Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, to workers in Prey Chhor district of Kampong Siem districts, Kampong Cham province [Unofficial and translation]


(1) Samdech Techo Hun Sen – “pining for and thinking of” people

[…] For the first time, after forming the new government, I came to meet the people of Kampong Cham. Before the election, in 2011, I visited a lot because my work based in Kampong Cham […] this is also the sixth meeting I am having with workers […] I would like to send a message and greeting from Samdech Techo Hun Sen, the former Prime Minister, who he said “he misses” and always thinks of all people, especially our workers. He has been “very thoughtful” and wants to know about the workers’ well-being and the progress of the policy of the policies architecture for decades regarding job creation […]

(2) NR7 expansion and Funan Techo Canal to give more benefits to people

In the near future, traveling through this area will be faster because the 45-kilometer stretch of National Road No. 7 to the Kizuna Bridge (in the Kompong Cham town), which Samdech Samdech Techo launched the construction ceremony early this year, (would be ready soon). Then the road will be bigger. (The road segment) from Phnom Penh to Skun is good for speed, but from Skun to Kampong Cham, the segment is still small. We have to expand it into four lanes – two lanes to and two lanes from. Soon traveling through this area will be faster, more efficient, and more factories will consider coming here […]

Along with this, as the Funan Techo Canal project links the sea to the (Bassac) river, it will increase the transport capacity from the Mekong-bordered provinces to the sea faster, and the economy along the river, including those in Kampong Cham province, will expand. We may ask who benefits from these? Definitely, its benefit will reach the people […]

There are many places in Kampong Cham that I used to visit as a child […] sometimes I traveled from Skun (in) high speed, as I saw car that had just been robbed on the road. We could not talk about highways, widening roads or anything. Even the existing roads are difficult and unsafe. We have now come to this moment that it is our pride and turns this place, a rice field, a difficult place, into a place that creates thousands of jobs […]

(3) Agro-industry and infrastructure – potential for jobs and growth of Kompong Cham

[…] Kampong Cham has great potential. There is a need for more people. Agri-industry is the potential for Kampong Cham, especially infrastructure. First, transportation is no longer afraid of ambushes or insecurity. Second, our road system is well connected and easy to transport. Thirdly, the electrical system (electricity) and water system has reached the conditions for the factory to set up in this place. It would not be possible to set up a factory to produce apparels or other materials without electricity, without transportation, and without stability, or without healthy people to go to work […]

(4) People voted the CPP to line up the Royal Government to implement further policies

On behalf of Samdech Techo Hun Sen, President of the Cambodian People’s Party and all the leaders of the Cambodian People’s Party, I would like to thank the people of Kampong Cham who participated in the recent election and overwhelmingly voted for the CPP. It is because of the people’s votes, the CPP has been given the opportunity to organize the Royal Government to implement further policies. The 44-year rule of the country will continue based on the support of the people throughout the country […]

More than 8,200,000 (or 84.59 percent of registered voters) went to the polls, whereby, 82.30 percent, or nearly 6,400,000, voted for the CPP. In Kampong Cham province, more than 550,000 people, or 85.19 percent (of registered voters), went to the polls, of which more than 416,000 people voted for the CPP. This has clearly reflected that the Cambodians have the satisfaction and trust on the leadership of the Cambodian People’s Party to serve them for 40 years, especially in 6th term of 2018, especially Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister and leaders (of the government of the previous term) who served the people with good results. (People) gives the Party the chance to go on […]

(5) Overwhelming votes for CPP allow not only effective election of the Royal Government but also maintenance of the country’s peace

I have met with leaders and ambassadors from many countries. They applauded the formation of our government and the process of (power transfer in) stability and peace. Every country recognizes the value of practicing democracy based on the rule of law and assuring peace for the people. No country is happy when it is insecure. No country – whether rich or poor – is happy when it falls into the flames of war […]

A few days ago, I decided allow withdrawal of our (peacekeeping) troops from Mali as the UN began evacuating some areas because those places were no longer operable for peace keeping […] that is (what would happen) if peace was not there […] peace and development that you have received, especially the overwhelming vote for them in this election, not only allow us to participate in the effective election of the Royal Government for your own future, but very important in maintaining the peace of our country […]

(6) If a leader is elected through demonstrations or revolutions or a coup, the country will not have peace

If we do not exercise our constitutional and peaceful choice of leaders through elections, but instead call for demonstrations or revolutions or coups like in 1970, we will not have peace. If the people do not participate in exercising their constitutional rights and do not elect the leaders responsibly in this way, our country would have the flames of war or the factory in this place would withdraw […] our people and children would be getting older and that would be difficult for them to study or to work, should instability arise. On the contrary, since you participated (in the election), it confirms that democracy, peace and development in our country continue to move forwards, allowing us and the next generation to continue to grow […]

(7) The basis of democracy is the legitimacy provided by the people

Seeing people gathering in Japan, in France, shouting and protesting, while some even went this far to (spread false news) that the Prime Minister of Cambodia, the head of the Cambodian government, who was invited by the United Nations to deliver a speech – had been unrecognized. (They shouted that) the government is illegal […] but at the end of the (demonstration, they) immediately sent words that the government should invite them for a talk. That they do not recognize the government, but they blamed the government for not having a dialogue with them […]

