Selected Comments Samdech Moha Bovor Thipadei Hun Manet, to workers from Kandal Stung and Takhmao districts Kandal Province [ Unofficial and translations ]


(1) Making policy, disseminating and making evaluation

This meeting (in person) is to connect the emotions, speak directly, listen live, especially the promotion of some policies […] first, policy-making is based on a comprehensive study. (We need to check) what do you need? where have you been? where else do you want to be? what do we need to do from now on […] second is to disseminate plans and policies […] and finally, we summarize and file a report by making regular evaluation […] you voted for the Cambodian People’s Party to continue to serve the people. That was not wrong. The party issues policies for the CPP-led government to serve as a beacon for the people. The CPP had issue and implemented the policies in the past. (The Royal Government of the 7th term led by) will continue to implement (those policies). Please believe that the Royal Government will continue to do for the cause of the nation and the people […] to have a better life, stronger, richer and to prosper […]

(2) Care for well-being, cooperation, harmonization, stable working environment, attracting more investments is also a culture of sharing

We grow and we help each other survive. A culture of sharing is not just about having the resources to share. Care, well-being, cooperation, harmonization, maintaining a stable working environment of Cambodia, creating and attracting more investments conditions for investment for the country to prosper is also sharing. This understanding is what (makes) Cambodia strong. We have ended a chronic war. Win-win politics is understanding, celebrating together and loving each other, no matter what the (political) or religious tendencies we may have, we can be together […] the government will not let you down, will not keep quiet or abandon the contract. We have continued to implement that contract step by step […] through the first phase of the Pentagonal Strategy, the government has set out six priority policy programs, with the first and second programs focusing on expanding and achieving health care for 7.4 million people and towards universal health coverage, and vocational training for 1.5 million poor and vulnerable families free of charge and with subsidy […]

(3) Systematic education or vocational training to meet the needs of competent people from investment companies, both domestic and foreign enterprises

In addition to social protection policy, health policy, the thing we need to consider for the general population, especially the poor at risk is education and training. Education in schools through a system of the Ministry of Education (is one way of achieving the goal), but what is important in the field of job attainments is the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to prepare our people to get a job and can respond to the need for capable people from both domestic and foreign investment companies […]

Some may ask, for whom are we preparing this training? The day before, there was an attack on me that the policy that I have formulated is only benefiting the ruling party. I defined for them that the Hun Manet faction or the faction of the Royal Government led by the Cambodian People’s Party is the 17 million people […] or is to cover all of the Cambodian people […] focusing especially on youth, children, or people aged 15 years and older […] who are children of poor and vulnerable families […]

TVET training is not only a free of charge training program […] for those who (take up full time study and possess Poverty ID cards […] can receive a monthly stipend of 280,000 per month […] more or less we are providing them so that they can take care of some expenses and to concentrate of learning […]

We create a lot of policy programs, not just on paper. It is a policy program with practical assignment and implementation at the grassroots level. There are 38 majors in ten different fields […] including construction, electricity, electronics, heating/cooling devices […] general mechanics, car mechanics, tourism, agriculture, industry, business and information technology […]

(4) The Master thesis is about land issues in Cambodia; The Doctoral thesis is on essential factors in national development

Some said that Hun Manet wrote nothing (in his thesis) relating to Cambodia. I am asking them to make a review. When I wrote my dissertation, I had to collect experience data from other countries, analyze them to come up with a formula, and make sure it works in any country, including Cambodia […] my master’s thesis, I wrote about how to solve land issues in Cambodia using the market system and what the government has involved in. Now I have to face solving this issue […] my doctoral dissertation I wrote about the essential factor that leads to the development of the nation. I look at the development of industry, small and medium enterprises […] it was hard to get data from Cambodia, but we do have experience. I did (a study of data and experience collected from) almost 100 countries to draw (an inference/formula) as countries have (different ways for different) reasons […]

(5) The goal of vocational training is to finish the training, to learn know-how and to have a jobs corresponding to one’s trained skills

