the new agreement to come, the company continues to observe the existing agreement. The company also has right to take part in the process of realizing a new agreement too […]

Loeu Lay Sreng Can Return

There was that fellow who left the country. Recently, he went on VDO live asking to return to the country. Nobody chased him out. Why did he not return to the country? […] you can return. No one is making you an arrest. I have no need to write you a letter granting you any pardon. You talked to me, now I am talking to you. I am declaring that Loeu Lay Sreng can return. I wave my hand calling you to come. However, he should not be so absentminded to call HM the King a eunuch […] you have make problem to yourself. It was an insult. Now, I waved hand for you to come in to enjoy the Khmer New Year […] now that you are declaring yourself a neutral person, and reminded me of the fact that you used to serve under me, you should not go on appointing yourself a guru in politics […]

Insult Beyond Acceptability and Unspeakable

I use bad words of them. There is no rule that as a Prime Minister one cannot use them. I am a human being. Even the Buddhist monk would still scold. They have used on me every terms impolite. They even got my mother involved […] they insulted my wife as a woman for Vietnamese leaders and my son as their offspring, at their leader’s consent and instruction. I will in no way forgive them […] I will send VDO clips of their actions to every embassies. Just you must not say it is a personal matter. That far you have gone insulting me, and you have made it your goal to take me out, I would do so in return […] that insult was beyond acceptability, and unspeakable. I leave him time to apologize but how could he ever do it, since he was the one to instruct his men to do things like that […]

Running in Communal Elections or Waiting for 2022?

I have laid out a package of reforms last Friday and they may wait to see if Hun Sen stumbles. Those of them who wish to wait for reincarnation of their dissolved party and someone to get out of custody may do so. They just had to choose between running in the communal elections […] and waiting for renewal of their political rights in November 2022. I would not beg anyone. If they made requests with insufficient conditions, I would not approve too […] I needed to talk about this today. Tomorrow, I will go to Kompot (to inaugurate the Japanese assisted drinking water tower and system). The day after tomorrow, I will just walk across the newly repaired Cambodian-Japanese Friendship Bridge at Jroy Jangva […]

Cambodia Survived Past Hardships

They had done so much injustice in the past on Cambodia. Firstly, that they involved in launching a coup to remove Cambodia’s then legitimate head of state Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, had they say they were sorry? […] did they express regret that they had supported the Lon Nol and his people to launch the coup? […] secondly, that they continued to support Pol Pot and to allow them to occupy the Cambodian seat at the United Nations in between 1979 and 1991, while imposing on Cambodia economic and political embargoes, had they regretted? […] we survived the embargoes in the past. We stood on our feet for survival in tremendous poverty and uncountable hardships […] you – young generation of Cambodia – must remember that your grandparents, parents and relatives have journeyed with me to topple and to prevent Pol Pot from holding on and/or returning to power. That is your pride. That is the pride of your grandparents and parents. You voted to support the Cambodian People’s party. It means you voted for your grandparents and parents who stood up with the Cambodian People’s Party for survival until today. We leave our country no more to anyone’s insult […]./.



(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the friendly footbal...

It was due to the absence of peace that even the membership in the Olympics, which Cambodia has been one