That they said the government does not have full legitimacy, they should ask the more than 500,000 Kampong Cham people who went to the polls and nearly 420,000 people went to vote for the Cambodian People’s Party. This is the basis of democracy. They may express their views, but the basis of democracy is the legitimacy provided by the people, and the Cambodian people and the Cambodian electorates, including the more than half a million people in Kampong Cham, (have done it). This is the basis of legitimacy that will continue to bring success to the people […]

Elections are a contract in a democracy between political leaders and the people. They have made the contract every five years. If the government does not do well, people will terminate their contracts when they go to the polls. But if you do a good job, the people are the ones who would renew the contract, and the stronger the vote, the better […]

(8) jobs and growth that benefit people from all walks of life

The first phase of the strategic policy of the Pentagonal Strategy, a continuation of the Rectangular Strategy, is to serve the people, pay attention to the priority areas, where people are the target. It focuses on increasing economic growth so that our nation’s economy can grow, create more jobs for the people, and ensure equity, which means that people from all walks of life benefit, not just the people who are wealthy, but also those with difficult living condition […]

Hence, the thing that we have to finish urgently before the end of 2023 is the priority on the health of the people, the capacity of the people, the training of farmers and of the people in the informal sector […] of course, the size of our economy cannot cover all at once, but we will continue step by step, and we can formulate various formulas to involve voluntarily those in the family burden […]

(9) Continuity and sustainability are policies of the RGC

Traveling abroad and in the country, people asked whether, after a change of leadership, there were any changes to the previous government’s policy […] I said two words only – continuity and sustainability […] continuity is to keep serving the people. Sustainability of political consistency is the unchanging cause of the Royal Government led by the Cambodian People’s Party for the nation and the people as a whole. These two are the policies of the new government. Sustainability and political consistency are for the cause of the nation, the motherland and the people […]

(Cambodian People’s Party) continues to be with the people, implement the policy for the people, continue to set new policies for growth. Yesterday I inaugurated the “Techo Santepheap” National Hospital and announced the expansion of the equity program as part of the expansion of health coverage. Next month, I will post another announcement – setting up a social security fund system, plus the implementation of a free training program, where trainees will also receive a paycheck […] no matter how hard they try to disturb me, I will just keep on meeting with the people talking to them RGC’s ideas, methods and policies of the Royal Government, which are in line with the people in all sectors and will work to serve the people on a regular basis […]

[…] Some people say that (the leadership way of) Hun Manet is not different from his father’s. Do they want me to lead like Pol Pot? where pagodas from hundreds of years had to be demolished? bridges to be blown off? religion to be removed? freedom to be prohibited? […] The people have given their special warmth in the 2023 elections, when tens of millions of people have made it clear that they are satisfied and recognized the results of the policies implemented in the past and wanted them to continue […] if we were to not listen to the people, who do we listen to? If we were to accept no kiss of the people, whose will we accept? If we do not serve the people, who do we serve? […]

(10) Cambodia also plays peace maintaining role in the region

[…] Not only committed to maintaining peace in its own country, the Cambodian government also plays an important role as a member of the United Nations, one of the ASEAN member-states, as far as its ability and resource allow to participate in maintaining peace and stability in the region (to keep it) from spreading […] last year, Samdech Techo, as the chair of ASEAN, worked hard to coordinate (for a ceasefire) in Myanmar so that the war would not spread […]

(11) RGC has been following the situation regarding Cambodians in Israel on a regular basis

Regarding what happened in Israel, some old political veterans came out to attack the government, while some bragged about raising money to buy plane tickets for (the Cambodian) students (caught up in the conflict between Hamas and Israel). As of now, more than 10 days passed, we have not seen the fundraising announcement […] if they truly think of the people, they should consider maintaining it regularly […]

It was unfortunate that one of our students died on October 7, when the war first broke out. The body was brought to Phnom Penh for a proper religious ceremony yesterday. The Royal Government is responsible for everything (regarding the ceremony) […] until now, the government has been following the situation on a regular basis. I ask relevant working groups to report to me four times a day […] the Prime Minister follows this matter up himself […]

We have tried to coordinate efforts – firstly, to find and identify the whereabout of the Cambodians and how many of them in Israel […] we had to find them and to acquire information whether they were in safe or unsafe location. We had to make sure they have contacts regarding their safety, and secondly, after we got the connection, […] we tried to coordinate moving those in unsafe zone to the safe zone where possible […] we did with every channel we could get on to […]

On the 14th (October), a week later, we set up a reserve safe place. First, the security that the work system of the Israeli company responsible for – they have arranged it for their citizens and also for our brothers/sisters who are working there. Second, we set up our safe haven 300 kilometers away from the confrontation, on the border between Egypt, Jordan and Israel […]

If there is a tense situation in Israel, we plan to provide more security for our people besides what we have done so far […] among the more than 420 Cambodians who communicated on Telegram said that they have volunteered not to leave. They continue to work where they are as they think they have safety, comfort, and even guarantees from the farm owner and guarantors […]

(12) CPP to make hopes for descendants to prosper more than us come true

(We all) wanted our children to be better than us […] so, from generation to generation, you must want everyone to grow better. The Royal Government led by the Cambodian People’s Party has nothing to thank you but to make your hopes come true so that your descendants will prosper even more than us. Together, we take care of the most important factor, our peace and development […]./.


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