Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Gathering of Workers/Employees in the Ta Khmao Area [Unofficial Translation]


Was Present at the Frontline with Soldiers in War Time

You may ask why I visited workers very frequently these days. I just wanted to let you know that it is because we have different priorities at different times. In the war time, people might have seen me in the frontline to figure out difficulties of our soldiers and people close to the battlefields. Though I did not went to battle myself, as Prime Minister, my job was to obstruct the return of the regime of Pol Pot. There was no negotiation with them. We fought to keep them away. Therefore, it was necessary for me to be with people and the army at the frontline […]

Was Present Inside Country and Abroad to End War

While fighting to prevent possible return of the regime of Pol Pot, we also conducted search for political settlement to the Cambodian problem. In those days, after seeing me in Battambang, Siem Reap, and other frontline battles, people saw me in France, Indonesia, etc. to conduct series of negotiations. It was in what we called time of war and peace existing together. We negotiated to end the war. Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Preah Borom Ratanakaod played a crucial role in ending the war […] the win-win policy had brought about peace for our country. It is a durable peace that brought about national unity and favorable conditions for national developments.

Was Present in Rice Fields

After the war ended, we had a pressing issue to deal with relating to agriculture. People saw me in many places with our farmers talking and solving problems relating to their cultural productions. We had to put in necessary infrastructures which support our agriculture but also Cambodia’s economic growth. People saw me in fields harvesting and transplanting rice […] to encourage our people through various public forum with farmers. People also saw me in various construction sites of bridges or roads […]

Now I Am Present at Factories with Workers

Now, though works relating to keeping peace has relaxed, our efforts in agriculture is not yet over. We continue to make effort for further agricultural growth. Along with that we also lay down policy for industrial development and relevant policies for national developments. I will continue to make my presence seen in industry and service sectors. I started with garments and apparel factories, enterprises, etc. It is in this reason that these days you see that I traveled and met with workers/employees in places. As of this moment, I have met with over 400,000 workers already […]

Busy Schedules in March and More

… Yesterday I had meeting with arts and performing arts professionals and career people, while today I am meeting with you workers/employees. The day after tomorrow, Saturday 10 March, I will preside over the river festival. They have scheduled a meeting for me with teachers without knowing that I have a wedding party of my niece, daughter of my youngest sister […] Next week, I will also have a heavy schedule. Next Wednesday, I do not see my schedule to meet with workers/employees. I will take that opportune moment to inaugurate a bridge across a river tributary in Kompong Cham. On Thursday next week, there will be this economic conference and I will leave for Australia in the afternoon. I will arrive Australia at 8:40 – Australian time. According to prior schedules, from 1:30 pm through to 2:25 pm, I will have a dialogue with my counterpart and Prime Minister of Australia, who host the ASEAN-Australia Summit. After that, I will meet with our Cambodian compatriots. I will do it though not one, twice or thrice, because the Summit will take place on 17 March. I will arrive back in Cambodia on Sunday […]

… Prior to the elections, there are many schedules inside the country and there is one more meeting of International Committee on the Mekong in Siem Reap in April. After my trip to Australia in March, I will go for the Greater Mekong Sub-region meeting in Vietnam. There will also be an ACMECS and CLMV meeting in Thailand in June […] President of the European Union Mr. Donald Tusk and European Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker wrote me a letter on 22 January inviting me for the Asia-Europe meeting in Brussels in October. There will also be a Japan-Mekong consultative meeting in the same month. After the formation of a new Royal Government, I will set out for the Asia-Europe meeting. I will reply to their invitations that I will go. Perhaps, I will also conduct visits to some countries in Europe, Turkey could be one of them. Returning from Europe, I will go to Japan and some other countries […]

By Constitutional Means, No Shortcuts

… Please convey my sincere thanks to your parents, grandparents, should they still be alive. I thank them very much for making contributions and journeying with the Cambodian People’s Party. We must continue to be together. Some murmured changes … where would they want changes to go? […] should they wish to change, they must do it in a legal way. They should not try the shortcut […] the other day that person wished for a negotiation. I responded that there would be no negotiation. The following night he gave an interview saying to seek a negotiation to get Hun Sen to step down peacefully. That he could not do what he wanted on me, he said to get me down by peaceful means. I am sending him a message that that I am here by constitutional means, I will go down only by the Constitution. There will be no shortcut […]

I also send message to some in Phnom Penh who said that Hun Sen pre-recorded his speech. As a matter of fact Hun Sen is seriously ill. I went the other day to inaugurate achievements in the pagoda of Tchouk Va. They said it was a pre-recorded action and event […] they told people lies (about my health) […] it is because they tell lies, they failed. There is a Khmer saying that goes “the more lies one tells, the more failure he suffers” […]

A Cooler Weather for the Khmer New Year

… Will there be any dances for the river festival? I wish to stay longer to see it. I have a house here (in Takhmao). I could either stay here or go to Phnom Penh. I am also a citizen of Takhmao town. In the future, when there will be a meeting in this part of the city, I may choose to stay here […] we may have a gathering with workers/employees in Svay Rieng after the Khmer New Year. We have noticed that there have been many rain this year. We have the feeling that the weather will be not too hot for our Khmer New Year event, which will come in more than a month time. I hope you will have chance to enjoy traditional games and sports […]./.


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