Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, at the Meeting with RGC Lawyers and Volunteer Lawyers of Samdech Techo [Unofficial Translation]


Rapid Reaction Mechanism Prevented Widespread Infection

[…] the November-3 (Covid-19 infection) event has involved directly and indirectly 1,802 people in eleven cities and provinces – including Phnom Penh, Kompong Chhnang, Pursat, Kep, Preah Sihanouk, Prey veng, Kompong Cham, Kompong Thom, Preah Vihear, and Ratanakiri.  I can proudly say that the complex November-3 event was not a minor thing. It is a big issue. If we do not have a quick reaction mechanism (taken parts) by our medical team and the authorities (as well as) the relevant actors, we cannot control the situation. If we did not manage this situation immediately, it would be able to infect the community, and the problem will arise then […]

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Ministry of Health, all health officials and authorities at all levels for their participation in preventing and successfully ending the “November-3 event”, which I considered a public health disaster. We have been able to achieve this because of the thoroughness and quick response of existing mechanisms (as well as) the participation of the people in the management of this issue. Some countries have installed tracking machines. We do not have that ability. What we have done from the beginning until now was to seek and stop the circuit […]

Making Efforts for Fewer Infections and No Deaths

After I announced the end of the “November-3 event,” people seemed to have left their face unmasked again. When Hun Sen disappeared (into quarantine), people knew the situation was serious. If I were to stay in quarantine a little longer, people might put on facemasks for a long time. Doing so however would put the country’s socio-economic problems at risk […] although the “November-3 event” has passed, we must be clear that we must continue our efforts to ensure that Cambodia has fewer infections, and no deaths […]. I am proud (that we have been) able to control the situation. We must not be negligent. Today, (the figure of infected person has gone) up to 307 people, plus the one infection today. Yesterday, there were 10 people left in treatment, and plus one today, we now have 11 people in treatment (of Covid-19), while 296 people treated, and no deaths yet […]

Contribute to International Community, Provide Assistance According to Ability

Taking this opportunity, I would like to confirm that we have donated two million masks, like the ones you are wearing, to our Lao friends, and 100,000 fabric masks that we make by ourselves, plus other medical equipment worth 2,224,000 US dollars. Coincidentally, when our aid arrived in Laos, 14 people infected on that day. They were imported cases, not a community infection. (One reason that) we provided masks to Laos is because Laos shares a border with Myanmar. Tomorrow, HE Mam Bunheng (Minister of Health) will accompany our donation of masks and medical tools/equipment (to Myanmar) in three (commercial) planes […]

Some people make insinuation that while being unable to solve own problem, (I was trying to) solve other people’s. No matter who says what, as a contributor to the international community, I (or Cambodia, rather) has an obligation to join other states and nations to provide assistance as we can according to our possibility. Cambodia does not just provide masks/medical tools to our Lao and Myanmar friends. I am preparing to intervene in Timor-Leste. Yesterday, I briefed the Vietnamese Prime Minister as we discussed bilateral relations on all issues, including the fight against Covid-19 for each country and in the region.

Timor-Leste, however, is less contagious. Laos could have had less infection cases than Timor-Leste, but because of the one-day infection of 14 persons, Laos comes up above. We are not just providing assistance in such forms. We are providing assistance as life and flesh by sending our troops to join the peacekeeping operation under the United Nations umbrella. Now, coming back from missions in foreign countries, our troops are in quarantines. We will continue to send troops to Mali, Central Africa, South Sudan, and those in Lebanon would return rather next month. Cambodia is small and poor but with generous heart […] (1)

RGC Lawyers Group Regulations Defining Roles and Responsibilities

I appreciate the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) lawyers who have worked hard on all the tasks assigned by the Royal Government. I wholeheartedly accept the proposed requirements of proper regulations and organizational structure. I am advising His Excellency Bin Chhin (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in Charge of the Council of Ministers) discuss with His Excellency Ky Tech (Head of RGC Lawyers Council) to prepare the required regulations, whether there needs to be the Royal Decree or only the sub-decree. Samdech Krala Hom Sar Kheng (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior) also made a request to me to appoint lawyers in the provinces/capitals, because there are some cases that need to have lawyers to proceed to trials.

