Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, conversation with workers near the CP factory, Ang Snoul district, Kandal Province [Unofficial Translation]


(1) Khmer Muslim women can choose either costume

The purpose of the meeting (with worker in the second round) is, most importantly, to monitor the progress of the work we have done together in the past, and how it has been implemented, what challenges remain, or how many Muslim nephews I have met. This problem can be considered either small or big. There had been uncertainty about costumes. It is not just the workers, the Muslim students attending the public schools are also uncertain (of what dress codes to follow) […] in Cambodia, Muslim students are offered the option of wearing either Islamic costumes or school uniforms. In factories, they can use either the uniform as other workers or use their Islamic uniforms […] this is one of the solutions that though it may be a small thing, but we consider it a serious matter and related to the harmonization of race and religion in which people are living together without discrimination […]

(2) Ministry of Labor: in 2024, more than 4,000 people will retire and have a salary

Almost everyone worries that when they get older, from where could they get the money to support their lives. This concern is now being solved as we are implementing the retirement policy for workers, who have pension as civil servants or the Armed Forces. According to the report of Minister of Labor and Vocational Training, HE Ith Sam Heng, in 2024, there will be more than 4,000 applicants who will retire and will have salary. This is the point that we found during the first round (of meetings with workers). Some may say that Hun Sen is paying attention to trivial things […] but I do not think so. Anything related to human life, anything related to the interests of the people is not a trivial issue for me […]

(3) Sub-decree on policy for pregnant women effective August 1, 2023 signed

The Sub-Decree on Additional Benefits for Pregnant Women to be implemented from August 1, 2023, has been signed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance, HE Dr. Aun Porn Moniroth […] before the first round meetings, female workers after delivery, got the three months maternity leave with only 50% of salary […] with this sub-decree going into practice, for the case of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum, female workers will get additional benefits starting from the time they are pregnant […] giving birth […] postpartum care of mother and child up until two years of age […] of a total amount Riel 1,920,000 (almost 500 USD) […]

I would like to take this opportunity to announce to all civil servants, interns, and contracted female officers that they will receive the same benefits […] in time of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care […] HE Aun Porn Moniroth can add this piece on the social protection policy for civil servants, interns, contracted women officers in the speech for the day after tomorrow […] as for women in the army, women in the police, their benefits are left to the discussion separately between the Ministry of Economy, Finance and the Army, and the Ministry of Interior […]

(4) ‘Khmer the warriors” – now fight with poverty, to keep peace, to ensure development

Without peace, what has been happening on Cambodian soil today could not have happened […] no one came to invest in our country […] war is destructive. We have tried to put out the flames of this war. Initially, we liberated the people from the Pol Pot regime, then we came together to establish a peace that is now 24 years old. (This peace) lasts longer than the previous (peace) phase. We Khmers are so good at fighting so they say. We call ourselves “the warrior race.” Now we have to fight poverty, fight with what is not good in society, concentrate and fight with them. We must fight to win poverty, how to ensure development, how to keep the peace, and not to use guns to fight each other […]

(5) Moving to Telegram and creating TikTok account

(I sent out a message) yesterday that from now on I will not post or send any information through Facebook platform. I will keep it aside for now. I will turn to using the platform of the Telegram system. Once news or information comes out through the Telegram system, the media can capture it and publish or broadcast it at once […] besides, I also wanted to follow the youngsters and create my own TikTok account […] last night, just a few minutes after I created the TikTok account, some 4,000 people came in […] it created easiness for the leadership to connect with people. I went to some countries and they do not use Facebook. So, I lost contact there […]

(6) If the drone continues to harass, letters will be written to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the rotating chairs of ASEAN

A few days ago, the drones were active before 9pm. We have to keep an eye on them […] we have a way to destroy the drones. Why are they coming (into our airspace)? We do not allow anyone to invade our territory. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement. I discussed with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, HE Prak Sokhonn, that if they continue to come, we will write a letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is issuing a letter. If, however, they come again, we will ask the Secretary-General of the United Nations to solicit help from relevant office/section to figure out if such invasion by unidentified reconnaissance aircrafts violates a sovereign state and is an act of terrorism? We should also write to the ASEAN chair informing that our country be invaded by drones or unidentified reconnaissance aircrafts. We need to act both internally and externally. We cannot let anyone to use drones to insult (national sovereignty). Sometimes it is the terrorists act. ASEAN must work together to manage the drone invasion issue. Lest it does not come to attack Cambodia, but go to attack other countries, what do you think? Drones can now kill people. They can hit, drop bombs and shoot […]

(7) Workers can check/get treatment for free at Techo Santepheap Hospital Last night I received (a notification message) from (the Secretary of State of Health) Lok Chumteav Youk Sambath […] I would like to inform people everywhere in Cambodia, especially people living in Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, that we have built a hospital with 10,000 beds, the largest hospital in the country […] now the hospital construction and preparation is almost complete. We can start using it. Workers can now go to Techo Santepheap Hospital for free examination or treatment […] the hospital is now ready to provide examination and treatment […] and I am asking people to go to the new hospital at Kob Srov dam – where there is very nice weather […]./.


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