Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen,​​ to AFESIP Vocational and Youth Rehabilitation Centre [Unofficial Translation]


Let’s Lay Down Plan for Journey Forwards

Finally I am here (at AFESIP – Agir Pour Les Femmes en Situation Precaire or Acting for Women in Distressing Situation). My wife came here a few days ago and she told me about you and AFESIP. I was remorseful (to have not visited the place). I am asking for your understanding that I have kept you waiting for so long. This distressing situation we are having here is in fact one of the core issues but I have overlooked while conducting many works relating to the topic of social protection and care. We are here today to lay down map of our journey forwards for you […]

Whether We Should Reinstate Capital Punishment?

I understand how much suffering you have gone through. I have come to ask myself a question how much beasty nature a human being could have in doing such un-forgiven acts. About two weeks ago I discussed with my wife whether there should be an initiative to amend the Constitution to reinstate capital punishment on grandfather, father, uncle, or family members who committed sexual assault on own grandchildren, children, nieces, etc. It was just a thought. My wife said it was enough to just punish them with life imprisonment. As far as amendment of the Constitution is concerned, we may have to run a referendum whether there should or should not be a reinstitution of life penalty. However, if that is the case we may just do it only to deal with case of child molestation committed by own grandfather, father, uncle, etc. I am not requesting in my power or asking members of the National Assembly to propose the bill to amend the Constitution to reinstitute capital punishment for this specific case. A referendum would be a way to go […]

Thank You Mam Somali

… I have learnt that my son and daughters and their spouses have been here. They could not make it today because some of them may not have known about our presence here in AFESIP, some may have traveled abroad and some may have celebrating religious ritual for my late mother […] I have taken my time on Sunday to visit you and also to lay down a foundation for you to continue your life and work forwards. I thank Mam Somali (Prime Minister addressed her as a daughter) for efforts she has put into fighting her way out of distressing situation again and again and continued to work and lead AFESIP. I thank foreign donors who have contributed to the works of AFESIP Cambodia. I thank the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and relevant competent authorities for doing what they could to ensure AFESIP upbringing of distressed children […]

AFESIP Work to Go On

One of the children said about their hope of having someone to depend on. I am a firm backing to lean on. If at a later stage there will be no more charity, I would not allow it to close down. Though I keep my appeal to everyone to continue their charity and contribution to this course. Just affirm to you that in absence of assistance from outside, we would try to find a way for this NGO to go on with this work […] I have authorized the Ministry of Social and Veteran Affairs, and Youth Rehabilitation to make 32 staff (of AFESIP) civil servants […] among them, ten are victim of sexual assault themselves. They have received education and training. They returned and work here. In addition to stipend offered by charity for their jobs, they all will receive salary from the state […] my greeting to one grandchild who has now become a policewoman in Stoeung Treng province and another who has become an active military officer […]

Stipend, Medical Assistance, and Scholarships

In addition to food, shelter, clothes, and education, I wish to give you something in extra […] I decided with my wife consent I am sure to offer each and every one of the 89 of you children a monthly financial support of Riel 100,000 per month (USD 25) or USD 300 per year […] the Ministry of Health, in addition to medicines and medical supplies brought here today, I suggest Minister HE Mam Bun Heng conduct a visit and figure out what needed to be done and/or added for health clinic in the center in its care for children here […] the Phnom Penh Municipality should not wait until the new building completes to start road work […] while doing and providing all this, I have a condition for you. I do not know if you can promise to do it for me or not. I wish that you all finish your secondary school education and go on to studying to turn yourself into something you wanted to be […] I will offer you scholarships to continue your education […]

Me, My Children, the Cambodian People’s Party Will not Leave You

I will not leave you. Though I may not be the Prime Minister at some point, my wife and I will continue to stay on looking after you. I think I can take care of this. Besides my wife and I, our children will continue this noble work. No political party has ability to win the Cambodian People’s Party. Besides me we also have officials of the Cambodian People’s Party and my children to carry on my promise. We must not leave you in distress as you had in the past […] I hope that once we have the new building ready, my wife and I will return to see you and have meal together […] (Mam Somali requested the land lot be registered as property of AFESIP) yes, you can do that. The Municipality can issue a title for AFESIP. That is a good thing to do and it will become a place for us to work on saving sexual molestation victims […]

Do No Harms to Society and Own Selves

I hope that you will make efforts to transform suffering past into efforts to become valuable human resource for society […] one way to achieve this goal is to acquire higher education. When you are in your adulthood, I hope you will not do things harmful to society or yourselves because that is not your hope to be and not the wish of those giving your helps […]./.