Indeed, like the lawyers in the structure of the provincial level, I suggest to provide a fee of 1.1 million riel or equivalent to (the salary of) commune chief. However, the lawyers can also defend other people’s cases besides those obliged by the RGC. Each ministry may look into organizing required lawyers for its institution. For the proposal of HE KY Tech regarding the preparation of regulations defining the roles and responsibilities of the Royal Government’s lawyers, (I) agree, and in that (the regulation should state) the budget (must) come from the state, which is included in the budget package of the Office of the Council of Ministers.

In my opinion, a sub-decree may be enough, but the appointment (of lawyer) is made by a royal decree. There is nothing wrong with each other. The Ministry of Justice has just requested the appointment of more than 60 lawyers who are also duty lawyers, where they are not paid. For the lawyers of the Royal Government, I would like to commend and support the drafting of the regulations. Please study them together. Let us find out whether we should just issue it in sub-decrees or the royal decree which is necessary for the process of organization and functioning of the Royal Government’s lawyers […]

Volunteer Lawyers of Samdech Techo for Poor Women, Humanitarianism, Environment

As for Samdech Techo’s volunteer lawyers, I think I should just call Samdech Techo because “Sen” is already my name. As for Techo, a titled bestowed by HM the King, I am researching whether there was truly a Techo Damdin or not, or was it just in the story. In researches, there were Techo Meas and Techo Yot […] if, in the absence of a real Techo Damdin, I was the third person after the 16th to the 21st century to receive the title of Techo. I just call Samdech Techo’s volunteer lawyers, but you can call it in full […]

I commend all the efforts our lawyers have made in contributing to the protection of our poor women. We used to have more than 60 members, now we have more than 150. We have distributed them to other provinces and cities, and they have a team leader. Our lawyers are not just being there to defend, but we are involved in humanitarian work. We have done out-of-court mediation, one of the successes in resolving disputes. We are involved in environmental protection through tree planting and other activities.

I would like to offer my appreciation and urge continued adoption of this attitude. Of course, the budget so far, according to the report, we have more than 1.6 million USD or over six billion Riel left. This proves that our lawyers did not use this money to do their jobs but spent their own money to help the poor. The budget used has been to organize the workplace, while for the most part the volunteer lawyers have done both the job of putting together the workplace and the personal budget to help defend poor people.

State’s Provided Budget Aims at Serving the Poor

I would like to ask His Excellency Ly Chantola to review the expenditures of the state budget provided to the Bar Association. Spending must be on objective, which was to serve the truly poor. If possible, please file me a report. Let say, in the many years started receiving funding, how many cases have it defended for government or how many legal consultations they have offered. The Ministry of Justice is responsible for that issue because it is the (budget) holder. This year (the budget provided by the state is) 1,600 million Riels, while next year it will increase to two billion Riels. The (budget) manager must review the budget as well. For me, regarding the budget, I do not think there is a problem for Samdech Techo’s volunteer lawyers.

Legal Aid to the Poor on Three Factors

We need to see the needs to provide legal assistance to the poor, like where to start. Firstly, a clear understanding of the law is essential for citizens to exercise their rights properly in a society governed by the rule of law. However, due to the variety of laws and court procedures and the increasingly complex technicalities, in general, the public cannot clearly and deeply understand the meaning of the laws and procedures of the courts. Therefore, in a society governed by the rule of law, the legal profession established to play an important role in providing legal assistance through the provision of counseling and defense services before the courts to protect citizens’ rights legally […]

Legal Advice Part of Judicial Reform

Legal aid is not just for those involved in the crimes they have committed or something, even business people may need legal help. The rich as well as the poor need legal help. Our goal is to reach out to the poor who need legal advice. This requires our lawyers to help raise public awareness, and we must consider this legal advice and the work we are doing as parts of our judicial system and court reforms. That is why we are not only dealing with defense before the court, but more than that, we are legal consultants, because we are lawyers, we understand the law, we know the law, but the people do not know. Sometimes people need us to help write a complaint or a land tenure application. Sometimes they depend on us, and we should help explain to them how to do. For example, in relation to land tenure, what they needed to do according to the land law […]

Secondly, the legal profession is a free profession that performs its duties independently of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary, as opposed to public officials. Not paid by the state, lawyers receive fees from citizens who are their clients through the provision of legal counseling or defense services in court, as the use of the lawyer’s services is subject to a fee. As the lawyers determined fee freely, it impossible for poor people to seek legal help from lawyers.

