Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the inauguration and graduation ceremony of students of the Royal University of Fine Arts [Unofficial Translation]


(1) The Royal University of Fine Arts near the National Museum was established more than 100 years ago

We already know the history of more than 100 years of the University of Fine Arts in our country, which is located in Phnom Penh, near the National Museum […] in the former state of Cambodia, (former Minister of Culture and Fine Arts) HE Chheng Phon visited a place near the old stadium. I used to go there to meet artists and high school students in the fine arts. Later, due to lack of resources, we transferred the place to the private sector (in exchange for a location). We created a new place […] we apply the method of “take palm leaves to pack palm sugar”. In other words, we take what we gained from the achievement of Phnom Penh to develop Phnom Penh, such as the construction of bridges, overpasses, etc. […]

(2) The new University of Fine Arts will be inherited for hundreds of years

[…] Even though it is not sufficient right now, I think it is quite awesome for the moment. We will advance step by step. The Republic of Korea will help us more […] that side is to become the cultural center there […] the base here will be a legacy for hundreds of years to come if we take good care of it. Our old University of Fine Arts has now become a heritage. We cannot demolish it or build anything there. We have this place to solve the training needs of students […] that’s an opportunity for the University of Fine Arts to have a foundation for its work, not just training. Now, ceremonies, sometimes an entertainment event can be organized at the cultural center here […]

(3) Building a foundation is difficult, but making it sustainable is another task

[…] Building a foundation is a challenge, but to ensure its sustainability is another. Let there be effort to maintain and to exercise saving, especially on electricity consumption […] it would be wise to set up a venue for thousands of people […] sometimes if some ministries or sectors ask to rent the building, you may consider renting them. However, we rarely do that because some people rent it for political party meetings […]

(4) 2% to 4% of 1.5 million poor youth to take training of ancestors’ vocations

[…] This is an investment in human resource training. Do not get a wrong perception that fine arts are all about arts. It is not so. We have other subjects like architecture, archeology, visual arts, choreography, music, etc. […] among the training of poor students in the future, the Royal Government will cover the cost of training for 1.5 million youth of poor households, of which 2% to 4% are allocated for the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts to train human resources in ancestral vocation heritage. This is a number that the university as well as the Ministry must pay attention to in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training and other related departments […]

(5) There is no cultural invasion, only voluntary acceptance

[…] I should remind you all about the fact in 50 or 100 years from now, the younger generation will receive links from us that are not in accordance with the rules. I would like to ask you to be careful, especially the problem of statues. If you do not do the right thing, we do not know what will happen in the future? […] we must be very careful or that wrong things becomes (a legacy model) […] I do not believe in cultural invasion. I still claim that I do not believe in this cultural invasion because it is impossible to invade. The most frightening thing is voluntary acceptance. This is something to be careful about. As we could see it – France ruled us for 90 years. You may ask if France could change us. We do not accept French culture. Our pagodas have been places to store (the Khmer) literature. While ruling other countries, many speak French, use French alphabets or language […]

(6) France invited Krom Ngoy to sing and record

Our neighbors, like Vietnam, originally had Chinese characters […] when the French came, they Romanize their language (using French characters). As for Cambodia, France has not been able to change Cambodian culture. The Cambodians kept them in pagodas. We should also be grateful to France as far as Krom Ngoy is concerned. It is France who called him in to sing and let someone record it. (We) got the French help, or Krom Ngoy is gone. There would otherwise be no Krom Ngoy (narration of life ethics) today […]

(7) Win-win politics saved the Suay dance to life

The implementation of win-win politics brings about national unity and territorial unity, providing opportunities in all areas, including the arts, even the Suay dance that is an inheritance of people from Kampong Speu, Pursat and Koh Kong provinces. Suay dance could have been extinct if there was no win-win political practice, and the end of war, bringing about peace, national unity, and territorial unity. On ground that we have agreed on this territorial unification, our culture teams can come to every part of the country to study immediately, the Suay dance is a case in point […]

All we have to do now is defending the peace, because if we let a dozen or one hundred people destroy the peace of the 17 million people, how can we call it governing the country. Well, we cannot give up easily. Peace is precious and hard to find. Do not wait till you lose peace to shout for it. Only when peace is lost that the value of peace is realized. Now do not wait till you are losing the peace […] we must take care of it […]

(8) The leadership of Buddhist Mahanikaya should meet to resolve disputes and should not resort to Facebook

Last night, the Secretary General of the Buddhist monks’ directors issued a statement criticizing Samdech Sao Chanthol. Can you call each other to sit down and talk? Why do you have to announce the crack of the leadership engine […] who is to talk to these monks? It will have to be me. I beg from a distance to Samdech Preah Sangkhareach, the Royal Council of Buddhist monks’ directors and deputy directors […] to please be patient and talk to each other. Why is it necessary to issue an announcement on Facebook? Now you are arguing on Facebook […] please take back that statement […] we just talked about racial and religious harmony (not long ago) […] the Mahanikaya itself is at odds with each other and within the leadership too […] where is the Minister of Religious Affairs and Cult? […]

(9) Post and Telecommunications to look into Home Internet Service Provider These days, the Internet in our country is not stable. I do not know why […] I want to talk to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, as well as to the satellite cities that sign exclusive agreement with this/that company […] I would like to point out the worst company in Cambodia “Home Internet” […] the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications should check on the company […] in other countries they are ready to get on with 5G and your internet speed is still at 2G […] also, some people added to my Telegram account and bring in many bothering issues. I want to delete them […] I have a lot of works […] I apologize in advance that I will block anyone who comes in and brings problems […] If you send a message, since I do not have much time, please do not make it too long […]./.


Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, at the celebration of t...

Cambodia was and still is considered an agricultural country. By 2023, agriculture accounted for about 22% of the country’s