Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, during the conversation with Mixed Khmer Martial Arts (MKMA) athletes [Unofficial translations]

(1) 7 types of Khmer traditional martial arts to compete according to the formula similar to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Today I came unofficially to view your prep exercises because we will be launching the match on the forthcoming 18th (October). This match arrangement has a slightly different purpose than before, which is to have a mixed Khmer martial arts match. We have pulled out seven different types of Khmer traditional martial arts to compete with each other, using a formula similar to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which I announced a few months ago. I have had this idea for five or six years ago or since when I was in the army […] we used to have Khmer martial arts match or Bokator match. This time we will try the mixed Khmer martial arts (MKMA), but they all are within the Khmer martial arts framework […]

(2) 500 traditional Khmer martial arts registered for the three-day match

[…] This is the first time we have worked on organizing an event that is along the line of the Mix Martial Arts formulation. We have invited the various types of Khmer martial arts to prepare this mixed martial arts event […] initially, we could not tell how many contestants would join this event. According to the report, the preparing committee has registered […] for the 3 days event […] almost 500 sportsmen/women […] therefore, the commission asked to suspend the reception […] if we get more, we will not be able to finish the match within three days […]

(3) Recording the remaining traditional KMA, exchanging experiences and making new friendships

[…] The first goal (of this mixed Khmer martial arts match) is to collect all the (ancient Khmer) martial arts together to show them to the people, especially the youth. Even the preparing committee wanted to know how many martial arts were left in Cambodia? […] the second objective is to inspire martial arts that people have had training in different clubs to come and compete, both performing and fighting, so that we can exchange experiences and make new friendships […]

(4) Compilation, dissemination and utilization of tradition Khmer martial arts

[…] We have set up a research committee to compile Khmer martial arts, chaired by HE Vath Chamroeun, and invited senior trainers to help compile the documents. As far as compilation is concerned, there are three main activities – compiling, disseminating and implementing – in the purpose of inspiring, preserving and promoting […] regarding dissemination, I have seen and thanked our people – both teachers and trainee, who have used Facebook and/or TikTok to publicize their practices of martial arts, (including performances of) long and short cudgels (or Dombang in Khmer) and martial arts […] and thirdly, for the sake of utilization […] through the clubs and among the military units […]

(5) Ensure that there are always enough food, accommodation and getting problems solved

I am taking tis opportune moment to thank the Special Forces Command for making their accommodation available and the Division 99 for providing vehicles for transports. Please ensure there are always enough food, accommodation and getting problems solved. I thank the working team for handling this work competently. As for this place, we are using it for match and for logistics. Therefore, we cannot put dining tables here. You have got to prepare you boxed meals […] I thank our ancient martial arts teachers and hope that the teachers will help in researching documents and compiling more […]

(6) Each martial art has different legal techniques, there are many forms of arts but some are at risk of disappearing

Congratulations to the sportsmen/women who competed in a friendly spirit, obeyed the rules of the committee […] each martial art may have different legal techniques […] as a commitment, the preparation (for the match) is done by experienced persons […] the work team has worked hard in all aspects, including logistics and provision of other guarantees, and promotion […] again, I thank all the martial arts elders who were invited to participate in the competition and for encouragement. Hopefully in the future they will be able to share and to participate in researching, compiling and promoting, in any way that we can, various martial arts, especially martial arts that are at risk of vanishing […] we have many types of martial arts, and some of which are at risk of unaccounted for. This is no different from arts. We have many forms, and some forms are at risk (of disappearing but we have made effort to) reassemble them […]./.


Selected Comments of Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, on the occasion of the 20th an...

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