Lawyers Governed by Lawyers Statutes

I would like to emphasize this point that the legal profession is one outside the executive, legislative and judicial frameworks. There is, however, like these days, the statute. I have the right to vote (to elect the President of the Bar Association). Mr. Ly Chantola also received a vote from me because I swore (as a lawyer) in 1996 or 1997. I am a lawyer who suspended practice. When I retired, I am sure my volunteer lawyers club will continue […]

Defamation Lawsuit in France Takes Up to Three Years

The legal profession is not part of the legislature, the executive or the courts, but it is an integral part of the proceedings. Without a lawyer, it is impossible to carry out the proceedings. I filed a defamation suit in a French court. The court will now schedule a hearing at 1:30 pm on September 1, 2022. The hearing can last for two and a half hours. This is just a defamation lawsuit (filed) since 2019. Why some foreigners urged us to try quickly certain court cases in Phnom Penh the soonest. (They may) look at that issue themselves. We cannot force the court. If they cannot force the court in France, they also cannot force the court in Phnom Penh. They said those were minor offenses. Cases congested due to Covid-19. Lawsuits here congested by Covid-19 too […]

Economy and Finance to Provide 500 Million Riels to National Council for Women

(I have) gradually increased budget for the Cambodian National Council for Women and in recent years, it has reached 500 million Riels, but next year it seemed that the amount will be deducted to only 300 million (Riel). I would like to confirm to His Excellency Aun Porn Moniroth (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of economy and Finance) to supplement the full 500 million (Riels) by taking the unallocated budget or from that of the Office of the Council of Ministers […]. Last year, at the meeting of the Cambodian National Council for Women, I initiated the ​​establishment of a Samdech Techo Volunteer lawyers. After it has taken shape, we raised fund. My initial investment was 500,000 USD. Then there is the participation of up to 1.5 million US dollars. Our lawyers, however, did not use this money. This is a real volunteer […]

Thirdly, the provision of legal services to the poor has become a responsibility and an important part of the Royal Government’s policy to ensure the right to justice of the poor in a society governed by the rule of law. Considering legal aid, a part of public services, some countries have established mechanisms to provide free legal aid. This free legal aid service helps the poor, including consulting, legal services, and defence services at all stages of court proceedings, but the implementation of the policy to provide free legal aid to the poor is impossible as it becomes a huge financial burden for the state. As a result, some countries that do not yet have sufficient financial resources have devised various mechanisms to ensure that the poor have access to legal aid in the exercise of their rights to a minimum. That would include defence in the face of court by lawyers, or by arbitration or authorization for defence by a citizen or volunteer with legal knowledge but not a lawyer […]

Frameworks for Legal Services and Defence Lawyers Provision

Speaking of the current situation in Cambodia […] provision of legal and defence services should carry out in three frameworks. Firstly, provision of legal aid and lawyers for the poor. So far, such assistance was provided by the Bar Association of Cambodia (and through) the Cambodian National Council for Women, by associations or non-governmental organizations, in accordance with Article 29 of the Law on the Statute of Lawyers, and internal regulations, with obligation to help the poor […]. At the same time, the Bar Association must have its own special fund, which receives contributions from all members of the Bar Association to pay the lawyers who protect the poor. Therefore, providing legal assistance to the poor is also part of the Bar Association’s responsibility.

