(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the declaration of Kampong Cham as the first province to have completed systematic land surveying and land titles distribution [Unofficial Translation]



(1) Under Pol Pot, every land titles completely erased

It is a new page that we have completed the survey and registration for the people of Kampong Cham province. If we look at our land history from the beginning, we can say that (this achievement) is historic. Previously, we had never come down to survey (land) systematically throughout the province and register land like this. Before the war, we had some ownerships. The systematic surveying throughout the country […] aimed at reaching a proper management (and this is done) for the first time […] under the Pol Pot era, every land titles registered was completely erased. When people returned (from the evacuation by the regime back to the city, there were no) ownerships. I have come to declare mines-and-UXOs free provinces in about 15 provinces across the country, by which we are reducing the risk of death and turning war sites into places where production and economic activity can take place […]

(2) Development and progress are to distribute benefits to the maximum number of people

That Kampong Cham has been declared the first province to complete this systematic land survey, leading to the provision and guarantee of long-term ownership of the people, is a historical achievement, a result of peace […] the survey, preparation of land registration and the distribution of ownership titles to citizens in Kampong Cham province will be carried out nationwide in the near future, a new era of promoting national development and providing benefits to the people. Development and progress are not just accumulating benefits only, but distributing the benefits throughout the country to the maximum number of people […] I thank our people of Stung Trang, Khuthach, and Kampong Cham provinces, for the trust and confidence in the leadership of the Cambodian People’s Party, especially the leadership of Samdech Techo […] in gratitude to the people everywhere, the new legislative term Royal Government is determined to continue to strive to serve and provide more benefits to the people everywhere […]

(3) The 1979 economy was organized as a collective system, with no private ownership

From 1979, the Pol Pots abolished all land ownership. People had to evacuate the city. Upon their return (thanks to the liberation of January 7), in some places, no one returned because the owners were killed by the Pol Pots […] ownership changed. In the first phase, we did not have private ownership. From 1979, the socio-economic situation was difficult, as people lost their entire or part of family members […] we had organized the solidarity production group […] we also had to prevent the return of the Khmer Rouge at the same time […] the economy at that time was organized as a collective system, with no private ownership. However, the subsistence system was implemented, like in Takeo province […] it was until 1989, at the initiative of Samdech Techo, that we carried out economic reforms from a planned economy to a market economy. At that time, we started providing private ownership of land to the people […]

(4) transforming Cambodia as a land that make future generation citizens even better

We have been doing this for almost 40 years […] in 1989, we did not have territorial unity yet. Many places were still fighting […] peace, not only does it allow us to stop shooting each other, but it also allows us to organize the measurement, hand over land to the people, and they can go and create economic activities for their livelihood […] the new Royal Government continues the policies of the previous Royal Government, led by the Cambodian People’s Party […] in transforming the land of Cambodia, which for 500 years had been a land of tragedy, of suffering at times, a land that was divided, a land full of landmines, a land where Khmer used to shoot and kill each other, into a land of harmony, a land where the people can produce crops, a land that can make future generation citizens better than the current generation […]

(5) for land to be beneficial, one needs a clear ownership and land-conflict free

The commitment in the land management sector is to try to complete the measurement, give people proper ownership, make the land more valuable, and people have more opportunities to make use of the land […] up until now, for this land to be beneficial, one important factor is clear ownership […] the second is to end the land conflict […] prepare a socio-economic development plan, and make a master development plan in the province and district is also easy because we know and have clear land data […] we strive to complete the measurement and registration of land parcels by 2025 so that we can complete the distribution of land ownership titles to citizens by 2027, which is almost 40 years, the anniversary of the start of land concessions […] we follow the right method.

