Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Closing of the Annual Conference on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in 2022 and Directive Setting for 2023 [Unofficial Translation]


(1) Changing rice seeds strategy started in the 1980s

[…] I applaud the ongoing research associated with (rice) cultivation. Historically, starting in the 1980s, if I am not mistaken, it was a rice seed changing campaign. I remember when I was talking about changing rice varieties, my father said, “I raise your head this big, I used only my original seed” […] until 2004 […] in a trip to the Mountains of Kravanh (Cardamom), I noticed that in some places in Pursat province, people are still using their own rice seeds, which at the end of the season, because of too long to be harvestable, the late flood took their rice […] I said, “Please do not grow the hidden rice, try the elegant rice” […]

(2) Breeding new rice variety in the strategy to strive from extensive to intensive rice farming

We wanted to reduce us of long-term rice production and come up with short-term rice that yields. This new short-term rice seed is a new achievement that I think Cambodia has taken a step forward in its own selection, breeding and ranking […] in fact, this is a strategic implementation process […] to achieve development between extensive and intensive rice cultivation. In the old Khmer tradition, in a family of 5 people, they had to use two hectares of land. If they had 10 people, they had to have four hectares of land […] in intensive rice farming concept, through irrigation arrangements, we will increase cultivation pattern from one time to twice or thrice a year and obtain higher yields. One the same one-hectare area that used to feed five people, now we have to work harder to make that area able to feed 15 or 20 people or more […] we have both short-term and long-term rice seed that yield […]

(3) With water, cultivate rice twice a year, a production area of 3 million hectares will become 6 million hectares

[…] previously, one hectare of land could only be cultivated once. We have solved the water problem that people can cultivate more than once. In the past, our rice varieties were long-term. Now our rice is shorter term […] flying by helicopter with the ADB President to Poipet […] I pointed below and told him, “As you can see that is the remaining potential of Cambodia.” He wondered […] I explained to him, “now I only cultivate once a year. When we deal with water successfully, we will be able to cultivate twice a year. ” With cultivable area of 3 million hectares, Cambodia will have 6 million hectares of the same land without putting pressure on natural resources for farming” […]

(4) Of the policy of producing and exporting 1 million tons of rice, the export part has not yet realized

The documents that we have mentioned so far, which we verify what we did at the departure stage, from the time we ran out of rice until we have the surplus of rice, should be kept. Of the agricultural policy that we set out to boost rice production and rice exports to 1 million tons, we achieved only in the production sector (which changes the situation) from lacking of rice to having surplus. However, we have not yet succeeded in exporting 1 million tons (of rice yet). In fact, it is easy to understand the reason. The growth of our production is fast, while the need to invest in (processing) such as rice mills, warehouses, revolving capital, etc. could not go in tandem (- that) causes problems […]

(5) No matter how the world changes, Cambodia does not lack rice

[…] It is not that Cambodia does not have the right policies for leadership in the agricultural sector […] no matter how the world changes, Cambodia will not lack rice […] previously, we used to lack rice. Now we are nor and will not be lacking rice, or in general, lacking food. In the past, one of the FAO experts asked us to think of corn, bananas, potatoes as staple food […] I said, “Sorry, Excellency, do not talk about corn and bananas with me. Pol Pot had our people eaten (all that). If I talked about that, there will be problems. Please do not (count those as staple food) okay […]

(6) To share short-term rice seeds to friendly countries, we must have clear internal success

[…] in 2002, we were still lacking (rice). India helped us with 20,000 metric tons. Now we do not need assistance from the outside anymore. We have partnered with Cuba. To provide assistance to Cuba, we can bring the seeds we have grown, and this is a short-term variety to Cuba. It seems that Côte d’Ivoire is another country that desires the seed. We wanted to share it with friends, but we must have clear inner success. Do not take risks. This also has to do with weather factors. Rice seed variety research and development must also go hand in hand with climate change […]

(7) The Northwest will be fourth and the Northeast will be the fifth economic poles

[…] What China does not have enough are bananas and longans with some other products that we need to find a way to meet the standard to be able to bring to the Chinese market. We can also export some products to other countries, not just to China. We have made Pursat, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Pailin provinces the fourth economic poles. We have Phnom Penh as the first economic pole, Sihanoukville as the second economic pole, Siem Reap as the third economic pole […] we hope to establish the fifth economic pole in the Northeast region with the agro-industrial sector as the core – Kratie, Stung Treng, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri […]

(8) People trust the CPP to ensure peace and development

First, I apologize to the political parties. Please do not attack me as we all know the forthcoming results (of the elections). We can also know each other’s strengths, and some of them are initiating the idea of supporting Tea Seiha to be the Prime Minister candidate even. By saying so, you know that (anyone will do as long as that person will not be) Hun Sen’s son, Manet. You solemnly accept that the CPP will win […] if the CPP does not win, we will not apply this principle. I believe that the people will continue to trust the CPP to ensure peace and development […]

(9) Recruit agricultural extension workers/experts to his/her communes/districts/provinces of birth

