Cambodian Celebrates World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day 2017

AKP, May 08, 2017 –Cambodia joined other countries around the world to mark the 154th anniversary of the World Red Cross and Crescent Day.

The celebration was held at the headquarters of Cambodian Red Cross (CRC), Phnom Penh this morning under the presidency of Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and Samdech Kittiprittbandit Bun Rany Hun Sen, President of CRC, with the participation of members of CRC, members of Parliament and government, local and foreign charitable people, and CRC’s youth volunteers.

Representatives of International Committee of the Red Cross and development partners also participated in this annual event taking place under the theme “Cambodian Red Cross in Everywhere for Everyone”.

Last year’s celebration collected some US$13.43 million as humanitarian contribution from local and overseas charitable people.

By Khan Sophirom


(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the friendly footbal...

It was due to the absence of peace that even the membership in the Olympics, which Cambodia has been one