Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Talk to Workers / Employees in the District of Samraong Torng [Unofficial Translation]


Thank You for Voting for Democracy and Pluralism, for Peace and Development

Please allow me to take this opportune moment to express my sincere thanks to workers gathering here in particular, and the Cambodian people – firstly for casting votes. That means that you participated in supporting democratic process and implementing your rights defined in the Constitution and related laws to choose the party/person you trust to lead the country once every five years […] secondly, for your decision to choose the Cambodian People’s Party, the only party capable of defending peace and safeguarding development. For what you have done, the country has been able to achieve political stability and macro-economy after the elections.

In 2019, Workers Basic Salary Will Be 182 USD/Month

You may have heard already from the communique issued by the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training regarding salary increment for the forthcoming 2019. At this time last year, we took action to implement policy to increase basic salary for our workers to 153 USD/month, and we are implementing in this year a basic salary of 170 USD/month. In days to come, we will implement a new salary increment of 182 USD/month for our workers. It will be one high salary compared to many countries in ASEAN, and even in Asia […]

Industrial Sector Shares 32% of GDP

While agriculture has made rapid progress, we have also noticed bigger share from industrial sector, which in this year covered up to 32% of the whole GDP. Last year, industry shared 30% of GDP. Taking this opportune moment, I wish to convey my sincere appreciation and thanks for our people in the whole country, national and sub-national institutions for the efforts they made to implement socio-economic development and in other sectors.

14-15 December Will Be in Koh Kong

On 14 through to 15 December, I will be making a speech at the sea festival in Koh Kong province. On 29 December, I will be delivering a speech on the occasion of our celebration of the 20th anniversary of the successful implementation of win-win policy. This morning, Svay Sitha sent me a Facebook link in which a person stated that in the forthcoming Plenum of the Central Committee, Hun Sen will strip off Sar Kheng and Say Chhom from their positions. He made it his words that on 14 December, Hun Sen will leave for China and he might not be able to return to Cambodia because Sar Kheng and Say Chhom would seek a way to prevent his return […] on 14 December I will be in Koh Kong. On 15 December I will give a speech to celebrate the sea festival event […] the Cambodian People’s Party has lived together faithfully for the past 40 years. There would be no division among them […]

Speeding Up Legal Cases of Trade Unions

I wish to bring up another matter before I forget. Weeks ago I asked the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and the Ministry of Justice to work together (with the courts) to find way to expedite legal cases of trade unions. To expedite does not mean to ask them to end the case. I have made it clear that the court may proceed to trying if there need to be or filing them without processing according to their competent authority. Yesterday the court issued a decision to convict six people but actual implementation is suspended […] let me send a message to every trade unions and legal experts that I have no rights whatsoever to order the court around. I only asked Ministers of Labor seeks cooperation with Minister Justice on this matter. The event happened in Veng Sreng road – from a matter of fact and a matter of law, whoever involved in causing that incident would have to serve justice. The incident had been a part of a whole process to overthrow (a legal government). Those actions have led to dissolution of political party and some have been jailed and/or placed under detention out of jail […]

Three Individuals Were Not Involved, To Court of Appeal

As far as individuals are concerned, as the one who is responsible in national security, I had monitored three persons – At Thun, Pao Sina, and Chea Moni. I have proofs that the three individuals were not involved. I did not have proofs for the others. HE Keo Remi could be a witness to the case of Chea Moni […] I called Keo Remi later than 12pm on that day to ask him to warn Chea Moni not to get involved in the Veng Sreng strike. I got news back from Keo Remi telling me that Chea Moni did not get himself involved, while in fact he was spending his night somewhere […] in the case of At Thun I sent him a message on WhatsApp. I have no way of knowing if he still has the message. I asked Soy Sopheap to inform Pao Sina not to involve himself […] well, in legal aspect, once the court decided, they would not redo it. I would suggest At Thun, Pao Sina, Chea Moni to bring their cases to the court of appeal […] I could send Keo Remi to the court’s session with regard to the case of Chea Moni. I could send Soy Sopheap to the court for further investigation too in the cases of At Thun and Pao Sina […]

Cambodia Produces Cements and Certain Construction Materials

As far as industrial development is concerned, let me have your attention that about 100% of construction materials in Cambodian used to be imported. Though some of our people build homes from wood, they still need cement, PVC pipes, etc. to add to their needs. They were imported from abroad. As of now, I may share with our people that we could at least now supply cement to local demand of about seven million tons, for which we had to use foreign currency to buy it from other countries. At present, we have three big cement factories – two in Kompot province and one in Battambang province. As far as construction material production, we also have electrical cords made in the country and a big amount of it is for export. While in the past we imported second-hand clothes, we now produce apparels, shoes, and many other stuffs for exports to many markets in the world […]

