Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Closing Ceremony to the meeting to summarize the activities and outcomes of the Royal Government working groups to help capital-provincial levels for the sixth legislature of the National Assembly and further directions [Unofficial Translatio]


(1) Deployment of field officers has been carried out since 1982

As some of you may remember, we had deployed officials (to the local levels) since 1982. If I am not mistaken, then I was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and we sent officials, sometimes to work as deputy district governors or district chiefs at the time. Even among us diplomats, before being sent for diplomacy mission abroad, they had to go work at the grassroots. I can say that the practice of devolving power to the grassroots has been done since the early stage, but it was interrupted by those who intended to destroy (the process) […] they wanted to kill the local level foundation because they knew that it is the foundation of the CPP.

After the 1993 election, they intended to weaken the local access (of the CPP) […] one province (was limited to a sum of) only 1 million Riel per month […] if at that time they followed what the former State of Cambodia did, the pace of sub-national democratic reforms would have been many times faster […] we have given more power – empowering both the army and the police and we called it a unified command. Sending officials to help work at the local level is not new. For the party, we have always done (that all a long) […] I observed that when the officials from the central level went to offer help, it did not eliminate the responsibility of the locals. Instead, they work together to solve problems […]

(4) Amendments to the election law to protect the entire electoral process

We have amended the (election) law to this day, not only to reform the candidates to run for the election, but we must take measures to protect the entire electoral process […] so that no one destroys democracy in your country […] they are confused now about what will happen next. We must act intolerantly against anyone who intends to undermine the practice of democracy in Cambodia […] the amendments will come into force […] we also want to know where the strong heads would come from to boycott the election.

We call on you to boycott (because it) is tantamount to killing your political rights […] if you do not vote on July 23, you will lose your right to vote in 2028. Even if you went to the polls in 2027 for the commune election. Conditions in the draft law for standing for election to the National Assembly require the candidates to vote twice […] in that case, if you did not vote this time, (and you are going to) vote in 2027 (of the commune/Sangkat council election) and in 2028 (general election) to be eligible to stand your candidacies in 2032, you should be reminded that you are now already in your 70s […]

(10) The policy of “where there is Si, there will not be Sen” from 2003 has come to there is only “Sen”

(They have issued and pursued) this politics of “where there is Si, there will not be Sen or versa.” It has been twenty years now from 2003 […] it is right now that there is only Sen. That is what you have said it yourself […] (having gone through such policy) no pardon will be given. If the next generation comes (to power), they will not forgive him either. There is no way that they can enter the country forever. The latest situation has made it even worse […] they all are over 70 years old. How many 5 years left for them? They have no successor. Compared to the CPP youth, there are hundreds or thousands of successors in turn. As for them, how many would be in succession?

(12) From July 27, continue to visit workers 10 more times

After the election, the Royal Government would be out of office once the new government was sworn in […] this morning, I announced this to the election campaign, I am going to be active. I only suspended my actions only from the campaign day until the election day on July 23. From July 27, I have to continue to meet with workers 10 more times […] after the Royal Government of the 7th legislature of the National Assembly took office (we) will review and adjust the composition of the Royal Government working group to help the capital and provinces to set out policies and measures to continue to strengthen and enhance efficiency […]

I am figuring out now who will go to which province. After the election, we will be re-organizing (the RGC working groups) because some may continue, and some may not continue. Even if some in the previous government teams continue, we still have to organize new teams, making sure that members of the Royal Government will continue to go to the local levels. This is to connect with the whole process of the nation, especially to connect with the grassroots to promote the implementation (of political platform and strategy of the Royal Government of the 7th legislature of the National Assembly) […]

(15) Pentagonal Strategy – collect elements of rectangular and add new elements In the future, the rectangular strategy that has been implemented in four stages will be changed to a pentagonal strategy with five angles, not four angles. We started by implementing a triangular strategy, then we implemented the first, second, third, and fourth rectangular strategies […] we are developing a pentagonal strategy, in which the elements of the rectangular strategy are recomposed and one more angle of new items is inserted […]./.


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