Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Graduation Ceremony of University of Health Sciences Students [Unofficial Translation]


(1) Invested heavily in human health resource training

[…] In relation to Cambodia’s national journey, I am proud of this advancement in the health sector […] we have trained (the medical staff in professional way now) […] I myself, a permanent member of the Council of Ministers, came to the Ministry of Health meeting at the University of Health and on that day reopened the Faculty of Medicine […] we have invested heavily in human resource training as well as public health work. If we go back to the socio-economic situation of Cambodia at that time, especially the health of our people, it is clearly depressing. We have walked away from where we used to be, but it is not over yet, we still have many more to do […]

(2) Medical training in both public and private faculties/universities

Compare to the difficult departure point, in the context of the consequences that the Khmer Rouge left, we can proud of our joint efforts. We now have health officials with technical training deployed to various locations. Although not yet fully covered, most of us have addressed for (the needs of) the people. (This) is a necessary part for the welfare of the people. Look at the training sites, we have built many of them too. While we continue to do (medical) training in public faculties, we also have training in some private schools to improve human resources in the health sector […]

(3) Relying on human resources, technical equipment to control the world’s deadliest diseases

[…] I used to talk a few weeks ago about going through three fields that we all know to be Buddha’s prophecies […] interpretations say the first field is war, the second field is starvation, and the third field is disease. (If it is what it means) we have passed the first field, the war, the second field – the famine, but the third field is probably very difficult to cross […] regarding the third field – the disease […] we are relying heavily on human resources and technical equipment to control the evolving disease situation in the world. Global climate change is bringing new and unprecedented diseases so far, such as the Covid-19, the emergence of animal-related diseases such as bird flu, African swine fever […] we do not know what else will happen in the future […]

(4) Internships fought with Covid-19 gained experiment and helped the people, the Royal Government allowed recruitments for the health sector

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for graduates, some of whom had volunteered to join the fight against Covid-19 war. I still remember that we had prepared a volunteer youth medical force called TYDA, which later becomes our reserve medical staff in time of dire need. I believe that otherwise with the number of doctors and medical staff we have on a daily basis would not be enough […] students who joined the volunteer doctors/medical stall groups […] gained both ways – experimenting in their internships on the treatment the disease, and providing real health help to the people […] let me affirm that the Royal Government have made it the priority decision […] (to allow recruitments for the RGC public services) for health and education. Only in these two areas that the Royal Government provide the permission to recruit thousands of people each year […] because these recruits will serve the needs (for education) and for the treatment of people […]

(5) Countries come to learn from Cambodia, not only in the field of health

(The Minister of health) talked about foreign students who came to Cambodia for internships. This is an exchange program. We are usually among which countries send people to experiment. Not just in the health sector, there are many more sectors through this/that organization, this/ that financial institution. They come to learn about/from us. In one of the South-South (Cooperation) meeting, in Cuba […] President of São Tomé and Príncipe told me that as of that moment of speaking there was a team of six doctors from his country in Cambodia […] (coming to learn and experiment) through the assistance of the World Bank.

(6) Diseases thwarted by people preventive measures

I was surprised to hear that […] we enjoy having people coming to learn about our success in preventing or eliminating certain diseases such as polio. Without proper implementation mechanisms, we cannot achieve all that. We have eradicated some diseases, and are aiming to eradicate some diseases, especially malaria by 2025. I believe we can do it based on the declining number of cases of the disease. Some diseases can be prevented not by just treating them, but by people taking (preventive) measures […] we set out an action plan to eliminate certain diseases with specific date and activity. We must beware of the vicious diseases that may occur. It is difficult to predict what will happen in the future with such harsh climate change […]

(7) Rich countries media underestimated developing countries resolves to combat Covid-19

Who would have thought that there would be a Covid-19 coming? Countries considering themselves developed underestimated others’ ability to resolve the confronting issues. Maybe we should collect those newspapers (for archival purpose). Journalists in rich countries underestimated developing countries and poor countries (in their ability to combat with Covid-19). In Asia – they looked down on Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Bangladesh – to be unable to fight the disease due to a weak health system. On the contrary, these weak countries kept the Covid-19 under control, while the rich country had witnessed hundreds of thousands of deaths, if not millions […] the issue is it is not only about having strong or weak technology alone. We rely on technology, but fighting the unseen enemy requires a clear assessment and taking required measures as those that Cambodia has done and is always ahead of the situation. Fighting invisible enemies is very difficult […]

(8) China – Cambodia’s strategic vaccine supplier

Just this vaccine issue alone, we see that some countries have a lot of money but could not get the vaccines needed. That might have happened due to uncertain decisions about the source of the vaccine supply, from which source would they consider their main. We have picked China as a strategic reference in the supply of vaccines, while other sources are a source of support. China produced the vaccine and gave it to Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand and many countries in the Middle East. Later, other countries supplied other vaccines to us. Even there were vaccines, we would not have secured success yet […]

(9) Administering blossoming approach to vaccination

Each country has different measures. Some countries use equity measures […] we have used the blossoming approach (vaccination) where we concentrate vaccination everyone in Phnom Penh and Kandal (before we enlarge the circle to cover other parts of the country). This indicated that even if we have vaccines, it may not be a sure thing that you could control the situation if you take the wrong steps. This is an experience that we need to document for later. It is not that we are going by the book when the situation comes, but this at least helps us see about we in this hard time managed and took action to prevent the disease […]

