(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the inauguration ceremony of various achievements in the Bunrany Senchey Damnak Truyoeung village, Pro Ngil commune, Kravanh district, Pursat province [Unofficial Translation]



(1) Development – making the children’s generation better than ours

I think using the words “we thank peace! We thank the win-win politics!” are appropriate in this part of the country especially. If there was no peace, how many of the 620 veterans here would not be here? […] if we had not stopped fighting in 1998, for about 26 years of fighting on many fronts, some of them might have died […] if we had not stopped fighting for the past 26 years, could we have transformed Phnom Kravanh district of Pursat province, a zone of frequent clashes, from a jungle to a place with infrastructure as we do today? (Even though we have done so much, it is not enough […]

In the future, as peace and security are guaranteed, this will become a place where tens of thousands of people will reside and develop for generations to come […] (we are making sure that) our children’s generation will be better than ours, and our grandchildren’s generation will be better than their parents’. This is development […] I thank the citizens of Pursat, especially people of Damnak Truyoeung (veteran village), who have given support and trust to the Cambodian People’s Party, led by Samdech Techo, the former Prime Minister, and other leaders, who have striven to fulfill their duties to end the war, ensure peace and promote development everywhere […]

(2) Not yet sufficient but effort will be persistent

The monthly social security payments to veterans are being increased continuously, in line with the current economic situation and the national budget […] in this regard, health care services are being provided to the families of deceased veterans, both members and non-members of the Veterans Association, through the Equity Fund. This means that the benefits are not reserved only for veterans. Even if they died, certain benefits will continue to be delivered to their families […] you may ask if that would be enough? The demand has been increasing, and it is difficult to meet it entirely. No, it is not yet adequate but (the government) will not leave it there. We are working to improve it as much as possible, and we are constantly taking it into account […]

(3) More war veterans are waiting for helps

Last year, I approved the increase of various social security regimes according to the amount of budget that allowed […] the salary increase is not only for civil servants who are currently performing their duties, but also for former civil servants and veterans […] we have launched a policy of providing social land concessions to veterans and their families, building veterans’ villages in many land concession areas. We have the 317 Disabled Center, Treng Tra Yeung, Phnom Chhat, Kulen, and now in Pursat province, we are building the Bunrany Senchey Damnak Truyoeung village […] we still have many veterans waiting for help […]


(4) The war is over but continue to fight against disasters and help our veterans

I thank the National Veterans Association, especially His Excellency Kun Kim, the Secretary General of the Association, who for more than 10 years has been active everywhere […] paying attention to the veterans’ development centers and other benefits. In short, he is very active […] he has demanded retirement since the time of Samdech Techo, but Samdech did not let him […] however, retirement or not, he is always busy working. Before his retirement, he led the army, and during the battle for the Preah Vihear temple, he also went to the front. Now that the war is over, we have entered a peaceful era, continuing to fight in the war against disasters, and help our veterans […]


(5) The formula that has gained the trust of the people is to do more for the people

The Royal Government is continuously working hard to provide many benefits to veterans. We recognize that all these solutions are limited because of the size of the number of people to be helped, as well as the many and changing needs […] however, Samdech Techo, Samdech Kittipritbandit, myself, and other leaders of the government, do not abandon our veterans. We will work together to further address the needs of providing the them with more achievements according to our capabilities […] the needs of the people are constantly changing and there is nothing wrong with that […] in between 1979 and 1980, we could not have expected electricity or solar power […] now we have the need for them. This is a real need […] the formula that has gained the trust of the people is to recognize the fact that the people still have many needs and what we provide is not enough, and we must do more for the people. This is the formula that the Cambodian People’s Party and the Royal Government will continue to adhere to so that the people will continue to trust in our leadership […]

(6) Recruiting 1,000 more agricultural extension workers to go work with the people

Taking this opportunity, allow me to talk a little about a topic that concerns some of the people here and other farmers […] the farmers’ concerns are right, but it is embarrassing that those who live thousands of kilometers abroad, sitting and pouring fuel to burn every day causing more trouble. Were they the one who went to look for markets for the Cambodian agricultural products? They were not. What they do is only to go around asking the US Congress to cut imports from Cambodia […] regarding the agricultural issue, (the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) His Excellency Dith Tina, who is also here, has from the beginning of his term last year and this year with agricultural officials, from both provinces and local officials, working hard on it. Now we are deploying 250 of our agricultural officials to some communes. This year, we are recruiting 1,000 more to go work closer with the people, and help solve challenges, especially the fluctuating prices of agricultural products […]

