<\/a>CHAPTER VII: THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY<\/strong><\/p>\nArticle 76:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly consists of at least 120 members.
\nThe deputies shall be elected by a free, universal, equal, direct and secret ballot.
\nThe deputies may be re-elected.
\nKhmer citizens able to stand for election shall be the Khmer citizens of either sex, who have the right to vote, at least 25 years of age, and who have Khmer nationality at birth.
\nPreparation for the election, procedure and electoral process shall be determined by an Electoral Law.<\/p>\nArticle 77:<\/strong>
\nThe deputies in the National Assembly shall represent the entire Khmer people, not only Khmers from their constituencies.
\nAny imperative mandate shall be nullified.<\/p>\nArticle 78:<\/strong>
\nThe legislative term of the National Assembly shall be 5 years and terminates on the day when the new National Assembly convenes.
\nThe National Assembly shall not be dissolved before the end of its term except when the Royal government is twice deposed within a period of twelve months. In this case, following a proposal from the Prime Minister and the approval of the Chairman of the National Assembly, the King shall dissolve the National Assembly.
\nThe election of a new National Assembly shall be held no later than 60 days from the date of dissolution. During this period, the Royal government shall only be empowered to conduct routine business.
\nIn time of war or other special circumstances where an election cannot be held, the National Assembly may extend its term for one year at a time, upon the request of the King.
\nSuch an extension shall require at least a two-third vote of the entire National Assembly.<\/p>\nArticle 79:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly mandate shall be incompatible with the holding of any active public function and of any membership in other institutions provided for in the Constitution, except when the assembly members (s) is (are) required to serve in the Royal Government.
\nIn this circumstance, the said assembly member (s) shall retain the usual assembly membership but shall not hold any position in the Permanent Standing Committee and in other assembly commissions.<\/p>\nArticle 80:<\/strong>
\nThe deputies shall enjoy parliamentary immunity.
\nNo assembly member shall be prosecuted, detained or arrested because of opinions expressed during the exercise of his (her) duties.
\nThe accusation, arrest, or detention of an assembly member shall be made only with the permission of the National Assembly or by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly between sessions, except in case of flagrant delicto. In that case, the competent authority shall immediately report to the National Assembly or to the Standing Committee for decision.
\nThe decision made by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall be submitted to the National Assembly at its next session for approval by a 2\/3 majority vote of the assembly members.
\nIn any case, detention or prosecution of a deputy shall be suspended by a 3\/4 majority vote of the National Assembly members.<\/p>\nArticle 81:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly shall have an autonomous budget to conduct its function.
\nThe deputies shall have received remuneration.<\/p>\nArticle 82:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly shall hold its first session no later than sixty days after the election upon notice by the King.
\nBefore taking office, the National Assembly shall decide on the validity of each member’s mandate and vote separately to choose a Chairman, Vice-Chairmen and members of each Commission by a 2\/3 majority vote.
\nAll National Assembly members must take oath before taking office according to the text contained in Annex 5.<\/p>\nArticle 83:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly shall hold its ordinary session twice a year.
\nEach session shall last at least three months. If there is a proposal from the King or the Prime Minister or at least 1\/3 of the National Assembly members, the National Assembly Standing Committee shall call an extraordinary session of the National Assembly.
\nIn this case, the agenda with the conditions of the extraordinary session shall be disseminated to the population as well as the date of the meeting.<\/p>\nArticle 84:<\/strong>
\nBetween the National Assembly sessions, the National Assembly Standing Committee shall manage the work of the National Assembly.
\nThe Permanent Standing Committee of the National Assembly consists of the Chairman of the National Assembly, the Vice-Chairmen, and the Chairmen of National Assembly Commissions.<\/p>\nArticle 85:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly sessions shall be held in the Royal Capital of Cambodia in the Assembly Hall, unless stipulated otherwise in the summons, due to special circumstances.
\nExcept where so stipulated and unless held at the place and date as stipulated, any meeting of the National Assembly shall be considered as illegal and void.<\/p>\nArticle 86:<\/strong>
\nIf the country is in a state of emergency, the National Assembly shall meet every day continuously. The National Assembly has the right to terminate this state of emergency whenever the situation permits.
\nIf the National Assembly is not able to meet because of circumstances such as the occupation by foreign forces the declaration of the state of emergency must be automatically extended.