(10) With unethical management, science and technology can lead to danger

Whatever development the world has achieved in sciences and technology, without ethics to govern it, they tend to lead the world to more dangers […] some learned persons of medicine, for example, do not think of producing drugs to treat disease, but weapons to kill each other. The world today is like that. At the latest ASEAN-AIPA (ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly), the ASEAN-Youth and ASEAN-Business sector dialogues, before the Heads of State, Heads of Government, delegation in attendance, especially those with brain of resources and research, I have had their attentions that – “if the world cuts military spending by only 50% and turns it into economic and social service, cost of medicine will go down, cost of medical equipment will go down.” “Unfortunately, as of now, they are racing on making weapons to kill each other, rather than researching to make medicine and medical equipment cheaper.” This is factual […]

(11) The arms dealers’ profit makes the conflict in the world unsolvable

Many have joined hands to send weapons to Ukraine to attack Russia. If this continues to happen, the Russian-Ukrainian war will not be solvable and negotiations will not be possible. War is raging in Sudan, where conflicting parties are rocking Sudan’s capital, Kathmandu […] the one who reap the most profit are the arms dealers. Conflict cannot be resolved. The unfortunate thing is that they spend too much money with the production of lethal devices. If they reduce military spending by only 50% and divert it to producing life-saving equipment, medicine price will go down, medical equipment price will go down, technical research in this field to protect human life will be good […] (weapons productions) complicated this world […] we are also in the world. We must be responsible for protecting the welfare of the people […]

(12) Wearing Japanese artificial eye – never have headache for 33 years now

In the future, we will find a way to make good quality artificial eyes in our country. I have worn artificial eyes provided by Japan and made with Japanese technology in around 1990 until now […] it has been 33 years now that I have never had a headache from wearing it. Even though I have not had much sleep, I do not have a headache because I am wearing the good quality artificial eye (ocular prosthesis). Now Japan gives more. In 2017, I visited Japan and prepared four more for me. The new ambassador said that Japan will help produce more. I am prepared that at some point I will go to Japan to visit the ocularist for a thorough check and preparation of the ones that are fit for my eyes […]

(13) “I can now stand firm” and “my right arm is stronger”

In the end, my family and I have decided to have surgery (in my waist). This story has been hidden since 2017. Until now, it is already six years. I can confirm now that I underwent waist surgery. (Now recovered from it,) I can play golf normally and stand strong. There is no numbness in my legs like before […] in another bicycle accident, I have had a bones dislocation problem. I was sent to Singapore to reassemble it. When it comes to golf, my right hand now is stronger. The doctor said after putting back into its place, the right arm will even be stronger. It is but it is better not to have any surgery […] now there is no time for further surgery. We have to strengthen our ability and capacity in the field of surgery in our country […]

(14) Sea Games closed successfully, Cambodia’s reputation and honor stays long

[…] There is still something to talk about the SEA Games. We successfully closed the SEA Games yesterday […] I have made a correct decision on this fact that we are hosting responsibly, which means we are picking on a part of the ASEAN integration initiative by incorporating a non-acceptance of payment. Money can be spent, but not fame and honor. As a member of ASEAN and as a leader of an ASEAN country, I can take the initiative on this or that issue, including sports, which Cambodia has been proactive as a way to strengthen solidarity among the people of ASEAN […]

No one has had a life-threatening accident or any unhappy thing happen in Cambodia (during the SEA Games 32). This is a good thing for our country. I have just said that Cambodia’s reputation is very important. The Cambodia’s honor will stay not just one day, two days, one year, two years, but for 100 years ahead. GANEFO (Games of new emerging forces), took place since 1966 in the country, has left a legacy to this day. Although Cambodia went through wars, genocidal regimes and many regime changes, the reputation of the former King, the then head of state and the image of Cambodia at that time are still intact at present […]

(15) 17 million people say SEA Games is a national pride, few expect to be blamed

Some people often ask us, “why doesn’t Cambodia charge fees from the games participants?” or some even say ” do not need to organize the SEA Games, and save money for other needs.” I had emphasized that the SEA Games is an obligation […] on the one hand, the 17 million people express the spirit of national pride. The other side is just a few think it is to be blamed […] at the opening celebration, there was this song “Mi Chong, Mi Kompong, Mi Chha” (instant noodle, canned noodle and fried noodle) sung by Preap Sovath – they insulted him for the wong […] they made themselves enemy of artists […] they may go on insulting at Khemarak Sereymon, Khem, Ok Sokunkanha, Sokun Nisa and Ton Chanseima […] enjoy themselves scorning singers […]

(16) SEA Games organization success – pride of the nation SEA Games Passed with pride […] I dedicate every achievement of this SEA Games to people all over the country. It is not a separate matter of the Royal Government and its few implementers, but our people, those who have supported and are excited about what Cambodia has done. Every stakeholder. The 17 million people of this generation are all involved, no matter what party they belong to, as long as they are confident that this SEA Games is the pride of the Khmer nation. Unless they do not recognize it, there is no need to accept it […] another point to keep in mind is that Cambodia is the only country in history to have spent only more than US$ 100 million for the whole organization of SEA Games […]./.
