Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Ground-breaking Ceremony to Improve Second Segment of National Road 5 between Prek Kadam of Kandal and Tho Lea Ma Am of Pursat [Unofficial Translation]


Today I am so happy to join with HE Hidehisa Horinouchi, Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of Cambodia, and all of you to launch the construction of the second segment of the national road 5 from Prek Kadam in Kandal to Tholea Ma Am of Pursat – 135 Km, which is a part of the national road 5 improvement project, which runs 370 Km from Prek Kadam through to Poi Pet.

Wish Muslims A Good Ramadan Fasting

Before commencing my speech on the ceremony to launch the improvement project of the NR 5, since it was last Thursday that our Muslims celebrated fasting day of Ramadan, I wish to take this opportune moment to offer my best wishes to them and to seek Allah’s wish for them on this very important event […] I thank the Japanese Ambassador, HE Hidehisa Horinouchi, who has just read a speech in Khmer. This has illustrated that Your Excellency pays great attention on friendship relations between Cambodia and Japan […]

Three Stages of NR 5 Improvements

In the next ten years, I think, this (national) road (5) would be the only best road in Cambodia because it is a four-lane road from Prek Kadam through to the border with Thailand financed by Japan. We already launched the ground-breaking ceremony to build the first 84 Km segment on 26 March 2018 from Battambang to Serei Sophoan […] this second segment of 135 Km is running from Prek Kadam of Kandal to Tholea Ma Am of Pursat. As for the third segment, which will be the last part of the improvement project, we will have two segments together – firstly, from Pursat to the city of Battambang, and secondly, from Serei Sophoan to the city of Poi Pet – which are 370 Km together […]

RGC Provides 32 Million USD of Counterpart Fund

According to the estimate, and that does not include taxes, the Royal Government of Cambodia has to provide a counterpart fund of 32 million USD on this project to improve the national road 5. We already spent some two million USD to clear mines and UXOs along the projected area. We have reserved some 30 million USD for resolving impacts (on private properties, etc.) of the projects. It is on this note that I have always brought to the attention of related ministries about saving money. With our savings, we would be able to work on infrastructural investment projects like roads, bridges, water canals, schools, hospitals, etc. by ourselves. Also, we could provide counterpart fund to projects assisted by our foreign friends in grant or concessional financing forms […]

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Takes Notice of NR 5 Improvement Demand

… As for this project, we take the loan of 0.01 interest, a term of payment in 40 years, with a grace period of 10 years from Japan […] as for the national road 5 improvement project here, let me say it out through to HE Ambassador of Japan, this could not have happened if it were not of this grateful notice kindly taken by HE Shinzo Abe (on how important it could be for Cambodia). As I reminded in Battambang the other day, it all started in my visit to Japan to attend the international conference on disaster in Sendai. We then continued to keep it in our discussion from then. This road has a very important role in linking up Cambodian with Thailand on one end and with Vietnam on the other end in response to demand for development in the frameworks of Greater Mekong sub-region and ASEAN.

We refer to it as western corridor of the southern area of the Greater Mekong sub-region. Its economic value is comparatively no less than those of the national road 4 that goes to the blue water port in Preah Sihanouk province, which Japan made major contribution in strengthening its capacity […] Japan also provided huge non-interest aid and some loans with low interests for development of Cambodia’s infrastructures such as national road 5, national road 1, and noticeably and gratefully, the bridge of Kizuna and Tsubasa […] I hope in November, we will be launching, as Minister Sun Chanthol has said, the improvement project of the last segments […]

Leadership from War to Peace

… Some could have thought maybe it was my mistake to bring peace to the country and to lead this country from poverty that people almost had no things to put on to the present time that they have motorcycles and cars, etc. Some had even blamed Hun Sen for traffic congestion. I would not refuse these mistakes. I did not create war as previous leaders […] I think we should leave this to history and people’s judgments. I did not lead the country from peace to war, but from war to peace. I would be satisfied to “have been committed those mistakes” […]

20-May Day to Remember the Genocide Regime

Yesterday was the day to remember (about the atrocity carried out by the regime of genocide). Why do we decide to set 20 May to remember it? Back then, in the National Assembly we discussed on which day really that Pol Pot issued policy of genocide? On 17 April 1975, Pol Pot evacuated people from Phnom Penh based on pretext that the US might retaliate with bombing the cities. They scared people and moved them out […] it was until 20 May that they declared their complete achievement of national democratic revolution […] they made it public that they had rooted out social classes in their efforts to move people out of the cities, homes, and lose their private properties and ownerships […]

