Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the National University of Management (NUM) [Unofficial Translation]


Human Resource to Guarantee 2030-Higher-Middle Income and 2050 High-Income

We have been making stringent efforts to realize our country become one of the higher-middle income country by 2030. We shall not be trapped in the lower-middle income country cycle. To be able to generate higher income of our people and raise our country’s status to higher-middle income country by 2030, and to realize our ambition of our long term plan to achieve a high-income country status by 2050, it requires human resource to respond to such endeavor […]

Human-Related Investments Went from 4.38% to 5.71% IN 2018

To review figure in 2013, our social expenses covering education and health, social protection and labor, was only 4.28%. In 2018, this figure has reached 5.51% or about three times more. Expense on health was two and a half time bigger. In area of social and veteran affairs, and labor were about twice their former expenses. They are big figures. However, we have a clear demand for human resource and its training effort, while providing services relating to healthcare and hospital. We need more private clinics and hospitals. We must anchor on investing in human resource or we would not be able to realize our development goals. Not far from here you may see high-rise buildings. You may ask if we could provide technicians for such enormous construction efforts. We need more technicians of our own to carry out such jobs […]

To Compete for High-Pay Jobs

We are facing competition not only within our country in times of flow of labor in and between countries of ASEAN. We need to prepare our citizen for competition for high-pay jobs in various places. We must have our people in international institutions, take for instance, the Asian Development Bank, and other financial institutions. We have some of our people working now in the ASEAN Secretariat. Soon, we need to send someone to take up the post of Under-Secretary General of ASEAN […] we also are looking for a candidate for the post of ASEAN Secretary General. We cannot just pick up anyone for the job. It requires ability and capacity. Even inside the country now, many would not choose just anyone for jobs […]

Market Economy Takes No Pity

While there is not enough return, which would go to salary, companies may resort to downsizing. It happened very often in the world. It would not be different in our country. In demand for labor, they may recruit as many as they needed. When they could not afford to pay, companies resorts to downsizing. We could say at this point that the free market economy is taking no pity at all. In the planned economy, it seemed that everyone was given a chance to survive altogether. When free market economy came, there was no pity on anyone […]

Heavy Schedules Year

I have one more speech to make for today in the afternoon and one more for tomorrow morning. I will give another speech on 13 April for the opening of the Angkor Sangkranta in Siem Reap. I would have to attend the ASEAN Summit in Singapore as well. The schedules seem to be packed. I would need to send someone in my place for some events. However, for graduation, many would want my presence […] after my meeting with some 4,000 factories’ foremen/employees last Sunday, I had had a two-hour talk with the Foreign Minister of Japan on issues regarding grant and concessional loan of about 90 million USD. We had meal together. After dining, we had a tete-a-tete discussion on bilateral, regional and international issues that are hanging in uncertainty […]

World in Disarray?

It seems that the world is now in its disarray. Judging by what is happening, what meaning would the world trade organization hold? It seems to have lost its role while some countries seemed to be doing whatever they wish. There was some who ignited the problem and some who took responsive measures. It has come to a status that there seemed to be a trade war. The US decided to increase taxes on certain items on China and some other countries, for instance on steel and aluminum, and others. China reacted in response to require the US to pay more taxes to seek for a trade balance […]

Countries suffered relatively from such tax policy also had to increase its products. At the end of the day, the state would earn the money but customers would be the one to pay for it. Take for instance, they would increase tax on steel and aluminum, which they may need for building airplanes. When a country decided to increase tax on import of steel and aluminum, producers of airplanes might have to increase its cost of productions. In the end, the aviation company would have to charge more on travelers […]

The Korean Situation Seems to Calm Down a Bit

[…] Noticing certain calmness lately, everyone seems to have high hope on issues relating to the Korean peninsula in light of a dialogue between North and South Koreas, and the preparation for a negotiation between the North Korea and the United States of America. I just doubted where they would meet since the North Korean leader would not take a flight but a train, and his destinations so far had been only to China and Russia. Would Donald Trump go to Pyongyang? I am sure he would not. Would they meet in China? […] we will continue to keep our ears to the ground. If the meeting is to take place in May, while the ASEAN Summit would hold in April, we must figure out how ASEAN would react to this issue. It is not an issue that involves only Koreas but region and world […]

Free-of-Charge Phnom Penh Bus Service to Provinces on Khmer New Year

Let me reaffirm that the Phnom Penh municipality bus service would provide free of charge bus lines for national road 1, national road 3, national road 4, national road 5, and national road 6 […] we give it a try this year and the buses would start their operations on 12 April through to 18 April. There is a need for cooperation with provincial authority on where those buses’ stations […] we have ten buses per line, except on national road 5 and 6, we would have up to 15 buses per line […] we will see how will the transport companies react? If they continue to jack up the prices in this time of festivity, we would increase the bus number to 200 […] well, they are the state roads and no company should monopole them. Let us try this out with this number of buses to help with our people with smaller income to afford their needs for traveling.

Foiling a Terrorist Plan

Let me appeal to authority of all levels and the armed forces to pay attention to their roles and duties to provide our people with safety and security for the joy of traditional Khmer New Year. In Europe, as everyone would have been aware, terrorists do not use bombs anymore. They would drive trucks into the crowds. It just happened in Germany recently too […] that does not happen in our country but we must make efforts to prevent it from happening […] last night I sent a secret information to the Mayor of Phnom Penh. Let make break out a plan they hatched for 12 April. A traitor under the name of Sam Serei issued an order to cause explosions. I have forwarded the information and intelligence to concerned authorities. We must take actions. They really intended to cause turmoil with explosions. The one to take action had responded to the one who commanded that it was impossible to do it. However, they may think of someone else to carry out their plans […]

More Riel in the Market, Macro-economy In Intact

I am sure by today the civil servants and the armed forces can cash their pays. We have released a sum of over 700 billion Riel or about 200 million USD for salary, functional increment and Khmer New Year bonus […] this has caused drop of amount of cash in treasury. It will pick up again after the Khmer New Year, though […] yesterday, despite the huge bulk of Khmer Riel was released, the macroeconomic state seemed to be doing just fine. The exchange rate to the USD was 4,010 Riel yesterday as compared to 4,050 Riel set in the budget law. This suggested that the Riel currency was stable and in good purchasing power […]./.


(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the friendly footbal...

It was due to the absence of peace that even the membership in the Olympics, which Cambodia has been one