Objective and Subjective Factors for Decrease of Tourists to Preah Sihanouk

The same is true for tourism. Should we wish to attract tourists, the tourism community must work on their attitudes to attract them. Concerning this matter that there seemed to be less tourists coming to Preah Sihanouk, we may study this issue from both objective and subjective factors. Objectively, while people go there every year for holiday, they may want to spend their holidays differently in Kompot, Kep, Koh Kong, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri, Preah Vihear, Siem Reap, etc. This has led also to decrease of tourist arrival to Preah Sihanouk. Subjectively, there are matters that the provincial authority of Preah Sihanouk, the Ministry of Interior, and concerned institutions are working hard to take care of security, social order, and environment […]

Instilling Readership

While urging the Minister of Labor and Vocational Training to consider proposals requested by a number of trade unions in their motions on the 10-December Human Rights Day, I think we must take some swift actions. One of them, as I am one of many great readers, I have taken action to hand out nearly forty thousand books by Krom Ngoy, Acha Chong, etc. in the three-day book fair. I think I will do that again next year to help instill readership among young mind. We will have to print more […]

Non-Registered Workers and Domestic Helpers

On 10 December Human Rights Day, we have received a motion from trade union on issue of basic salary for construction workers. We must take into account also those working in other sectors. So far, we have been able to address basic salary increase to 182 next year only for workers in apparels and shoes making. We have not yet been able to account for those working in restaurants, hotels, and at homes […] though we have not yet been able to go for those working as domestic helpers, I am appealing to employers to reserve enough care and understanding for them. They may work without Saturday and/or Sunday, holiday, etc. They may also have to live separately from their spouses and/or children to take care of our homes […]

Everyone Is Not HIV/AIDS Carrier

I also appeal to everyone that there had been a slight rise in rate of HIV/AIDS. However, the recent report has suggested that the rate has dropped a bit. I am calling on us to set up a movement to defend ourselves from HIV/AIDS. If anyone to suffer from it, no one else but those infected. We must try to ascertain that our country future will come to nil infection of HIV/AIDS as we did on malaria in 2025, polio in between 1997-1998 and night blindness. We must set out the goal. If we could not be sure of achieving a 0% HIV/AIDS carrier, we may work on percentages such as from the current 0.6% down to somewhere 0.5 or 0.4 […] we should try to make it a national movement, especially among our younger population.

Same Sex Love Cautious of HIV/AIDS

We have no right to forbid people of same sex to love each other. I have asked for people’s understanding in other speeches on this matter. We may not discriminate them […] it is my request that we do not discriminate against people who love others of same sex. However, according to research, they happened to be the ones to spread HIV/AIDS in a rather fast rate. In this understanding, I am calling on those of you who love people of same sex or those of different sex to exercise safe sex. Those with HIV/AIDS do not infect others […] this problem affects every sector. HIV/AIDS carriers cannot work. They would have become a time bomb for families […] those medical practitioners must be cautious and responsible for accidentally spreading disease because of lack of sterilization […]

Abandon Smoking Movement

I am so happy that meeting about 80,000 of workers, male and female, I smell no cigarettes. In Europe, the more they tell people to stop smoking, the more people do. In Singapore, attending the ASEAN Summit, I noticed there are many smoking areas and more than half of users are women. I am happy with this movement to abandon smoking setting out and supporting by the Ministry of Health […]

Amendment of Political Party Law

Finally, I have a political message. Tomorrow, the National Assembly will open its session. I should let our people and other political parties know about this. Why there will be amendments to the law on political party? This effort is not specifically aiming at anyone political party or group. The amendment will serve every political parties existing and working in the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Law on Prison allows Prime Minister to seek pardons for the convicted at any time. Prime Minister will write to HM the King to request pardon for so and so. As for the Law on Political Party is concerned, a political party has been dissolved. Its leader prohibited from political activities. There is no way for Prime Minister to request for pardon. Legally, the decision by the Supreme Court is final. To bring cases to court again would be contradicting to the Supreme Court […]

Those against Supreme Court’s Decision Regain No Political Right

After a thorough discussion, there would only be one option left to allow Prime Minister to seek HM the King’s pardons and to remove prohibition of political activities for politicians. Let me stress again this is not an action to address issue of specific groups but to organize political process for political parties in the future, though this actions may also include some politicians whom the court decided to remove their political right at this time. If they file a request to Prime Minister, and if the Prime Minister takes stock to see that the person/s has not objected the Supreme Court’s decisions, (they may regain their rights). They may have to remember that those who object the Supreme Court’s decision would not regain their political rights but also face their jail terms too […] to object the Supreme Court decision would be serving from two to and a half year imprisonment.

Each Individual Files Request to Prime Minister through Minister of Interior

Once the amended law goes into force, as prime Minister I will wait for request by each every individual but not by a representative of a party. Each individual must write to the Minister of Interior or to Prime Minister. Prime Minister will seek pardons royal decree for the individual or a group of four of five by HM the King at the request of Minister of Interior. That will be the Prime Minister’s discretion to decide on the matter […] the one to sign on each individual request is I. Some may say what kind of law is that giving power that much to Prime Minister […] that is the Constitutional regime […]./.