(6) Led by the Cambodian People’s Party, the RGC is not a Facebook government

We do not solve it on Facebook. We do not solve it by shouting. We solve it by real mechanisms, real teams, real budgets, policies in place, real technology […] some are preparing to form a government on Facebook. The government led by the Cambodian People’s Party is not a Facebook government. We are doing the real thing on the ground for the people […] some have been the prime minister on Facebook since 2013, competing with Samdech Techo […] the Cambodian People’s Party doesn’t have time to talk on Facebook. In the past 16 months, the government has sent about 5,000 officials (to do this land survey and registration) […] we have increased the budget for the job too. In some places, owners of land parcels are working on weekday, so the surveying staffs have to go at night, on Saturdays and/or Sundays […]

(7) Land provision to landless people and families of veterans in 1991/92; 1998; 2012; 2003 and providing land for forest protection will be in early 2025

Some people have land but the situation has changed that they have lost them. In 1991/1992, people who used to live in camps on the Thai-Cambodian border, when the country reunified, they had to return. They had no land in the country. The government gave them social land concessions […] in 1998, we stopped fighting. we prepared to distribute land in the former Khmer Rouge area to the families of the former Khmer Rouge […] we divided the area and gave it to the landless. In 2012, Samdech Techo launched the Order-01 campaign sending young volunteers to measure the land and give it to the people […] we have again another social land concession program.

In the same year, we suspended the issuance of economic land concessions, withdrawing many economic land concessions that did not comply with the conditions, and giving the confiscated land to the provinces to manage as social land concessions for people who lack land […] we have had a land concession program since 2003 for almost 20 years, donating state land through social land concessions to veterans, military families, border police, and poor people […] and by early 2025, we will put forward a program to add to the existing mechanism […] namely, “providing land for forest protection and for sustainable development” […]

(8) With need of land, people should come through the official mechanism

The state has a duty to protect common land. State land is common land. We give it to people who really have not got land. We give them land […] the state mechanism that we have prepared is not just giving land, but also preparing infrastructure, opportunities and creating activities from scratch, according to the possibilities that can be done. We do not throw people away […] I would ask the people to come together, and do not follow the mastermind behind illegal land grabbing […] otherwise, we will not be able to end the land conflict. We have registered it, the mechanism is there, but this/that person knows how to run around and grab this/that place, use social reasons to create endless conflict. People with need of land, please come through the official mechanism, the Land Management Department, through the provinces, to the Ministry of Land, so that they can help resolve it […] the middlemen who drag the people in this illegal mess, take the people’s money and motivate the people to fight with the authorities, may have to withdraw, and do not do this again, if they love and pity the people […]

(9) To complete measurement, registration and issuance of land parcels in all 25 provinces/capitals

Please join us in eliminating land disputes that arise from land ownership uncertainty. One uncertainty is land acquisition through illegal, unofficial mechanisms or through other people’s propaganda […] without the participation of the people, we will not succeed. I would like to clarify to the people that the government is not inhumane or does not consider the interests of the people, but on the contrary, we must provide land to the people in a win-win method […] please join us in implementing this, process the request for land with the Royal Government and the sub-national levels so that we can have peace in land management for hundreds of years to come. Do not be fooled by the propaganda of those who collect land for other purposes […] we will continue to make land accession possible for the people across the country. Hopefully, in this legislative term, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, and their officials, (on behalf of the Royal Government) will be able to complete measurement, registration of land parcels, and declare their job-done in all 25 provinces/capitals […]

(10) RGC has no time to react on Facebook but to do the real job to protect what is left legally

There are people who pretend to be the government on Facebook, and/or experts on Facebook. They would pick out some land disputes and accuse the government of not thinking about the people, but harming the people, chasing and robbing the people’s land. Let ask, that the people came to receive tens of thousands of land certificates, are they being robbed or harmed? Or people are happy with the provision of land certificates? If the state is to rob the land from them, what good does it do to distribute the land parcels to them? […] they make noise about CLV-DTA on the eastern border. Now they go quiet. They throw it away and chase (another argument) on the western border […] the government has no time to react on Facebook. We do the real job […] we protect what is left legally […] every day, they go around causing trouble so that the people get angry and confused about the government. The government does not play their games though […] it is busy measuring, registering, closing the list, issuing titles and distributing them for the people. We are busy with that […]