[…] What we do is not wrong because it is based on basic scientific techniques and practical problem solving […] the goal of this (vocation) training (of 1.5 million people) is for them to acquire skill training, to get the know-how and to respond to skills-demand jobs. The company will hire workers who are trained with required skills and competent enough to help the company […] this is the goal that the Ministry (of Labor and Vocational Training) must aim for […] training skills with a goal to get our people to gain know-how, and after that to access jobs based on the actual situation, especially consistent with the local geographical situation (is what we aim for) […]

I think that our people should learn in order to respond to the requirement of jobs at the local level […] we should arrange the curricula in accordance with the geography and encourage people (to learn and find a job) in the community. We try to create jobs at the grassroots […] so our training must be in line with the works available there. Do not make one program that fits all over the country that where study only one program. Where there are demands for different skills, we try to focus on providing training that cater to the needs there […] so that our people do not have to move away from home. It will be more profitable. First, they can depend on their parents and do not have to rent a house. Second, if they have children, they can expect help from parents. And third, their villages will retain their number of people […]

(6) More practices and internships in TVET

(We have to do it is such a way that) theory has to go along with practice. We may focus more on practice. Work with the private sector and create as many self-contained means as possible. The material is expensive […] so try to cooperate with the private sector, other partner companies and encourage them to help with more exposures and internships. We will have a lot of internships […] we encourage the enterprises and companies to provide opportunities, and our brothers and sisters to have the opportunity to learn and increase their capacity […]

Another point is to promote the full implementation of apprenticeship obligations in accordance with the law. We seek each company to create conditions for our people to have training. This training is done to increase skills and reorganize skills and encourage participation in the private sector […] we need the private sector as partner […] firstly, let them participate in training and secondly to be flexible. In some instances, we should allow private companies to organize training programs and implement them at our school […] the company knows what it needs […] let us be flexible, do not be rigid […] it is not that we are flexible to lose control, but within the framework of our direction […]

(7) Be prepared for Industry 4.0 and anticipating private partnership in TVET

The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Vocational Training, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Agriculture are reviewing their assessment mechanisms […] today I am talking about what lies ahead and our effort to meet the current needs. However, we need to think about the future since we have to be prepared and set the direction to attract the future industry or Industry 4.0 […]

The private sector is not the enemy of the state. The private sector is a good partner of the state. Together, we create jobs and benefits for our people. We work together, and that includes considering the benefits of living standard, both salary and health, training of human resources […] I am calling on the private sector and companies together with the state to think and to work together for vocational training for the benefit of all the people […]

(8) Kandal province has more than 150,000 workers, new airport, ring road and canal

We now have 8 car assembly plants […] solar factories to export to America and to Canada, factories that manufacture even high-end clothing […] Kandal province has more than 150,000 workers […] and there will be a new airport (to be inaugurated) in 2025 […] which will increase more industrial activities here […] and there is a third ring road […] and the project of Funan Techo canal is on the way […]

Kandal province gradually lost territory to Phnom Penh […] now (many of Kandal residents have become) the city (dwellers). (Recently, Kandal just lost) another (district of) Areykhsatr […] the other day, someone suggested that Kandal provincial town should be relocated because the people’s livelihood has improved. (To the north, Phnom Penh) expands to Prek Pnov […] this means that the more people we have, the more geographical administration it demands […]

(9) Do not lose sovereignty to any country over debt

That is progress. The important factors are – first, peace and stability; second, responsible leadership with correct policy; and third, determination to overcome all obstacles to benefit the people […] those who insulted Samdech Techo for his efforts to bring in the Chinese investments, and now insulted me […] (let me affirm to you that we are sure to do everything) for the common good, we do not lose sovereignty to any country. We do not borrow irrationally to the point of getting stuck in neck-strangling debt as they say. There are nor many countries in the world that are without debts […] our country is too. However, investing is not about borrowing money to buy cars or planes, or useless things. We bring money to invest in large infrastructure to serve the national economy […] For some projects, we now do not borrow money anymore. We allow BOT form of investment […] we do in every form possible – expressways, canals, and railways […] as long as the benefits come to all of our people […] soon we will add more high speed roads from Phnom Penh to Bavet, and we are studying the high speed road from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap and to Poipet via Kampong Thom […] we are in the process of feasibility study to build additional railways to connect the freight system from west to east and from north to south. All these for what? When the roads come, the factories and jobs will to […]./.


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