Speech | Selected Comments

Audio Message of Samdech Techo Hun Sen. message responding to Radio Free Asia’s broadcasting regarding the CPP’s candidate for National Assembly Speak...

A while ago, coincidentally, I turned on YouTube and came across an RFA broadcast that said,

Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the inauguration of the Phnom Penh 52-kilometer third ring/belt road [Unofficial Translation]

A while ago, coincidentally, I turned on YouTube and came across an RFA broadcast that said,

Audio Message of Samdech Techo Hun Sen on the Political Functions Re-appointments [Unofficial Translation]

First of all, I apologize for my voice as I seem to be a little hoarse. This morning I had a golf session.

Statement of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen President of the Cambodian People’s Party on the Occasion of the Opening Election Campaign for...

Today is the auspicious day of the launch of the 7th legislature National Assembly election campaign across the country, an important political event for the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Conversation with factory workers in Krakor district, Pursat province [Unofficial Translation]

You all are using Facebook as a means, but you should think of having other means like Telegram, WhatsApp,

Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, conversation with workers near the CP factory, Ang Snoul district, Kandal Province [Unofficial Translation]

The purpose of the meeting (with worker in the second round) is, most importantly, to monitor the progress of the work we have done together in the past,

Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, conversation with factory workers near Wat Prey Speu, Khan Por Senchey, Phnom Penh [Unofficial Translation]

Thank you for joining us today. Our meeting took place on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the foundation of the Cambodian People’s Party. This year,

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen calls on people not to be afraid of the troop movement on land and in air in Ratanakkiri, Mondulkiri, Krati...

After the order I issued during the day, additional forces to shoot down the drones, or we call them unmanned aircrafts, have already left. I would like to call on the people of Kratie,