Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Meeting with Sportsmen to Take Parts in the 29th SEA Games in Malaysia


Increasing Investments in Sports

Together with other leaders, I have a great pleasure today to meet with our sportsmen who will take parts in the 29th SEA Games event in Malaysia. It is normal that I am seeing you off to compete in the SEA Games. It is true that Cambodia was the last to join ASEAN but the issue here is not whether one is the first or the last, or from a big or small country, because sports is equal.

Our preparation in the sports front has been making advancement year after year. As pointed out by Academician Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, about our training for national teams, we have increased investments in the field of education, youth, and sports. Especially in the last years, the Royal Government has doubled its investment focus on sports – either in infrastructure or in material and human resources […]

Good Gymnastics Proposal from Prey Veng Sports Trainers

I am so happy to see that the Cambodian youth are now having more chances and ability and we are working to expand their capabilities too. I travelled on land to provinces and I stopped by various primary schools, junior and senior colleges. Those students and their teachers all told me they really needed sports and place to practice them […] I went to numerous places. In one of the trip to Prey Veng on national Road 8, while people waited for me at Neak Loeung, I could not hold back my appreciation for sports teachers/trainers in the colleges there. When in every other place they would ask only for balls – volleyball, football or basketball, those trainers proposed to me to think about gymnastics. They had my attention and I noticed that we never think about these sports […] It has been no less than 15 years that I remind leaders in local level to pay attention on land management and organization of sports complexes. We need to train our sportsmen in local level […]

No Return of 2013 Situation

There has been media coverage about Vong Sot (Minister of Social and Veteran Affairs) saying he would hit someone with a bamboo. I would just say that I would not let the 2013 situation return. I would not let it go. They may not want to organize demonstration because of the post of Vice President of the National Assembly. Whatever they wanted, they organized demonstrations. Was it that the elected party has no right for a demonstration? What would happen if the two demonstration – for and against, are in conflict? … Was it not that the one who demanded Vong Sot to step down from his office is a US citizen? Would he check out what is happening in America? There are demonstrations and shootings here and there. They may keep anarchy in their country. Please do not export them to Cambodia. We would call that democracy and human rights. They may keep them for their country […]

I am thinking how to remove one of my grandchild’s US citizenship. He was born in the US when their parents were there to continue their studies. I may not wait until the US demands the citizenship removal. President Duterte of the Philippines recalled the other day about the US invasion, arrested and jailed the then President of Panama. I would not want my grandchild, who later turns 18 or 19 years old, to have to fulfill military obligation that will send them to fight other countries […]

Allow No Protest on Elections

I may clarify that in the recent Party meeting I did say that I would not allow protests … take for instance in the recent communal elections, they had gained that much. How much more would they want … Whatever the “situation room” wrote, the opposition just repeated it … They have demanded to register by Facebook. Should we not have the elections, if we are to do that? In our registration process, we need witnesses and each voter must print their fingers … If we were to do it on Facebook, how can we guarantee? What is their intention of raising such thing? Are they not intending to destroy the elections? If it is their intention, they may uphold sports mind and make it clear. Even though you will not participate in the elections, we will. We have laws to define things. If you demand something that is not defined by law, actions will be taken […]

Law on Political Parties for Prevention of Bloodshed

(We now have a) law that would dismantle a political party, should politicians act unlawfully. A number of our neighboring countries would resort to a military coup to control the situation. There is no need for us to do like them because we are holding power. However, we also need to keep situation under control. Look what happens now in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc. Would they sit down like us and talk about how to take part in sports competition? The military operation to retake Mosul from ISIS lasted 257 days and destroyed the whole Mosul city. They now talk about needing some 50 billion USD for its rehabilitation.

