Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Inauguration of the National Road 58 [Unofficial Translation]


National Road 58 – Border City of Poi Pet and Uddar Meanjei’s Samraong City

I am so happy to return to Banteay Meanjei once again after my presence last year to join with Prime Minister Prayuth Chan Ocha of the Kingdom of Thailand to connect the rail links and opening of the Stoeung Bot pass – another achievement of cooperation between the Kingdom of Cambodia and Thailand. Today, with Ambassador Wang Wentian and our people here, we are putting into official use the national road 58 of 174 Km running between the border city of Poi Pet and Uddar Meanjei’s city of Samraong, under the financial assistance from the People’s Republic of China and the Royal Government’s counterpart fund.

Thank People of Banteay Meanjei for Voting CPP

Before talking more about this road, please allow me to take this opportune moment to thank our people in the province of Banteay Meanjei for always voting the Cambodian People’s Party in support of my leadership, especially in the general elections of 2018. I am so glad to have joined with people of Cambodia in the whole country and in Banteay Meanjei, particularly, implement important tasks in search of peace, national reconciliation and development.

With supports of the Buddhist monks and people, the Cambodian People’s party has more ability to lead, and I continue to stay as Prime Minister. I wish to take this moment to inform you that my role will not be for one day or two days or by 2023. I have an ambition to continue to stay in office until 2028 or even after that. I hope that our people will continue to support the Cambodian People’s Party in the forthcoming communal elections in 2022 and the general elections in 2023.

National Roads 56, 58 and 59 Yield Two Goals

Today, we are putting into official use the national road 58 running from the border town of Poi Pet on national 5 through to the city of Samraong of Uddar Meanjei. The road actually allow me to realize two goals at once […] after implementing win-win policy, I put into practice two goals for our country’s development. Firstly, transforming former battlefields into marketplaces and development areas, and secondly, transforming borderline with neighbouring countries into areas of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development […]

We are proud that this battlefield has now become an area where there is development. I am glad to have participated with other actors to work for our country’s unity and reunification […] along the national road 5 to its north side, the area controlled by three forces – the former Khmer Rouge, KPNLF and FUNCINPEC/ANS […] on its southern side, the Khmer Rouge controlled it from Koan Khla through to Malai and Pailin. KPNLF and Funcinpec could not get into those areas. Thanks to win-win policy, Banteay Meanjei in particular, and the Kingdom of Cambodia as a whole, replaced controls by four different factions by the one Royal Government, one armed forces, and HM the King […]

Without Peace, No Human Rights and No Democracy

This has been the point that Cambodia is proud and in every international forum, we have shared experiences with friends who are interested in understanding the core formula of Cambodia’s win-win policy that brought decades-long divided country together. We could not tell people what to do but we could proudly share our responses to people’s aspiration to end war and to bring about peace, national unity and to have no more armed conflict. It is on this note that I always have your attention that we must defend peace at all costs. Without peace, no one can speak of human rights, democracy and development. I hope people will work together to defend peace in the Kingdom of Cambodia. As you can see, it is with peace that we can build national road 58.

Chinese Assistance Helps Infrastructural Development

Our inauguration today shows further close relations between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the People’s Republic of China. I wish to clarify to those who have misunderstood this relation. Would we have this national road 58 today, or the national road 59 from Banteay Meanjei to Battambang and Pailin, or the national road 57B from Thmor Kuol to the border with Thailand in Battambang?, if we did not have assistance from China? […] this year we are celebrating the tenth anniversary of comprehensive strategic relations with China […]

My visit to the People’s Republic of China at its hard time, while other countries dare not, […] has brought about in China media and among netizens comments “an elegant man on opposite direction” […] why on opposite direction? Some countries have discriminated Chinese and even moved their citizens out of China. Some closed down flights. I did none of those. I moved no Cambodians out and closed no flights. Chinese people continue to work in Cambodia without discrimination. I visited the People’s Republic of China to show our friendship with efforts and people of China in combating Covid-19 […]

I think that we have made a correct decision for the friendly relations between Cambodia and China. People may want to see at the end of the day what would happen to this relation […] today we put into official use the national road 58. On 9 March, I will put into official use the national road 55 from Viel Veng in Pursat through to Thmor Da at the border with Thailand. At the same time, I will launch the construction of national road 10 – a brand new road, from Battambang’s Samlot through to Koh Kong province under China’s financial assistance. Though in trouble (with the Covid-19), China does not cancel its help to build this over 100 Km road from Battambang to Koh Kong. China continues to loan as well as to grant for other projects in Cambodia […]

Resolving Demanded Raw Materials from China

Ambassador Wang Wentian talked about supplying 60% of cloths demanded in Cambodia as soon as possible from China. I hope that HE Ambassador will help inform the People’s Republic of China to figure out sending needed materials to Cambodia […] I think China and Cambodia can work it out even if we have to bring in cloths/raw materials via air to save factories in Cambodia from closing. China has many planes […] this would save our workers from job cancelation or loss because closing factories for lack of raw materials. What we could send by ship, we do it. What we could send by plane, we do it […] we can think of ensuring supply by air and sea […]