Keeping Remains as Evidence of Genocide

We uncovered this document that certified their cruel policy leading to genocide. We then decided to set 20 May as our day to keep our anger on the regime. Later we changed it to our day to remember the regime’s (decision to embark their policy on people). Let us be clear that we have to keep those (human) remains. We cannot allow anyone to cremate them. Some suggested to cremate those remains for the victims’ souls to reincarnate. For us, to cremate them means to destroy evidences of genocide. They also keep them in Japan’s Hiroshima. We must keep those in Tuol Sleng and other sites as evidences and we are still in process of trying the Pol Pot’s senior leadership too.

Win-Win Policy Reunites Cambodia

… I may have made two mistakes – firstly, overthrow the regime of Pol Pot’s genocide, and secondly, to dissolve Pol Pot’s political and military organizations. However, it was because its dissolution that we could reunite the country in a long history […] until 1988, we were able to put an end to war. This year, we are going to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our war-ending day at the win-win monument. We have decided to make the day that Khieu Samphan, Nuon Chea, and their cabinet members reported to the (legally elected) Prime Minister’s house as the day we ended the war in Cambodia […] we are proud to end the war through the win-win policy and by Cambodians. People cannot blame me of the war that I did not make. On 18 March 1970, they launched a coup and I was born on 5 August 1952, and two days away from my eligible age of 18. We untied the knot made by older generations to end the war and to transform former battlefields into markets and development places.

A Road from Thmor Da/ Pursat to Koh Kong

I took a journey of some 5,000 Km in 2016 and 2017 to various regions of the country to which previously no one could have entered. I stayed at Pailin and travelled through Mealai, Komrieng, Phnom Proek, etc. I am seeking to reduce further cost and time to travel and I have made it our priority to build a road from Battambang’s Samlot to Thmor Da at Pursat, and on to Koh Kong. This would help transportation of goods to our blue-water port […] infrastructural development is still my goal and I am calling on Japan, though HE Ambassador, to share with me a view that it is not yet over with the improvement of national road 5. Please continue to help us with other projects of priority that we have submitted […] in my recent trips, I have come through Krokor of Pursat and the province of Kompong Chhnang […] in 2016 and 2017, we have invested over 13 million USD on education in form of school building […]

Over 5,000 Cambodian Peacekeeping Troops in 12 Years

What we need now more importantly is to make sure that the country is in peace. The past war took away our chances. Schools destroyed and/or turned into slaughtering houses […] at whatever cost it may be, we must keep the peace that we have. If we neglected peace, we would not be able to ensure development […] people may look at what is happening now in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc. We are monitoring keenly situations in Sudan, South Sudan, Lebanon, Mali, and Central African Republic where we have nearly 1,000 peacekeeping troops there. Many countries helped us in the past. In the past 12 years, we are sending out over 5,000 peacekeeping troops to help others […]

There Will Be 20 Political Parties Contesting the 29-July Elections

On 29 July 2018, we will have some 20 political parties contesting in the elections. As of this moment, 15 political parties have completed their registrations and undergone stage of inspections. We still have time. We would have about 20 political parties in the race. I am calling on authorities to provide times for them to fulfil their actions […] political parties are in their stage of going to see their activists wherever they need. The authorities must facilitate their demands. It is not time for electoral campaign yet but they have rights to go see and meet their activists. Please do not obstruct them when they organize meetings with their members and supporters […] as the ruling party, the Cambodian People’s Party calls on provincial, district, and communal authorities to make sure they have no obstacles […]

A Driver Who Never Put Passengers in Harm’s Way

With contributions from grandfathers, grandmothers, parents, and compatriots, I hope that I will continue to have your support. I have intention and I have made it known already that I have the ability to go on for another ten years at least for the post of Prime Minister. There was a friendly debate and mocking vote […] a young fellow said it in his answer in a cosy manner that “it is easy should we all want peace and development, just vote for the Cambodian People’s Party.” This driver has been behind the wheel for nearly 40 years, and as Prime Minister for 33 years, never put passengers in harm’s way. He drove people from place of danger to safety. Hope people will contribute to keeping peace […]./.


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