That was the US-form of democracy and it has created that kind of situation. I would not allow anyone to destroy my nation or peaceful life of our people. I would not allow them to transform our peace into war. Was I wrong to initiate the law on political parties (and its amendments)? It was for preventing blood from dropping. Without law, there would be anarchy and things would spiral out of control. You may remember fighting in the heart of city in1997. There was never such fight before. Unlawful actions then led to fighting in the heart of the city […] No color revolution is allowed. Color revolution is not only one to happen with arms, but it could also start with anarchy beyond control […]

SEA Seniors Games

Sports training of children and youth is a good thing and it help reduce inappropriate acts such as drug by the latter. It is therefore important for us to expand sport actions and coverage […] I think that our sports delegation could think about an initiative in the ASEAN framework. You may want to sleep on this idea. We have SEA Games, Para Olympics, etc. Would it not be time to have SEA Games for seniors? It would be a good time for former and current leaders to meet in SEA Games. It could be any one subject, for instance walking on a 300 meters distance track. Golf would be another one. Many ASEAN leaders played golf while in positions. There could be an age limit to 65 and over for example […]

Sports Depend Not on Size and/or Wealth of a Country

As I made it clear from the beginning that as far as sports in concerned, it does not work they way how a country is big or rich but on how well one would train and talent one would have. Look, India and China, they each have over one billion population, both of them have 2.5 billion, but they could not find the 22 best men (for football). China could not do it. India could not too. As for Korea, North or South, could make it to the World Cup. Now the North Korean female football team secures its rank as top team. As for the US, if they do not have a seat allocated to them automatically, they would have not been in the World Cup. However, the Poland team stopped the American team every time they met […]

I just wanted to have confident in yourselves and do not fear competitors of their country sizes or wealth […] According to predictions of the Ministry and the National Olympic Committee, we could make it to gold medals in Petanque, Tae Kwon Do, boxing, Khmer boxing, etc. […] I have two recommendations as followed:

Firstly, Using No Performance-Enhancing Substance

I am asking you all to avoid using performance-enhancing substance prohibited in sports, whether we would and would not score a medal. Should you do so, you not only failed to have a fair competition physically, mentally and in wisdom, but also losing national honor and dignity. You may remember that your presence is not for yourselves but for a nation, a race … Please control yourself. Once your urine and blood tests show that there has been substance as such, you will get fined […]

Secondly, Abide by Sports Rules and Regulation

We must have a fair competition in according with the set rules and regulation of each sport. We must not go for victory over negligence of rules and regulation. As you could have seen in some instances, in boxing, the one who knocked his competitor down lost the competition because he abused the rules or regulation […] that would bring about disaster to the sportsman and to the nation.

… This year we also have a team to compete in sailing boat. I initiated this team formation. I brought a former sportsman in sailing from Singapore to Phnom Penh to set up a sailing federation about more than a year ago. This year the Cambodian sailing team will join the competition. It is a new sport subject for us. We also make headway in preparing our golf team […]

Trump Is Correct to Rebuke US Media

… (The opposition) never hails our sports achievements. When the Sambor Prykuk became officially one of the world heritages, they were silent too. As for (fake) news that Hun Sen died of air crash, etc. they shared. Have they thought about a fact that people who support Hun Sen would go to them with sticks or even to their headquarters? That would be a situation difficult to control. When would it come from? It comes from them. Look at Tom and Jerry cartoon, Jerry was naughty and the author, who died already, was successful to portray Tom as a bad guy […]

I am sorry that I have brought up some issues in this meeting. I have the need to say it because there were many false misinterpretations. President Trump is correct to have rebuked the US media. They have been very bad. I said – “should Hun Sen die, you may too.” They made a title “Prime Minister threatens to kill.” I must say it again that as of this moment, I am still the Prime Minister. We have the whole cabinet, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers, Secretaries of State, etc. However, should I die those people would not be functional in their positions. They would remove from functions automatically. The situation would then be under the military and police control because they are public function forces.

There would be HE Pol Saroeun, commander in chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, Neth Savoeun, national police chief, and Sao Sokha, military police commander. There will be many other regiments. What if there would be instigations? Misunderstanding could cause armed clashes. Who would be in control? Tia Banh will no longer be in position to do what he could. Samdech Sar Kheng would also be dysfunctional. Who would control whom? That is why I said you should not want Hun Sen to die. Hun Sen can control this […]

In more than 30 years, I have worked to restore this country from destruction and/or from a ghost city. We have come to be like every other country […] Look, when the country was in good business and prosperity they mobilized people to support Lon Nol. What did the people get from it? It was destruction. We could not set up a funeral for that one word – “change.” We already made a change in 1979. We have brought this country up from 100% poverty to the present, when a year ago we offered each sportsman a pocket money of 300 USD in such competition. This year, because of the economic growth, each of you receives 500 USD. That is a transformation./.



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