(7) Food security is the Government’s big priority

Food security issue is a big priority. Many countries are concerned about it. This issue is about how to secure food for the people […] the Royal Government is very concerned about food security as part of the agricultural sector […] we need to ensure a balance. On the one hand, we need to maintain a good market price for farmers, and on the other hand, we need to ensure that the price of goods does not increase too much, especially food for consumers […] the Royal Government does not (look) at one side, unlike some people who go to farmers and shout that rice is too cheap, and go to the market and shout that rice is too expensive. The Government must address the income balance for the people, especially after deducting expenses, and leave enough in the pockets of farmers while ensuring that food for consumers is not too expensive, so that the people are not living hard lives […]

(8) Through social media, citizens can tell concerned officials where the problem occurs

The Royal Government is taking the concerns of farmers into account. Their concerns about the fact that the rice prices is going down is nothing to do with politics, but those (critics) keep dragging this issue in to gain political advantage over farmers […] I support that citizens express their opinions on Facebook or other social media. (I understand) and concerned ministries are working hard to help […] through social media, citizens at the grassroots level can tell where the problem occurs. The other day, His Excellency Dith Tina went to the place where the problem occurred and asked directly what really happened there […] we (can) help in a timely manner, thanks to the information provided by the netizens. I support that. However, there have been relentless attacks by the same 10 legs and 3 or 5 eyes politician (4 table legs, 4 chair legs, 2 of their own legs and 3 or 5 eyes – means 2 of their own eyes and 1 or three of the camera’s eyes) […]

(9) The 80% of voters for CPP would not allow the Bangladeshi-style overthrow

As the election has never gone in their favor, the person said, “there is no need to go to vote. There is only one way to achieve democracy, which is to revolt and overthrow the government, using a model of Bangladesh, so that they can fly in a political figure from a foreign country to lead (the country).” He wanted that. You may ask whether the more than 80% of Pursat voters, and nearly 90% of Phnom Karvanh voters, who voted for the People’s Party would agree to let them gather people to overthrow the Cambodian People’s Party government, of which more than 80%, or 6 million people, in the entire country voted for the People’s Party. They would not agree. In true democracy, the people’s votes are taken in a referendum every 5 years through elections […]

(10) More than just finding the markets for farmers

Is the focus on farmers only on market prices? It is not so […] before reaching the point of considering market prices, there are many stages. The first stage is that people have to have land […] if you don’t have land even for a house, what are you going to do? […] the government has been paying attention to organizing private ownership by carrying out land reforms since the late 1980s […] there are approximately 10 million land parcels/plots across the country. Of these, six million are agricultural land and four million are residential land. Now, there are about three million more plots of land (or land parcels) that need to be measured and demarcated to provide land ownership – for instance in this veteran village here […]

Second, water (for irrigation) […] we only have a plan for 500,000 hectares of dry rice fields. People have cultivated up to 800,000 hectares because, first, they have land and, second, they have water (to irrigate). Let’s ask, is all the 800,000 hectares of dry rice fields based on sufficient natural water systems? No. If the government has not built dams, reservoirs, canal systems in the past years to distribute water, these dry rice fields cannot be cultivated […] at the request of the Ministry of Water Resources, I agreed in principle for studying the construction of reservoir dam No. 2 at Karvanh, which has the capacity to store nearly 900 million cubic meters of water. Even now, there is a spillway dam that can store up to one million cubic meters of water to help channel through the canal system […]

We also build supporting infrastructure. Land and water alone are not enough […] if there are no roads, where will agricultural products be transported from and/or to? […] we build roads to develop rural areas. Now, some rural roads are all concrete […] they need electricity. In some places, they even use motor pumps already […] we talk about the market. There is land, water, and easy access to transport. Now, they transport it out. Ask where it is produced and taken to? Let us find markets, both domestically and abroad. In our country, in 2023, we produced 12 million metric tons of rice. Only five million metric tons is consumed domestically. Where will the remaining seven million metric tons go? […] we exported 650,000 metric tons to 75 countries in 2024. That is an increase from 62 countries in 2022 to 75 countries in 2024 […]

(11) Stating the government has done nothing to help farmers is an unfair

Saying that the government has done nothing in the past two years, especially at this time, to help the farmers is a very unfair statement […] this may be referring to the few analysts seeking emotional supports outside, including the convict, who always draw whatever happens into politics and encourages people to rebel and overthrow the government. If you really care about the interests of the people, that you are already abroad, and we see that you visited the European Parliament and the US congress, talked about the rights and freedoms of the people, about the people at large, why you do not ask them to open more markets for the people’s agricultural products? Oh, they would not do that because they are negotiating for the US and for Europe to put more pressure, to withdraw GSP, to withdraw EBA (from Cambdia) […] if they were to ask for market expansion, it would be contradictory to what they have been demanding every day […]

(12) Direct and indirect measures regarding price of agriculture products

Farmers still face many challenging issues, and this is not a new problem. The price of agricultural products has been going up and down for decades, not only in Cambodia, but in various countries, even in Vietnam, there is now a problem of falling export prices […] Guaranteeing the market price of agricultural products for the people must be considered as a package […] among them are the opening the market, ensuring cultivation, cultivation possibilities and techniques for the people to do it. It is good that we can grow rice, better than not being able to do it (which would lead to) famine […] Regarding the price of agricultural products […] we have two measures – direct measures and indirect […]

