Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Inauguration of the Samdech Techo Hun Sen Avenue and the Choeung Ek Satellite City

[Unofficial Translation]

The Samdech Techo Hun Sen Avenue Connects Phnom Penh and Kandal

I am so happy today to join with all of our people here to put into official use the avenue that links Phnom Penh and Kandal together. It is a new achievement for the Kingdom of Cambodia in general and for the people in Phnom Penh and Kandal in particular. I am so happy to see that through efforts made by the Phnom Penh and Kandal authorities, those of the ING Holdings included, we have made this achievement possible. The avenue will play very important role in diverting traffic pressure between Phnom Penh and its southern part as well as in the development of the Choeung Ek area, where they will spend some US$ 76 million on 54 hectares of land […]

Phnom Penh Expands from 300 to 700 Square Kilometres

In 1979, it was about in April too, or the Khmer New Year time, there was no traffic in Phnom Penh. In the area of Independent Monument, where I have resided, there were still coconut trees, and shrubs. Gradually, we have transformed a ghost city into one with marvellous revival. The city is even livelier now, and there are many more satellite cities around it.  Looking back into the history of Phnom Penh, from its birth to the present, Phnom Penh made a strong development in 1950s and 1960s. Now, from its previous 300 square kilometres size, Phnom Penh has expanded to some 700 square kilometres. In addition to that, Phnom Penh also witnesses intensive way of development.

What do I mean by that? On land area at the suburb or right in the city of Phnom Penh where there were constructions between 3,000 and 5,000 square metres per hectare, now it reaches up to between 50,000 and 100,000 square meters. Previously we have our construction between three and eight floors, now we have those between 40 and 50 floors, and the 125-floor building of 250 meters, tallest building in Southeast Asia, will come. This is an evolution witnessed in the process of development of the Kingdom of Cambodia. I find it hard to imagine all these are happening at the time of my leadership. This was a contrast development to when we first started that Samdech Heng Samrin and I had had to fetch home water from the Mekong River.

The Avenue Samdech Techo (Hun Sen)

In his report, HE Pa Socheatvong, mayor of Phnom Penh, proposed to call this road the “Samdech Techo Hun Sen Avenue.” Well, you may call it that. In Cambodia’s past, we have many important persons with the title of Techo – like Techo Yot, Techo Meas, etc. And Techo Sen is here standing. HM the King satisfactorily bestowed this title upon me. I will not disappoint HM the King and our people. This Techo person is confronting many situations and sharing both sadness and joy with our people at all times, especially when the country and people are in difficult time. It is the command that we must share sadness and joy altogether or we would lose peace, which is the foundation of national development. Should there be no peace, there would not be development […]

Make a Study of Possible Landing Strip

… We have built a large road for the benefit of public interest. The land of 54 hectares stretching along this road is the state public land. I would propose to HE Tia Banh, in his capacity as minister of National Defence, to survey the possibility of converting any part of this road as a landing strip […] We should conduct a study on emergency landing strip for some kind of planes, for instance ATR types. We may also have to think of the possibility of making it possible for military transport plane to land as well in case of emergency. This is my recommendation, which I think would eventually avert possible danger. It is a possible idea because the road width is 60 meters. We may also think of lighting system too to show where the landing strip would be at night […]

Salary Increase and Bonus in April

The month of March has passed. We are now working on the increase of salary on 1 April and it is payable before 10 April together with a bonus of 50,000 Riel. In this development, the state has had to accumulate over 7 million USD. Last year, we gave a bonus of 40,000 Riel for each civil servant across the board. We have discharged so much currency into the market, however, we have not noticed yet of any sign of devaluation. I hope that the weather condition this Khmer New Year will be cool – not too hot and too cold. At this time, last year, we declared emergency on water shortage, whereas this year, we have plenty of it. Between having none and having more water, the latter could be a better choice […]

Beware of Accidents from Traffics, Fire and Games; Price of Bus Tickets

I am taking this forum to appeal to our people, local authorities of all levels and the armed forces to exercise precautions in the forthcoming Khmer New Year. For our people, I am suggesting that they drive in careful manner, avoid games that may cause road accidents, for instance water bottle throwing, etc. I also urge our people’s attention to eventual fire disasters eventually caused by negligence of lighted incense sticks. We must take precautionary measure to prevent the Khmer New Year day from becoming a tragic day […]

I continue to appeal to owners of passenger buses not to increase prices of their services. If they had to, please do it in a rational manner. I have appealed on this matter almost every year and on occasions of the Phjum Ben and Khmer New Year days. However, because there have been high demand for transportations, coupling with wishes to make more money, the prices of bus services had gone up high. I am calling on owners of those services to make efforts to help our people in their journeys from Phnom Penh to their native places and return. I hope you consider my request for the sake of alleviating our people’s hardships.

Good Services Make Tourists Return

Tourist sites have extended to more than just in Siem Reap. This year we also have Sangkranta events held in other provinces such as Prey Veng. Last year, I have appealed that we must not have only Sangkranta Angkor event in Siem Reap. We may do the same in various other provinces to offer our people chances to enjoy the festivity. We have many tourist destinations and I am urging people doing business in those sites to do whatever they can to attract tourists. To guarantee this idea will work, the local authorities in those places must organize good security and public order and sellers would have to work on prices. They must not jack up prices at their own free wills or they would lose competition and tourists would go away […] Last year, we received over 50,000 foreign tourists but we must not forget that local tourists are never-drying source of income for local people. I hope that with increased salary and income, people will spend it everywhere in the whole country…/.


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