Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Graduation and Diploma Presenting Ceremony of the Vanda Institute of Accounting [Unofficial Translation]


Peace for More Than 15 Million People

There would be no successes without efforts made. As is mentioned by Dr. Heng Vanda, achievements scored because of peace have greater interactions with development. Where there is no peace, there will be no development. We also have found the plot by some to destroy peace. We do not hesitate to take measures. At whatever cost it may take, we must guarantee that peace prevails in Cambodia and the country continues to be on the course of democracy, liberal pluralism, and respect of human rights. First and foremost, the right to life that is free of fear, death because of war and past genocide […]

Need More Human Resource for Private Enterprises/Factories

[…] I hope that graduates today whether bachelor, master, etc. continue to raise their capacity. I wish to underline that as a developing country, and in the course of influx of local and foreign investments, we have discovered that there is lack of intelligence capital or human resource […] not only those investments coming from outside the country, those within also are in need of more human capital. We did not have enough to answer to their calls […] it is on this note that some companies have had to bring in needed expertise from abroad, for which they have to pay higher wages […] they had to because with imported skill at this stage, one person can do the jobs of many locals […]

Modernizing Institutional Capacity

[…] It is on this note that I continue to call for strengthening of quality of education at tertiary educational institutions, while more attention will focus on institutional capacity. We also have the need to hire qualified professors and teaching materials/equipment to modernize education, especially in tertiary education. Each and every student must work to enhance his/her capacity, though after graduation, s/he may have found jobs. They should not overlook chance of making efforts […]

Authority at Every Level to Guarantee Safety in the Khmer New Year

[…] The Khmer New Year is approaching. Allow me to appeal to the authority at every level and the armed forces of all kinds to take up their spirits in defending people while they will be enjoying the celebration of the Khmer New Year. I am sure this is going to be one great holiday. It could also be true that this year the weather would be cooler than years before and there could be some rains in this span of dry season period too. According to the weather forecast by the Ministry of Water Resource and Meteorology, there could be no dry season at all […]

However, people’s safety during the Khmer New Year requires attentions of authority of every level. During the celebration of the International New Year, we had a severe traffic jam in the capital city of Phnom Penh because people in the city did not go out of the city. Usually, in the Khmer New Year periods, many would flock out of the city. In this understanding, I am calling on authority of every level and the armed forces to work on guaranteeing safety for our people who travel to tourist destinations everywhere […]

Road Safety and Beware of Some Dangerous Games

[…] I am calling on our people to pay attention about their safety while making journeys. We also have to avoid playing unpleasant games that are dangerous such as splashing water and/or scatter powder at each other. They are not Khmer tradition and custom, though. They are dangerous. One could be on a motorbike and the other may splash water at him/her. That could bring about a road accident […] I hope that our people will keep their joy to a dignified level […] this year, we celebrate the Sangkranta not only in Siem Reap province but in various others places and Buddhist pagodas. I hope that people will have their good times, and our Buddhist monks and the wise-men committee in each and every Buddhist pagoda will allow our people to celebrate the traditional event in their vicinities […]

Phnom Penh City Bus Service for the Khmer New Year

[…] I have discussed this matter with the Phnom Penh Mayor, HE Khuong Sreng, about providing bus service for our people to travel to and from provinces while they are leaving Phnom Penh for their home towns […] I have requested every year for bus companies not to increase cost of their tickets while people are traveling to their home towns […] they did not respond to my request. It is on this note, we have decided to run the Phnom Penh bus services free of charge on national road 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. It is difficult for authority to require companies in a free market economy […]

National road 3 from Cham Chao of Phnom Penh to Kompot. National road 4, from Chaom Chao to Kompong Saom (Sihanoukville). National road 5 – from Phnom Penh to Banteay Meanjei. National road 1 – from Phnom Penh to Svay Rieng. National road 6 – from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap. The bus service will be free of charge for people, workers included, to travel to provinces and will start from 12 April, and will end its service on 18 April […] we may add more buses during the Projum Ben day and event next year […] on the other hand, bus service in the Phnom Penh city will provide service free of charge on 13, 14 and 15 April […] for one bus, there must be two drivers […] they must be paid a good wages and make sure they do not charge more form our travelers […]

Arms Race More Than Cold War Era

Nuclear weapon continues to be a serious matter. Though there would be meetings soon this April between the leaders of South and North Koreas, and later between leader of North Korea and the United States of America, nuclear issue is still a serious matter and place this world in a fragile situation. The world seems to be in a serious arms race than in the time of cold war, when only the former Soviet Union and the United States involved […] as of now, there are more than two countries involved. Some have made their efforts to master nuclear ability themselves – for instance, Iran and North Korea. Some do not endeavor that but purchase weapons for themselves […] peace is fragile facing these threats of nuclear and large scale war […]

Protectionism and Trade War

We should also note that protectionism and trade war have grown. The United States of America exercised tax policy on steel and aluminum. Yesterday, China exercised higher taxes for 128 imported items from the United States to China. It was a reciprocation. We must keep abreast with these developments. That trade war takes place, it is not just a matter between the US and China, but some countries also have severe impacts as well […] in this world, economic problem has wider inter-relations. We must continue to get ourselves prepared to cushion impacts from possible incoming crisis caused by trade conflict […]

War of Diplomacy

Besides threat of nuclear war and trade war, we also notice a war in diplomacy, which is growing into a big issue. The UK expelled the Russian diplomats, and the Russians responded. The US expelled the Russian diplomats, and some other countries in Europe followed. Now the Russian responded […] things in this world is growing in complication […] In a close-door meeting in Australia between ASEAN and Australia, on fighting terrorism front, I sounded my concern on the fact that countries that were collaborating in the fight against terrorism have become confronting with one another. This could have been a chance for terrorists to take advantage on […] in this development, what will be the future of our fight against terrorism? It was not a new idea. I have been saying that in Nay Pi Daw (Myanmar) in the presence of the US President Barack Obama. I was having their attentions on that fact that we should keep our differences aside and cooperate on this fight to avert danger for the whole world.

A Disordered World?

[…] Issues in the Middle East do not die down after the US recognized that Jerusalem as capital of Israel. The US moved their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. There is now on-going tension and fight between the Palestinian Hamas and Israel. This has hinted what a world we are living would be in? […] the US also punished the United Nations. They no longer pay the amount (of contribution) they used to. In this case, we can understand that it would not be strange to see that they cut their assistances to this or that country, including the United Nations, when they do not feel satisfied. The world has become a more disordered one […]

… Cambodia has not got any nuclear weapons like other countries but whatever they cause would have impacts on the world, and we are in there. Take for instance in Mali and Central African Republic, they are issues that require constant attention. I am sure Samdech Tia Banh has those issues covered. Ceasefires in Mali and Central African Republic could be difficult to have their successes. They put ceasefires in place but fighting erupted and not only among themselves but on the UN peacekeeping troops. We would not back away from sending our troops for peacekeeping operation abroad (under the UN flag) […]./.


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