Samdech Techo Hun Sen Receives Outstanding High School Students

Phnom Penh, October 07, 2019 –As promised, Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen held a get-together here this morning at the Peace Palace with 443 high school students who got grade A in this year’s exams.

This is the 6th year that Samdech Techo Hun Sen receives and gives rewards to grade A students.

During the gathering, the Premier expressed his sincere congratulations to them on their success and encouraged them to continue studying hard to be good human capital. He also briefed them on the country’s progress and achievements.

About 68.62 percent, or 79,052 out of 115,208 high school students who were present during the exam sessions, obtained their baccalaureate.

Among these successful students, 443 got grade A; 2,430 grade B; 5.847 grade C; 14,100, grade  D; and 56.232 grade E. Most of the grade A students (141) come from Phnom Penh capital, followed by the provinces of Siem Reap (38), Battambang (32), Takeo (29), Kampong Cham (27), Prey Veng (27), Banteay Meanchey (25), Kandal (23), Kampot (23), Thbong Khmum (15), Kampong Thom (14), Preah Sihanouk (13), Svay Rieng (8), Pursat (7), Kampong Chhnang (6), Kampong Speu (6), Kratie (4), Rattanakiri (2), Koh Kong (1), Mondulkiri (1) and Oddar Meanchey (1).

This year’s exams took place on Aug. 19-20 in 202 centres across the country. The exam, correction and scoring process was conducted successfully without noticeable incidents.

Last year, the success rate among high school students was 67.07 percent. Of the graduates, 408 earned grade A; 2.222 grade B; 6.041 grade C; 15.180 grade D; and 52,183 grade E.

By Khan Sophirom


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