However, to help the poor who need to defend themselves before the courts, the Royal Government has provided an annual budget since 2013 (amounting to) of 200 million Riels, and this budget has continuously increased. In 2020, there is 1,600 million Riels and in 2021, the amount will go up to two billion Riels, which the new President of the Bar Association will carefully use for that purpose. In addition, we have provided through the Cambodian National Council for Women 500 million Riels […] I guarantee to return the full 500 million Riel.

Some NGOs and Lawyers Take Opportunity to Push for Protests

In fact, the provision of a defence lawyer for the poor applies only when the case comes to court, and when the court requires a defence lawyer only. However, this provision does not cover the provision of legal advice at the local level. In the past, some associations or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been active at the grassroots level, meeting directly with people in need of legal services, providing assistance, counselling, as well as assisting in filing lawsuits and defending the poor. These associations or non-governmental organizations receive foreign funding to open offices in some provinces, as well as to hire permanent lawyers to provide legal assistance to the poor and those who needed them.

This point is also part of the support that I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to some of the NGOs that have been active in providing lawyers as well as legal consultations for local people. I would also like to send a signal that some organizations and lawyers are taking the opportunity to push for demonstrations. Not that we (the Royal) Government do not know about it. We encourage the provision of legal aid or protection to the poor, but we do not encourage instigators to push for demonstrations.

I am thankful, but I also show some disappointments. I encourage foreign-funded NGOs to provide legal services and protection for the poor, but do not encourage incitement to demonstrations. (There have been) some issues (they) pushed in Kampong Som, Koh Kong, and Kratie. Some NGO lawyers (were doing this). It is not that we do not know, only that these negative points we never mentioned. I sent a message saying I was thankful but I (also) expressed my displeasure. That we are required to apply the rule of law, it is then a legal process and not forcing citizens to take such action […]

Secondly, providing duty lawyers in a criminal case or case involving a minor. According to Article 301 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the assistance of a lawyer must be available absolutely in criminal cases and in cases where the accused is a minor. Meanwhile, Article 6 of the Juvenile Justice Law also states that all juveniles who are suspected or accused of committing a crime must have the basic right to receive the assistance of a lawyer by choice or by assigning free of charge, in accordance with the conditions stipulated by the Law on the Statute of Lawyers from the very first stage of the proceedings.” The appointment of a lawyer in both cases is a prerequisite by law, called a duty lawyer, in order for court proceedings to proceed. Legally, defendants can choose their own lawyer. However, if the accused refuses to choose their own lawyer, the court must ensure that they have a free lawyer to defend them, even if they are not poor.

“The President of the Bar Association Can Appoint a Free Lawyer for the Poor only”

This is a challenge within the legal framework of the Bar Association, which stipulates that the President of the Bar Association may appoint free defence lawyers only for the poor. This is the point at which the Minister of Justice (and/or) the Bar (must look into if it) can amend this point. What if some people are not poor but without a lawyer (the case) cannot proceed. Cases congestion. We cannot proceed because our law only protects the poor. What if you are not poor but do not want a lawyer. If they refuse to get a lawyer and they agree to be their own lawyer, then it does not matter. The matter here is if s/he refuses to take a lawyer, it means that the trial cannot proceed.

Experiences show that in some countries, lawyers for the poor and duty attorneys assigned by the court president from an annual list of attorneys to defend suits before the courts, and they charged a fixed rate predetermined by the state. However, for Cambodia, the state has not yet been able to afford fully the implementation of the policy to provide legal aid, including the provision of consulting services for local people. Therefore, in the face of the mechanism of volunteer lawyers to help defend and provide free legal advice to citizens in need of legal services, this is the best option to address the current challenges.