We have to choose the right candidates, and if they are agricultural students, agricultural experts, we can send them to their communes/districts/provinces that they are from. It will be easier. In the experience of recruiting people to go to the local level, if we take them to their geographical area, it will be easier […] I would like to ask the provincial governor to pay attention to the agricultural officials who are sent here […] we deploy teachers (in education) that way […] if each agricultural official is allowed to operate in a separate commune without the cooperation of officials in the communes and provinces, it means that it is equal to “the same situation.” There is no excess, there is no shortage. We have to find ways to get them share their knowledge and inputs […]

(10) According to figures, Cambodia has the ability to compete for the number one position on cashew exports

We do not always dream of becoming an emperor in cashew nut export, but in reality, Cambodia has the ability to compete for world number one in exporting cashews. If we look at the figures from the previous day’s exhibition, we have surpassed Côte d’Ivoire’s export figures. Côte d’Ivoire exported 1.1 million tons. We exported 1.1 million metric tons. Now the cultivated but not yet harvestable area is also increasing. If we can have good processing, our working capital will increase. We will have to work harder. It’s not just about cultivating but it comes to processing, and to marketing. Our country will not consume all the cashews we have […]

(11) Promote cultivation, investment, processing and packaging to become a real supplier of cashew nuts

Cashews are in demand in the world. Vietnam and India are the largest distributors of cashew nuts. But both countries are importing raw materials for processing in their own countries. Cambodia has raw materials that our farmers grow. Promote processing capacity by strengthening research and proper packaging. The concern here is capital. I hope the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the National Bank of Cambodia will look into this matter […] if this is a capital issue, I think we will find a way to solve it. We will invest another 100 million (dollars) in the future for the rice market. Also, this cashew, how much do we have to invest? Well, we need to work together to ensure that the cashew policy we have approved in the past (will be achieved) successfully and become a real supplier […]

(12) Implementation of the economic diplomacy strategy announced in 2021 regarding international markets

I would emphasize that matters related to international markets. It is not just the Ministry of Commerce (that is carrying out this task). (We) must take the economic diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced in 2021, into actions and for it to play a role. Our ambassadors out there must not be ones for politics, but also economics. In this stage, we have less political matter to worry about. The important thing is to explain outside world about Cambodian goods. They must explain them to draw investment to Cambodia, to have tourists coming to visit Cambodia, and for them to buy goods from Cambodia. Well, not only the Ministry of Agriculture, the network of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (and International Cooperation) has a lot to do regarding this […]

(13) Provide other occupations and/or poverty cards to 1,300 fishing families to protect dolphin life

I should remind something here. First of all, I would like to ask you to send me a picture of every dolphin after receiving the news of their deaths. Must continue to pay attention to this issue. If we only think about pure administrative measures, it is not going to work. How many fishing families are there? How about we give them other jobs. In addition, we can encourage them a poverty card […] the government is able to provide those who used to put a net in the river (where the dolphins are) – some 1,300 families of them. We can do. We gave poverty cards to tens of thousands of families who moved out of the Angkor temple area. We can give them poverty cards to make sure they don’t come to fish in the dolphin place anymore. If we do not take such measures otherwise, all the dolphins will die […]

(14) Cannot rely solely on natural fish resources

Raising fish is a must. We must not over-rely on (resources) of natural fish in rivers or seas. This morning, a Minister from Dominican Republic, a country on the Pacific and Atlantic border, talked with me about fisheries cooperation. I would also say that fishing is probably more experienced in their country, in the Cambodia, however, we do not wish to promote modern fishing. As long as modern fishing is concerned, we may not be able to protect our fish resources – because modern fishing may lead to electrocuting them as well. We need to look at that. We cannot rely on purely natural fish problems. Need to practice aquaculture […]

(15) Sometimes rice cultivation earns less income than grass cultivation

I heard that they wanted to invite me to inaugurate a dairy factory in Phnom Tamao. I will go. Now the lack of grass for cows is important for farmers. I still remember when the people of Puut Sar in Takeo in the Tonle Bati district harvested unripe rice to sell to cattle farmers. Do not forbid him. Some of his land has turned from rice to grass. There is nothing wrong. The important thing is people make more money. Do not worry too much. Some would say that it was only the Minister of Agriculture (who was crazy), now Prime Minister Hun Sen is too […] it is a requirement. If there is a need for farmers in that area […] let the cattle raisers cooperate with farmers (in grass growing). Sometimes rice farmers earn less than growing grass for cattle. You have to think about all these factors […] do not stop them. they know more than we do. It is in their interests […]

(16) Inspire animal feed for low raising costs in animal husbandry

People cut off rice and sell it as cow grass. In that case, cattle raisers in the area shall expand their herds and milk production. If the market expands, farmers will receive benefits […] we must find a way to deal with animal feed. If we want to inspire animal husbandry, we need to find a way to solve the problem of animal feed so that the cost of raising them is low and the market is affordable. If we do not solve that problem, we will not be able to succeed. Be encouraged to check animal feed handling […]./.



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