Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen,​ at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the National University of Management [Unofficial Translation]


Re-connecting Road/Bridge and Rail with Thailand

I am glad to join with you in the beginning of this week. You may all have known that yesterday there was this historic event to re-connect road/bridge and rail between the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Kingdom of Thailand. We have built a bridge and road to divert flow of goods from tourists. The railway – cut off over the past forty years – has been reconnected. Prime Ministers of the two countries have travelled together in the train. According to the agreement signed yesterday, people can travel to the border and even into Thailand […]

Learning While Working

As is reported by Minister of Education HE Hang Chuonnaron, there has been 49,915 students studied and graduated from the National University of Management (NUM) since the 1980s. It reminds me of the late Minister of Posts and Telecommunication – So Khun, who, after Pol Pot closed all schools and education, resumed his study in NUM, which in those days was National Institute of Management (NIM) […] this should remind us all of students who, after the interruption of education by and surviving the regime of Pol Pot, had come to work and also to continue their education at the same time. Even people (government officials) sitting here, some of them had had their educations interrupted in the time of war and resumed their educations afterwards […]

Political, Administrative and Business Chances for Women

As far as number of female graduates is concerned I may invite Minister of Women’s Affairs, HE Ing Kantha Phavi, to follow it closely […] though we have not yet reached a 50-50 status but growth (of female students) is an encouraging sign. We have set out goal to designate female civil servants in every level whether in politics, administration, and business. We are encouraging women to take up opportunity. (As some female students may have to marry after finishing high educations) I am encouraging husbands to allow their wives to continue their studies to higher level of education. Though we still have inequality between men and women, we also noticed that barrier of tradition and custom has been removed gradually. That we have now 31% are female graduates (recorded in senior level of post-graduation education) means that there will be more women pursuing higher education and this will respond to goal on development set for gender equality […]

Khmer New Year Strengthens Cultural Activities and Tradition

Yesterday, at the ground-breaking ceremony to build a border inspection office and a road connecting the bridge at Stoeungbot to the national road 5 there was not enough time to talk about this, please allow me to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to national and sub-national authorities, the armed forces for making their efforts to create and to protect public order and security for our people to welcome the Khmer New Year […] besides the traffic accidents that caused 50 deaths and 300 injuries, the Cambodian people in general have, despites growing heat because of climate change condition coupling with lack of electricity, really enjoyed the festivities […] with extra electricity provided from Vietnam and Thailand, we have ensured that the Khmer New Year festivities have gone on joyfully. This year, people organized Sangkranta activities everywhere […] we must take the Khmer New Year chance to strengthen cultural activities and tradition in community […]

Four Factors to Enjoy Khmer New Year

We have two major traditional events – the Khmer New Year and Phjum Ben. People have taken good care of our tradition concerning Phjum ben […] now we are spreading concept of Sangkranta further after we have re-introduced it at Angkor Wat over the past years. Important factors making all this happen is peace. Peace is the first and key factor in providing our people chance to enjoy the festivities […] secondly, infrastructural connectivity. It is true that war ended in late 1998 but through to 2000, people had had hard times traveling to their native villages because there were still not many roads […] thirdly, people have better means of transportation. Some may have their own means of transportation […] and some are using public and hired means of transportation […]

(Talking about transportation) I thank the Phnom Penh Municipal for disposing free ride – first 120 public buses, and later increased to 150 buses – for seven days […] and fourthly, people have improved incomes with which they can spend for trips to enjoy the festive seasons and to contribute to religious rites […] according to figures from tourism, about nine millions people travelled for festivities purposes and many have travelled abroad […] I told Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha yesterday that I believe about one million Cambodians toured Thailand […] Prayuth said among neighbouring countries – Laos, Myanmar, and Malaysia, trade with Cambodia is the biggest […]

Making Cambodia Safe from Terrorists

Let me take this opportune moment to condemn vehemently terrorist acts carried out in Sri Lanka […] it was on this ground that I always urged our competent authorities to take high responsibility on national security issues […] we must not allow Cambodia to be target of terrorist acts or shelter for terrorists […] that we are now living in peace, we must keep working to secure our country is safe from terrorist acts causing loss of life […] some may know how to talk nicely but to manage the country is yet a different matter. To keep the country safe is not simple and anyone can just do it as s/he may wish to. I do not infer to anyone but (it was a silly thing to say about) arresting Hun Sen. S/he may come herself/himself to do so and we will see. S/he would not dare come […]

Control of Weapons and Explosives

We are in pondering whether or not this terrorist act in Sri Lanka is connecting to last-month terrorist act in New Zealand […] terror in Sri Lanka and New Zealand give Cambodia lessons on need to keep strict controls on uses of weapons and explosives. Too much freedom of using arms and explosives would harm people’s peaceful life. In some countries, there have been incidents of school shooting […] Cambodia must be strict on that. Despites our strict measures, there had been cases of man pointing guns at others […]

Busy Diplomatic and Regional Relations

Yesterday I have fulfilled tasks regarding economy and trade. We have improved connectivity through land and rail, which will have positive repercussion on macro-economy. Today I am working on education. Tomorrow, I have some diplomatic tasks to carry on – meeting with foreign delegation and ambassador ending missions. On 25 April, I will leave the country to Beijing, the People’s Republic of China, for a conference of “one belt, one road” […] according to schedule, on 29 April, after meeting with President Xi Jinping, I will set my return to Phnom Penh. Madame Aung San Sukyi – state adviser of Myanmar, will also travelled back from Beijing on the same day to conduct her official visit in Cambodia on 30 April. We are busy with regional diplomacy and relations not only in the political but also socio-economic setup for cooperation and development […]./.


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