(11) Protect the territory, sovereignty, and true independence of Cambodia

We love (Cambodia and its sovereignty) not only on Facebook, but we do it for real, protect the territory, sovereignty, and true independence of Cambodia, promote and strengthen it on the international stage […] the Royal government officials are busy working according to their expertise […]; the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction staff are measuring land, resolving disputes, and preparing data systems. Agriculture is solving agricultural problems, ensuring good prices for agricultural products, and trade is opening markets to send goods abroad. Public transportation is working hard to build roads and ports, and health is working hard to strengthen health centers, making good medicines, and strengthening the code of ethics of doctors […] it is not that we do not listen what is disseminated through the information system, but we do things according to a real research, look into people’s real complaints and help resolve immediately […] this is real business – fulfilling the duty to serve the people […]

(12) CPP is not perfect but it liberated people from Pol Pot, ended the war, fought COVID-19, solved food and road shortages

The people recognize that the Cambodian People’s Party is not perfect, but it is a mature party that the people can rely on at all times, especially in difficult times. Liberating them from the Pol Pot era, ending the war, fighting COVID-19, solving food shortages, and solving road shortages. The Cambodian People’s Party strives to implement real policies to serve the people […] we still have many shortcomings, but we are determined to improve them, and serve the people more. The millions of people who voted in 2023, of which six million voted for the Cambodian People’s Party […] especially the people of Stoeung Trang, know and are proud that the 500 years of war and the division of the country were ended by the policies initiated by the son of Stoeung Trang – Samdech Techo […] another thing that I am seeking your cooperation is not to join in any calls that lead to burning the country, districts, villages, and causing division again. That’s all […] in the past, if the opposition disagreed on something, they blamed those in power to be led by the Vietnamese. Now, if someone talk about supporting the government, they say that someone is a traitor […] and selling his/her head […]

[13] Land titles – a historical asset and passable to children; the flower of peace and win-win policy

(The government working group in every capital and province to distribute land titles to citizens in the localities they are responsible for) as a nationwide mechanism. We distribute millions of land titles nationwide […] this is an important asset, a historical asset in both legal and mechanism aspects, which Cambodia has never had throughout the country […] secondly, citizens receive land titles that they can pass down to their children. At first, there were no land titles in their hands […] there is nothing wrong with the working group joining in to celebrate with the people broadly […] if you add noodles and dance together to receive new land titles, it would be even better […]

Political leaders abroad have been shouting for flowers bloom to make a revolution, like in the Middle East, the Color Revolution […] for Cambodia inside the country, however, our word for flowers bloom is the flower of peace, the flower of a win-win policy, the flower of national development. We have completed the land survey, starting with Kampong Cham province as the first, and continue to distribute land titles to 25 capitals and provinces. This is a flower to give smiles to citizens, to love each other, to unite and take care of the fruits we have, not the flower of an angry movement, a rebellion against the government […]


(14) Water and land connectivity with bridges are in the pipelines

In the time to come, when the Funan Techo Canal is ready, it will connect to the area along the Mekong River, to bless the potential to connect to the sea through water transportation. As for land transportation, we will continue (to do more). Now, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction, and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport are turning non-existent or small roads into main roads, increasing the level of main road connectivity. In addition, we must work hard to add new roads to make it easier to travel from one place to another […] in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri provinces, we are building more connector road […] we are building a series of bridges […] from Kampong Chhnang to Kampong Thom […] and soon, there will be a bridge across the Tonle Sap River […] we are transforming from a bullock cart road into a footpath, into a main red gravel road (to a concrete road) […]


(15) The key is people earn more income by creating various economic activities

The key factor is not to make the land grow. Land cannot grow. For each family, the population grows, but the land does not […] this is how much land there is. We need to make people earn more income by creating various economic activities […] we have delivered more industries to Kampong Cham province, in Cheung Prey district, for instance […] but above this, when the bridge (of Stoeugn Trang and Kroch Tchmar) is connected, we have been able to create other (economic) areas, making more income for the people by transforming opportunities that are completely based on agriculture into diversification, with other options, for instance jobs in the service sector such as banks, factories, in agro-industrial processing companies, with higher salaries, more benefits […]./.


(video) Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet. at the closing of the 2...

In the past 17 months (of the establishment of the Royal Government), we have inaugurated many major achievements in the public works sector …
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