This point (needs) join consideration altogether. The former bar refers the duty lawyers. Should there be an amendment to this reference to by the President of the Court? This is a point, which, besides the word “poor,” in addition to the one on those who refuse to take a lawyer, also need to think whether to point out by the President of the Bar or the President of the court for duty lawyers? I only recommend for consideration regarding our judicial and judicial reforms. We are talking today about some aspects of legal and judicial reform. Therefore, in the face of the mechanism of volunteer lawyers to help defend and provide free legal advice to people, who need legal services, this is the best option to solve the problems facing […]

Do Not Boycott Hearings for Speedy Proceedings

In the past, there have been some cases where lawyers have been naive. S/he wanted to proceed with the case as soon as possible, but s/he boycotted (hearing) walking out of it. This is a mistake of legal strategy. As I am saying this, maybe those involved in the case, and who have boycotted may before realize that they have committed a legal mistake. I am not a lawyer, but […] have been leading law enforcement for decades […] I would urge Techo Sen’s volunteer lawyers not to boycott the court. Boycotting the court will cause the court to adjourn the trial. Do not act like some lawyers who, while wanting to speed up the process, walk away in turn. So, who caused the delay? From the lawyer of the accused. It is not the fault of any court […] under the months-long campaign of the new Minister of Justice, Keut Rith, the congestion of unprocessed lawsuits has greatly reduced, but the number of new cases has also increased, which requires us to act incessantly.

Consistency between Law on Lawyers Statutes and Code of Criminal Procedure

In order to solve future problems, the Ministry of Justice needs to review the amendments to the Law on Lawyers Statutes and on the Code of Criminal Procedure to address current challenges, especially to ensure easier implementation in assigning lawyers as well as ensuring conduction without hindrance of court proceedings regarding the lack of lawyers. Make it consistent between the law on the statute of lawyers on the one hand and the Code of Criminal Procedure on the other so that it is consistent on these two legal issues […]

Thirdly, the provision of legal assistance by Samdech Techo’s volunteer lawyers and the Cambodian National Council for Women Lawyers, which has 500 million Riel in the annual budget. I would like to point out to Techo Sen’s volunteer lawyers that I am grateful for the speedy preparation and the willingness to take on the duty of protecting poor women. I think people may need (it) […] (but) in the past, many may not have been aware. We might have not given our people wider access to this information. Today there are many TV channels going live from here. More people may find us […]

Legal Protection Only for Journalists Who Adhere to Professional Ethics

Earlier this year, when meeting with journalists, Minister (of Information) Khieu Kanharith requested that Techo Sen’s lawyers help protect journalists. I also accepted, but (I also made clear that) only journalists who have worked in accordance with professional ethics and have been sued for that. As I said that day, some started by cursing others. That caused the other persons to sue. The day before, one (journalist) has had two lawsuits. In order to get rid of them, he requested to join the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). I said no. There is no exchange on this matter […] many CPP officials have been imprisoned. If ones break the law, ones must serve prison terms obviously, like the former governor of Takeo province, he is in prison. Our lawyers, in addition to their duty to protect the poor, we also have an obligation to assist professional journalists. In some instances, even I have to sue. I have spoken a lot; why did they not post it. Why did they just take a part (out of context) … I have to sue because this is not very common. It is a matter of creating provocation and chaos […]

Resolve Disputes outside the Judiciary

I would like to urge our lawyers to first work on this as in the past we had done some already. If our lawyers make efforts to reach an out-of-court settlement, it would be great. Help resolved by my advisor/assistant, experience in recent months show that some disputes, lasting 10 years or 20 years, can resolve through out-of-court mediation. Our team of volunteer lawyers did one of them in Siem Reap […] (If someone) wanted to solve this problem, s/he must not relate to any interests. The dispute will quickly reach settlement. (Owing to such importance that) the former Minister of Justice, Ang Vong Vathana, is now the Senior Minister of Special Mission (assigned the role) to be responsible for out-of-court dispute resolution. If lawyers try to resolve dispute out of court, even if the matter is in the hands of the court, they can take it out of court […] I would urge our volunteer lawyers to focus on settling disputes out of court as that will lead to a win-win solution. Every side in the conflict should take a step back to find a win-win solution.