Though I declared the other day should there be suspension from work temporarily, Cambodian workers are entitled to a 60% pay from their basic salary 190 USD […] however, I do not want that to happen. I think the best solution is to ship in raw materials in a timely manner […] some Chinese officials have come and discussed this matter […] we may spend more on transportation but we can keep jobs and incomes for our workers as the production lines in factories would be able to go on with profits […]

A Friend in Need Is A Friend Indeed

I would not wish China to face hardships. Because once they did, other countries would too […] impact of tourism has shaken the world. There are over 100 million Chinese tourists per year visiting foreign countries. That the Chinese cancelled their trips caused business losses to hotels and restaurants. We also have lost up to 90% Chinese tourists because they are now cautious of making journeys. I hope that Chinese tourists will come back later as there is no discrimination against them in Cambodia. After the Chinese economy recovered from Covid-19, I wish to see more tourists coming to Cambodia […]

I would go on saying that the real disease faced by the region and world is not novel coronavirus but fear. Fear from Covid-19 is one thing but the bigger fear was fear itself and discrimination. Some have adhered to inappropriate behaviours on the matter. It was quite unfortunate. In good time, they look to China for assistance. In bad and sad time, there seemed to be desertion China. Representing Cambodia, Their Majesties the King and the Queen Mother delivered heartfelt messages and financial contributions to China. I did what the Cambodian proverb says – “a friend in need is a friend indeed” […]

Good Trade Relation with Thailand

This road is also serving our good trade relation and connectivity with the Kingdom of Thailand. Along the road, there are four border passes – O Bei Juan, Boeung Trokuon, Jub Koki, and Thmor Doan. Among them, three have already opened. O Bei Juan has not yet opened. I think we continue to discuss to ensure good trade relations as our volume with the Kingdom of Thailand is roughly seven billion USD […] it is true that we bought more from Thailand than Thailand bought from us. We are in need of construction materials […] raw materials […] fuels, etc. […] I discussed with Prime Minister Prayuth Chan Ocha to open the O Nieng pass to have a connectivity to Thailand since we have special economic zone (in Koh Kong) […]

If Without China’s Help, Who Would?

I may convey through Ambassador Wang Wentian my thanks to the People’s Republic of China for the non-interest aid and loans for Cambodia to put its infrastructures in place. As of this moment, there are over 3,000 km (asphalted) roads, both completed and under construction projects. We have built bridges in Stoeung Treng, Kandal, and one under construction in Kompong Cham’s Kroach Chhmar district […] we have already tabled projects to build a new bridge at Kratie and a road to run from Kratie to Kompong Thom. We also have an ambitious plan to build a road that will connect the city of Kompong Chhnang to Kompong Thom – a span of nearly four kilometres.

We may ask a question, should China stay away, who would help accomplish all this? If China did not come to help, who would, let me ask. We welcome assistance from Japan with which we have this bridge Kizuna at Kompong Cham and Tsubasa at Nak Loeung. Japan helped us with the national road 1. Japan is now engaging in the national road 5 from Prek Kadam through to Pursat and to Battambang. We welcome assistance from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank for their parts in our infrastructural development.

We also welcome (Republic of) Korea for its improvement of the national road 3 before we decided to seek financial help from China to enlarge it; the national road 2 and 22 from Kandal to Takeo and to Kompot. RoK also helps us rebuild national road 48, which Thailand helped us improved. We welcome friends: Japan, Republic of Korea, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and OPEC for their helps. However, who would do the over 3,000 km (asphalted) roads and about ten kilometres bridge, if China were to not do it?

China’s Assistance Needed Everywhere

If they have no idea what are in stock for future (infrastructures), those analysts who make fool remarks should have at least seen what we have already accomplished. Their extremism caused trouble. We welcome helps from everywhere […] if there are many to help Cambodia, I think, China is even happier. China also has many other countries to help. ASEAN is in need of capitals from China. In Latin America and Africa, they all needed capitals from China. If more countries come in to help Cambodia, China could channel their financial assistance elsewhere, China’s own investment included […]

Why can they not understand? They always argue in their analysis that (Cambodia) abandon the US and Europe for China. Let me affirm here, I am not abandoning anyone. I needed all the friends I could make. The US is doing business with China. Why do you hate China that much? It would be unrealistic in your way of conducting politics. With this kind of politics, how could you become a leader for Cambodia? Cambodia is exercising international relations irrespective of political tendency. As of this moment, we have diplomatic relations with over 170 countries […]

Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Cambodia has become a comprehensive strategic partner with China and strategic partner with Japan. Have they noticed that? […] we even have one destiny community agreement between us Cambodia and China. I hope people understand the benefits from the road we put into use today and other roads that allow us to connect within our country but also with the Kingdom of Thailand, Vietnam and Laos. It all happens because of financial assistance from the People’s Republic of China. I am sure our friends understand the true benefits that we have scored in partnership with China and other countries […]

No Stamping Duty for House/Home Units Purchases at 70,000 USD and Lower

I have declared a number of economic measures last Monday about emption of stamping duty for any purchase of houses at 70,000 USD or lower […]. I forgot to include home units in condominium […] some may not understand what is home units in condominium. It cots anywhere between 50,000 to 70,000 USD. People who can afford can look up for what they needed […] at those prices, you do not have to pay stamping duty. This is to clarify the point in the set of policies I declared in times of dealing with regional and world economic impacts because of Covid-19 […]./.


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