\nDuring the state of emergency, the National Assembly shall not be dissolved.<\/p>\nArticle 87:<\/strong>
\nThe Chairman of the National Assembly shall chair the assembly session; receive draft bills and resolutions adopted by the National Assembly, ensure the implementation of the Internal Rules of Procedure and manage the assembly relations with foreign countries.
\nIf the Chairman is unable to perform his\/her duties due to illness or to fulfill the function of Head of State as interim or as a Regent, or is on a mission abroad, a Vice-Chairman shall replace him.
\nIn case of resignation or death of the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman (men), the National Assembly shall elect a new Chairman or Vice-Chairman (men).<\/p>\nArticle 88:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly sessions shall be held in public.
\nThe National Assembly shall meet in closed session at the request of the Chairman or of at least 1\/10 of its members, of the King or of the Prime Minister.
\nThe National Assembly meeting shall be considered as valid provided there is a quorum of 7\/10 of all members.<\/p>\nArticle 89:<\/strong>
\nUpon the request by at least 1\/10 of its members the National Assembly shall invite a high ranking official to clarify important special issues.<\/p>\nArticle 90- New (As amended March 1999):<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly is the only an organ which has legislative power, and performs its duties as provided for in the constitution and laws.
\nThis power shall not be transferable to any other organ or individual.
\nThe National Assembly shall approve the national budget, State planning, loans, financial contracts, and the creation, modification and annulment of tax.
\nThe National Assembly shall approve administration accounts.
\nThe National Assembly shall adopt the law on the general amnesty.
\nThe National Assembly shall adopt or repeal treaties and International Convention.
\nThe National Assembly shall adopt the law on proclamation of war.
\nThe adoption of the above clauses shall be done by the absolute majority of all members of the entire National Assembly membership.
\nThe National Assembly shall pass a vote of confidence in the Royal Government by a two-third majority of all members of the entire National Assembly membership.<\/p>\nArticle 91- New (As amended March 1999):<\/strong>
\nThe members of the Senate, the members of the National Assembly and the Prime Minister have the right to initiate legislation.
\nDeputies have the right to propose amendments to the laws but these proposals cannot be accepted if they aim at reducing public income or increasing the burden on the people.<\/p>\nArticle 92:<\/strong>
\nLaws adopted by the National Assembly which run counter to the principles of preserving national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and affect the political unity or the administration of the nation shall be annulled. The Constitutional Council is the only organ which shall decide upon this annulment.<\/p>\nArticle 93- New (As amended March 1999):<\/strong>
\nAny law approved by the assembly and finally reviewed by the Senate and signed by the King for its promulgation shall go into effect in Phnom Penh ten days after its signing and throughout the country twenty days after its signing.
\nLaws that are stipulated as urgent shall take effect immediately throughout the country after promulgation.
\nLaws that are signed by the King for its promulgation shall be published in the official journal and announced it to the public throughout the country.<\/p>\nArticle 94:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly shall establish various necessary commissions. The organization and functioning of the National Assembly shall be determined by the Internal Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.<\/p>\nArticle 95:<\/strong>
\nIn case of death, resignation, or dismissal of an assembly deputy at least 6 months before the end of the mandate, a replacement shall be appointed in accordance with the Internal Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly and the Electoral Law.<\/p>\nArticle 96:<\/strong>
\nThe deputies have the right to put a motion against the Royal Government. The motion shall be submitted in writing through the Chairman of the National Assembly.
\nThe replies shall be given by one or several ministers depending on the matters related to the accountability of one or several ministers. If the case concerns the overall policy of the Royal Government, the Prime Minister shall reply in person.
\nThe explanations by the ministers or by the Prime Minister shall be given verbally or in writing.
\nThe explanations shall be provided within 7 days after the day when the question is received.
\nIn case of verbal reply, the Chairman of the National Assembly shall decide whether to hold an open debate or not. If there is no debate, the answer of the minister or the Prime Minister shall be considered final. If there is a debate, the questioner, other speakers, the ministers, or the Prime Minister may exchange views within the time-frame not exceeding one session.
\nThe National Assembly shall establish one day each week for questions and answers. There shall be no vote during any session reserved for this purpose.<\/p>\nArticle 97:<\/strong>
\nThe National Assembly commissions may invite any minister to clarify certain issues under his\/her field of responsibility.<\/p>\n