General News

Letter Chairman of the Board and CEO of National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia to Samdech Techo Hun Sen Cambo...

Letter Chairman of the Board and CEO of National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia to Samdech Techo Hun Sen Cambodia Prime Minister

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore, will to pay an official visit to the Cambodia from 17 to 18 October 2017

H.E. Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore, will lead a delegation to pay an official visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia from 17 to 18 October 2017.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen: Cambodia, a Paradise of Political Parties

rime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen said there are so many political parties in Cambodia and the country is a paradise for them.

Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Meeting with Workers/Employees in the Veng Sreng Road Area

May I extend the warmest welcome to presences of excellencies, lok chumteavs, ladies and gentlemen, workers and employees today. It is a great opportune moment for me to be able to meet with 14,400

Samdech Techo Hun Sen Welcomes U.S. Experts on Chemical Bombs

Cambodia’s Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has expressed welcome to the presence of U.S. experts in the chemical bomb disposal activities in Svay Rieng province.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen Receives Cambodian Youth Delegation for 44th SSEAYP

 Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen received here this morning the courtesy visit from a Cambodian youth delegation who will attend the 44th

Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Launching Ceremony of National Policy on Technical and Vocational Training for 2017-2025

In addition to prepared text, Samdech Techo made the following off-the-cuff comments on worker’s basic salary in 2018, income tax, benefits for women in pregnancies, death benefits, and sportsmen access to the city bus service.

Cambodia Launches National TVET Policy 2017-2025

National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy 2017-2025 was launched here this morning at the Peace Palace under the presidency of Prime Minister

Samdech Techo Hun Sen: Entrance Fees for Bokor Resort Waived

In five days, there will be no more entrance fees to visit Preah Monivong National Park, better known as Bokor Resort in Kampot, a southwestern province,

Samdech Techo Hun Sen: Developing a Country Needs Long-term and Right Perspectives

Leading a country toward sustainable progress needs time and cannot follow what the politicians say during the election campaign, said here yesterday