No Political Prisoners, Only Crimes Committed Politicians

That much I can do. I can put out the flames of war that we used to fight to the death. I can help find a solution through an assistant/lawyer on some lawsuits. For some matters though, I cannot do to help. It would not be possible to (bring about solution) when someone makes it his/her policy of “either you or me.” What can I do? Since 2003, “where there is Sen, there is no (Sam Rain)Sy” has been a fact for seventeen years now. Every side must win. That one side plotted to kill the other side is not a game to play. If they usher in a policy to reconcile among Khmers, (I would say it is) Okay. If they (continue to) make it their policy to eliminate the Hun clan, let me tell them they will not have it. Hun Sen will not allow. That you are ready to attack me, why should I let you do it […]

(Some said) that Hun Sen educates people to mediate but he himself does not know how to do it. I have already coordinated. I have no time to (waste seeking to) reconcile with some. The legal process must continue according to law. Once the legal process is over, political mediation can take place. There is no political compromise before legal process. The legal process continues. (For the wrongdoing that) one has to go to jail, one has to serve it before political mediation. Those who have not yet been tried must be tried. Today is like sending a message to others that there is no political solution. There are only people who have conflicts with the law. There is no political conflict. Cambodia has no political prisoners, only politicians committed crimes.

The Minister Still with Smell of Milk

I have no conflict with anyone. You are in conflict with the law. Just wait until you finish settling legal issues to talk about politics. Some of you are waiting for a solution saying there would be one. (I say) No. There is not going to be a second Paris Agreement, and there is going to be no a third, a fourth, or a fifth pardon too. They never stop talking about Hun Sen do everything to stay in power. At the same time, they say Hun Sen seeks ways to transfer power to his son. This morning, a former Cambodia Daily staff writes that Aun Pornmoniroth appears to be potential candidate for the post of Prime Minister. While Hun Sen is still in power, who could take it from him? To stay by his side is true. To replace him is not yet the case. More so, Hun Sen has not yet left.

This does not mean that there is no vision to vet and prepare people for the next generation. Why did the Democrats choose Joe Biden as their presidential candidate? Is it not because they could not find anyone younger than him […] considered the oldest American president ever. Let me tell you a story. I was not yet 27 years old considering I was born on August 5, 1952, but appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs on January 8, 1979. At that time, the other leaders were in their 40s and 50s. Some ministers even joked that Hun Sen is a minister who has not lost the smell of milk yet. This language makes me work and learn harder […]

Initially, I thought of holding the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs for only eight months. Finally, from January 8, 1979 until now, I have been in the government round-the-clock. From Minister of Foreign Affairs to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, to the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs for a while. Now that I hear their voices to defeat the “Hun” clan, I am more determined now that I would draw back when they and their ringleaders are no more […]

From Factual to Legal Issues

I would leave another message to our lawyers. People have raised and talked about factual and legal issues. In order to defend the case, the judge, before making decision, must hold on to the facts. After, they examine the legal body as by which law should the issue be charged? We as lawyers must do the same. Grasp the facts from our client before we examine the legal body. Why do I have to say this? It was because a few days ago, I went to open a construction site (to build a bridge connecting Koh Pich) to Koh Norea I played the voice of Ho Van, who ordered to the protesters here from the United States […]

Suddenly some say if “wiretaps are unconstitutional or not?” If a politician answers that it is wrong, it is okay, but one of the lawyers said that it is unconstitutional, while this lawyer does not yet know how I get the voice of Ho Van. This is the stupidity of a lawyer. Maybe those who have followed this know and I do not need to say his name. If ones are not sure, ones should say – “If he really intercepts the voice, his action will be constitutional […]” He should have thought about it.

Let me send them a message. Ho Van gave his command in his Facebook Group, and in the group, there are our people in it […] receiving messages in groups on Telegram, Facebook Messenger, what wrong would it be? There are also two laws that allows intercepting voices – anti-graft and anti-terrorism laws. That is why I am reminding you lawyers that we need to hold on to facts before going to law. I could not have imagined that a lawyer, considered one of the bests, had shortcoming about facts and dare to give legal conclusion […]

(Predicted) Negative Growth but Export Volume Up 18%

On the 30th of November, I will show up again in Siem Reap. This year, however, we went through some difficult events (including) Covid-19, flood, the November-3 event. Our economy is (predicted to be) negative, but the volume of our exports has increased by 18%. Covid-19 can destroy us, but Covid-19 has not killed us yet. We must all be careful and act together in a synchronized manner.

