Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen,​​ the Visit to Thmor Puok (Location-1), Banteay Meanjei, to Meet Flash Flood Victims [Unofficial Translation]


Saving Life – A Priority, Flash Flood Unprecedented

Today we are meeting here after I came a few years back to inaugurate the national road 56 and last February to inaugurate national road 58. In 2019, I also came (through this area) to celebrate the connection of railways between Cambodia and Thailand […] please allow me to bring you messages of compassion of HM the King and the Queen Mother concerning the states and conditions of their people. Samdech, Excellencies, Lok Chumteavs are here with me to share hardships that our people here at Thmor Puok have been facing. Please allow me to express my deep condolence over the losses of 19 lives in Bateay Meanjei, the hardest hit province, as one more person died last night. We have given the province, for that matter, priority to save life and to resolve their problems […]

I am so sorry for what has happened and no one have created it. Natural disaster has compounded the hardships that we have been having from the Covid-19 pandemic for the last ten months. On the Covid-19 front, impacts have been under control because Cambodia has so far managed to have no community transmissions. People are paying attention to instructions of the Ministry of Health. Banteay Meanjei, in addition to health protection efforts, has been fighting with two floods. The second one is now and unprecedentedly extreme […]

As the country came through difficulties, the armed forces and the administrations at every levels have been taking simultaneously prompt actions and our priority has been to save our people’s lives […] as you know, no one can order the sky to or not to rain. We cannot in anyway order nature. Cambodia has been lucky though compared to neighboring countries […] because we only have the effect of low pressure and not the storm itself. Flood in some provinces has receded but we now are monitoring surge of water in the provinces of Kompong Thom and Preah Vihear […]

Cambodian People’s Party Shares Good and Bad Times

As you can see here with me are Deputy Prime Ministers, Senior Ministers, Ministers and leaders of concerned institutions, and the armed forces are in direct intervention to help move people out of danger. I am taking this moment to express my sincere thanks to the people in the village of Kork Kathin for expressing their sentiment to our armed forces through their lunch packages. In fact, the armed forces operating in the rescue operation have their own food but people have their feelings to express their thanks. It is inspirational and shows a force of solidarity between those to be rescued and those who do the rescue […]

This is what we mean in Khmer by “sharing good and bad times.” The Cambodian People’s Party has always been the one to share bad and good times with people. Some, after leaving in bad times, do not even show concerns over the flood-related situation. […] when and where people face hardships, officials of the Cambodian People’s Party are there. I have no habit of leaving people when they are in bad times […] in Khmer we also say – “true loves comes in poverty, true friends come in hardships.”

Simultaneous and Prompt Actions from Top to Bottom

I am so satisfied with actions simultaneously and promptly taken by the authorities at every levels and the armed forces of all kinds in solving difficulties faced by our people in time of flooding […]. A man interviewed by TV media said he already had received some packages of relief assistance. Let me affirm here that no matter how many times you have received, as I come to Banteay Meanjei, you may come to get the relief package. Relief packages are to relieve your immediate hardships when nature strikes us. I am sure every households will make their efforts to restore their livelihood as soon as flood receded. As some rice would survive the flood, cassava grown in Banteay Meanjei, Battambang, Pailin, and Pursat, we can say, is perishing […]

I am glad to see our people in villages are collaborating and implementing instructions of the administrations and armed forces on flood rescue operation as well as relating to Covid-19. This disaster management effort has shown high responsibility of local officials […] I received information from provincial governors relating to their efforts concerning Covid-19 pandemic preventive measures. This has revealed capability of responsibility from top to bottom levels and actions taken simultaneously and promptly to face with and prevent disaster […]. While Covid-19 is an invisible enemy, flood is visible to us […]

Households to Restore Livelihood; RGC to Rehabilitate Infrastructures

We have so many works to do. We will have to replant cassava. We will have to replant rice. While providing rice seed and seeds of other crops and vegetables, the state will also rehabilitate flash-hit infrastructures like dams, canals, and even schools and hospitals. What we have done today is only part of intervention measures in time of difficulties. After passing this phase, every households work to restore their livelihoods along with interventions of the Royal Government […]

As I requested to microfinance institutions yesterday at Mongkul Borei to offer people affected by flood some forms of understanding, I am happy to hear on Bayon radio that the microfinance association has accepted my request with satisfaction and will work out its tolerance measures. This is what we mean by common responsibility. For Covid-19, they have rescheduled credits for 260,000 households […] and no one has had their properties confiscated in the difficult time of Covid-19. Now, we have flood situation. I am calling on local authorities to help make sure that only flood-affected people/households are receiving this special treatment […]

Military Trucks Efficiently and Effectively Help in Rescue Operation

I am calling on people to take good care of their health because it is easy to get water-borne diseases of any kind in absence of sanitation and hygiene after flood receded. Out of this health concern, my order has been to provide people with drinking water […]. We transported our people here for the meeting. We will take them back to their provisional settlements. We use military trucks. I mobilized generous persons to buy trucks for the army, police and military police. (People in the opposition) they criticized my decision […] however, while serving defense purpose, those trucks serve efficiently and effectively the Royal Government’s efforts in solving hardships of our people […]

Win-win Policy – Magic Pill to End War, to Reunite Land and Water

Before the elections in 1993, Cambodia was under four areas of control. The Paris Peace Agreement brought about three Cambodian factions to come together to form a government. However, even if they spent up to two billion USD, the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia could not touch the Khmer Rouge. The only means left for us is to form and fulfil a win-win policy, which is a magic pill to end the never-ending war of hundreds of years in 1998. We have picked 29 December every year to remind us the end of war and the reunification of our land and water (territory) for the first time in a long time […]

That flood has destroyed our development is in fact an issue not only for our country but many in the world. One of the two objectives I set out was to transform former battlefields into market places and development areas and it has become a reality. Not many areas remain undeveloped for mines […] secondly, to transform borderlines with neighboring countries into ones of friendship, cooperation and development. We have a trade volume of roughly seven billion USD with Thailand, about five billion USD with Vietnam […]

Peace of Mind When Committing No Guilt

Some said Cambodia has not gotten full peace yet because they have not had peace of mind. They mean visible and invisible peace. They claimed lack of peace of mind. I said a few days ago on that matter that to have peace of mind one must commit no guilt. If one commit guilt and/or does illegal things, one will keep fear with her/him. Let me remind them, peace of mind does not only mean they have to respect state law. A man cheats his wife, or a wife to her husband for that matter, does not have peace of mind too […] the reality here is that we have a truly visible/tangible peace. There are no fighting and we are working every day to remove mines and unexploded ordinances […]./.



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