Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen,​​ Visit to Poipet (Location-2), Banteay Meanjei, to Meet Flash Flood Victims [Unofficial Translation]


The Whole Country Shares Hardships with Banteay Meanjei

I am bringing to you messages of HM the King and the Queen Mother, who always have their compassions and concerns on people’s sufferings. I am taking this time to share our people’s suffering and hardships caused by flooding. It happened frequently in Banteay Maeanjei […] but this time it is a big one requiring interventions from national levels. As head of an executive power, I personally join in the efforts to help resolve difficulties of people in Banteay Meanjei province, the hardest-hit by flood. According to the report of the provincial governor, affected households have now reached 36,000 […]

As we are sharing this hardship with our people in Banteay Meanjei, I wanted you to know that we treated this hardship as a common one for the whole country not for a family/household, village/commune, district, and province. This has really compounded hardships that we have been fighting from Covid-19 pandemic threat. In 2000 and 2001, flash flood also attacked Beanteay Meanjei but in a more manageable scales. This time around, the scale of disaster is enormous compared to the ones before. It has called for urgent intervention to move our people to safe grounds […]

Households to Restore Livelihood; RGC to Rehabilitate Infrastructure

Our effort, as one can see, has been to liberate our people from death under the Pol Pot’s leadership. We later tried our best to extinguish the flame of war to prevent casualties. We have ended the war with win-win policy to keep our people life safe. The flood disaster and/or traffic accident, however, has taken or people’s life […] we have suffered damages and losses. What remains with us now is life. When the flash flood threat is over, restoration of life for each family/household begins. What we have brought for you today is for a short-term relief of your hardships. As we move forwards, every family/household must make their own efforts […]

From its part, the Royal Government also have responsibility to take in rehabilitating damaged infrastructures such as roads, canals, schools, hospitals, etc. […] we have done a great job so far to rescue our people everywhere that flood hit and move them to safe ground. We have been taking simultaneous and prompt actions in this phase and I hope we continue to do good in the coming phase of post-flood restoration and rehabilitation […]. On another front, Covid-19 has neutralized customs left by thousands of years of our ancestor. We can no longer sit closer to one another […] people could not even do their businesses at Rong Kloeu market on the Thai side for preventive measures against Covid-19 […]. With these difficulties caused by Covid-19, flash flood, unprecedented in 70 years, has added to the weight […]

Contributions for the Sake of Helping People

I thank generous people for their contributions to assist people in time of hardships either through their own actions or through authorities and/or national institutions. I received an online message showing a man saying in his Facebook profile that “(the Cambodian People’s Party is) a Party that always raise money” for flood, for building collapses, etc. Let me return a message to them that if you make yourselves enemy to money, you may do so. We accept contributions from generous people, no matter how much or how less, for the sake of helping people in hardships […]

No matter how much their contributions would be, I accept them because it is their wish to help others […] they trust the Royal Government, they love people and they wanted to do good thing for them. Some come out and offer helps by themselves. Some do it through institutions and the Royal Government and myself. I thank them all. Having said this, the person even insulted their majesties because they also make their shares (to help people with) […] I do not wish to respond but I have the need to explain it to our people […]./.


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