Generally, between October and November 2024, and between April and May 2025, the government planned to allocate 40 million US dollars to rice mills as revolving capital to purchase agricultural products from the people. I have given approval to the Ministry of Economy and Finance to provide an additional 30 million dollars from January to March as revolving capital to rice mills to help collect agricultural products from the people, especially this month, when Vietnam and China are going to celebrate their New Year, so the purchasing and collection may decrease […]

Second, we have a credit guarantee mechanism for rice exports, which is planned to be 30 million USD, and we have now increased it to 150 million dollars, which was agreed last week […] the Rice Federation needs between 40 million – 70 million US dollars from the Rural Development Bank – ARDB. We plan a government measure of 100 million USD for general agricultural products. Now we use 40 million for rice, and we add 30 million to ensure that rice millers can borrow money from private banks, and use it as working capital to buy hundreds of millions of the rice from farmers […] I call on private banks to help provide credit at a reasonable interest rate to the agricultural sector, especially at this stage. I have suggested that the (Governor) of the National Bank discuss with the Ministries concerned and private banks to provide credit to the agricultural sector to help farmers […]

About indirect measures […] firstly, there is a direct assistance to farmers, which includes agricultural land owned by farmers, which the state does not tax. This is a very big policy of the Cambodian People’s Party. As long as the Cambodian People’s Party leads the country, agricultural land owned by citizens will not be taxed […] and no import taxes imposed on fertilizers, seeds, animal medicines, animal feed, machinery, and agricultural equipment related to agriculture […] so that it helps keep prices low for farmers. This is indirect assistance. It still helps the farmers all the same […] there is a 9-year income tax exemption for investors in the agricultural sector to encourage them to invest, improve production techniques, and export […]

(13) Modern Farming Community – a scale for capital and technological interventions

Finally, the Ministry of Agriculture (Forestry and Fisheries) is working on the formation of modern community. I would like to say a little bit about this. This modern community is a very important principle in agriculture […] why join together? Firstly, when the state intervenes to help with technology, we can help together. Secondly, if you lack capital, for example, it is difficult to borrow capital alone. If you gather as a group, you can work with banks because you have scale […] organizing as a community can create scale. Sometimes, in one place, there are one or two agricultural products that you only plant in large quantities. Then, domestic and foreign markets can come to contract and buy. Farmers who lack strength can find help. Those who have strength can help, and the state can also intervene to help invest in other things […] please let the specialized ministries and departments explain to the citizens, and show them the formula for success in this place, because most of the veterans here are elderly […] if you organize as a community, you can help each other […]

(14) A railway to connect SEZ to the sea, creating more jobs, so that Pursat people can rely on other incomes to support their livelihoods

Helping a family or a household is not just for them to benefit from agriculture. Promoting job creation outside of agriculture also helps farmers. In some provinces, farmers have one or two hectares of land. Initially, with that much of land they could raise five children. Now that their children have grown, they can no longer support them. The land is not growing, only people are. So, we have to create more jobs for their children. In Pursat, we are working to send in more jobs. There are factories, enterprises, special economic zones, and places where car parts are manufactured, thus providing jobs for nearly 14,000 Pursat residents […] we are expediting the process for more special economic zones, especially in Krakor and other places in Pursat province […] we are thinking about building a railway to connect the special economic zones to the sea, creating more factories, creating more jobs, banks, and other private sectors so that the children of Pursat, instead of relying solely on rice fields, can rely on other incomes to support their livelihoods […]

(15) Politicians should not capitalize on the corpse as they used to

The ten legs and three or five-eyes politicians sitting in the chairs abroad […] has made it their everyday topic regarding the murder of Mr. Lim Kimya, by accusing Samdech Techo, the whole family, and the government of doing it […] immediately after the person was shot, and the culprit had not been even caught yet, the person acted as police, prosecutor, and the Supreme Court, ruling that Samdech Techo was the one who ordered it. Is it fair? […] the government does not support this shooting and condemns the murder. We express our condolences to the family of the deceased. I call on those politicians not to capitalize on the corpse as they used to in the past […]

The Thai police have announced that this is a personal grudge, not a political matter. The same politicians are cursing Thailand. In short, s/he would approve it only when the investigation finding is repeating her/his conclusive remark […] if the government has planned (like what they said), is it necessary to arrest the perpetrator and send him to Thailand? […] to prove the cleanliness and transparency, we sent him to Thailand for further investigation […] they would disapprove every investigation result that does not go along with their motive. This is the greed and political gain of some people abroad […]./.


(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the closing of the 2...

In the past 17 months (of the establishment of the Royal Government), we have inaugurated many major achievements in the public works sector …
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