Still No Increase of Salary of Civil Servants and Armed Forces in 2021

Once again, I am asking for the understanding of the civil servants and the Armed Forces, for who, in 2021, we could not increase their salaries. We only asked for an increase in the pensions of retirees (civil servants) and the veterans to draw closer a gap between the former retirees and the later retirees […]

During Covid-19 Phase, Workers Base Salary Increased by Two USD

For factory workers, it is increased by only two US dollars from 190 to 192 (US dollars) during the Covid-19 phase. State expenses for (supporting) workers (suspended from works because of Covid-19) have come down from about 150,000 to about 50,000 individuals as some factories have reopened and some new ones are going into operation […] we help support about 40,000 people, before was 150,000, and about 10,000 hotel staff. Then, we have about 50,000 in all.

Nearly 200 Million USD for 670,000 Poor Families and Pregnant Workers

We need to help feed people in poverty and the number has increased to more than 670,000 families or about three million people. We have now released nearly 200 million USD for (program to help support) pregnant women. For (female) workers, there has been high birth rate every day. We continue to support women (of poor households) with pregnancy. We must continue. In addition, we have to shoulder the more than three million people. Fortunately, we have saved more than three billion US dollars.

One Commander-in-Chief Mechanism – A Financial System Reform Success

Now we will release 150 million USD to build 38 roads in Siem Reap. We are not a rich country, but that would be how to manage a country. We are taking care of (our financial situation) as a housewife […] the single Commander-in-Chief and single Chief of Staff mechanism is the success of Cambodia’s financial system reform. We have the ability to share cash with the people […] the population is growing. From the start, we had less than 600,000 (families). Now there are more than 670,000 families. We will continue to administer (support program) in November/December. If Covid-19 does not end in December, we will continue it. As I said earlier, we are preparing (the program) for ten months. Where previously we thought of spending only 25 Million USD/month, now we are spending 30 million USD/month.

Covid-19 and 20% EBA Cannot Kill Us

Cambodia is not yet dead. Some say it would be dead in a little while, because 20% of the EBA (everything but arms) is cut. The EBA has nothing to do with it. On the other hand, there are very few Cambodian products related to the European market. Neither Covid-19 nor 20% EBA could kill us. It has given our people opportunities, especially in the growing agricultural sector. Rice production is good though there have been damages from flood. Replanting is underway […]

Customs and Tax Revenues Close to Five Billion USD Current Budget Revenue

I think, in 2021 there will be a resurgence. This year, despite losses, so far our revenue has recorded about 4,500 million US dollars. Although it is less than the amount we planned for, but we have collected already 4.5 billion USD. Of that, more than 2.5 billion US dollars are from taxes and 2.1 billion US dollars are from customs. The score has moved close to the 5 billion USD of this year current budget revenue. As for the cash we saved, we spent only a small amount so far. We have about three billion USD left in our hands […]

Cambodians Follow the King’s Humanitarian Heart

There are people who blamed that we are raising fund for Covid-19, for floods, for party, for everything. They posted on Facebook. At that time, I was in Banteay Meanchey, I said that I do not make enemies with money. If they want to make enemies with money, do it alone, because this is voluntary. I did not go to ask for them […] the poorest king in the world is the King of Cambodia, but he is also the most generous king for the people, our children and civil servants to follow his example.

The Queen Mother was the first to lead the contribution for Covid-19. Initially, Their Majesties contributed 500,000 USD and later two million USD. Learning of Their Majesties’ contributions, Oknha/tycoons followed their leads finally bringing this (Covid-19) budget to 19 million (US dollars). We spent 11 million (US dollars) and the remaining 8 million (US dollars) are ordering more equipment. Some countries issue presidential decrees to cut their government salaries. For us, once I declared donating (my salary), immediately, tens of thousands of our officials have contributed so far the total is 42 billion (KHR) equal to 10 million USD (US). We have not used this money yet […]./.



Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet, The government does not withdraw from the developmen...

On September 20, 2024, the Royal Government announced the end of Cambodia’s participation in the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam –