Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen, Talk to Sportsmen-women in Annual Solidarity Dinner [Unofficial Translation]


May-2023 SEA Games before Elections

(Firstly,) let me on behalf of the Royal Government, the Cambodian people and sportsmen-women express our sincere thanks to Samdech Pichey Sena Tia Banh in leading this joint commission to oversee infrastructural development necessary for hosting SEA Games 2023 […] as is stated by Minister of Tourism and President of the National Olympic Committee, many countries hosting SEA Games before always choose the period of competition in later part of the year. However, in Cambodia, we have chosen May 2023 instead […] the explanation to this is because Cambodia is going to hold its general elections in July 2023 […]

The Constitution (of the Kingdom of Cambodia) allows a sixty-day period after the elections to form a new Royal Government – which is normally falling on September 2023. We will have, after that, many works to carry through […] in addition to usual happenings caused by circles rejecting results of the elections […] they had always caused troubles in 1998, 2003, 2008, and in 2013. Except the elections in 2018 that they could not cause any troubles […]

2023 – Hosting SEA Games, and Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway Ready

In fact, 2023 will be the time when we will have our expressway connecting between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville ready […] we also will chair ASEAN meeting in 2022. These events will indicate continuity of Cambodian international and regional roles one after the other […] as I have said it on various occasions that Cambodia is the last country in ASEAN to host SEA Games […] Cambodia has decided to focus its resources on priorities relating to reconstruction and rehabilitation. We needed fund for roads, bridges, water canals, schools, hospitals and other infrastructures with economic benefits for the sake of poverty alleviation […] to host such sports event would need a lot of money. The People’s Republic of China has provided us assistance to build a huge stadium spending hundreds of millions of USD […] in 2011, in one of the ASEAN meetings in Bali, Indonesia, I brought this to the attention of the ASEAN rotating chair […]

Human Resource in Sports

(Secondly,) I am calling on the National Olympic Committee (NOC) and especially the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and every sports federation to make further efforts concerning training of human resource […] we have four more years between now and 2023 […] asides from training, we must send our sportsmen-women for competitions at national and regional levels, and in other levels […] I think that NOC has looked to take the fifth rank in this sports event. I think it is not an ambitious plan. It can be achieved […] however, what is more important is we must ensure competition with probity and impartiality […]

Promoting Sports Activities

(Thirdly,) I am also calling on local authorities and schools of every levels to focus attention on promoting sports activities […] since sports started from local level, in every corners of the country. I am asking leaders of working groups at national level to help invigorate sports activities […] and take actions to prepare courts and pitches for whatever sports they may need […] in 2016, during my visits to provinces, I noticed children and youth demanding for courts/pitch for their games and sports activities […] I insist (concerned) local authorities reserve lands for this purpose for both male and female youths […]

Reserving Places for People’s Physical Exercises

(Fourthly,) I calling on the sub-national level authorities to organize areas where people can go out and exercises […] to relieve them from stress and other sickness resulting from less physical exercises […] though they may not be professional sportsmen-women, they need places where they can do regular exercises […]

Flawless and Strong Moral Referees

(Fifthly,) I am calling on referees for every sports/games especially those in football and boxing […] to exercise flawless and strong moral principles to ensure fair play […]

120 Buses to/from Provinces for Free between 12 and 18 April

Let me take this opportune moment to inform our sportsmen-women and our people in the whole Kingdom of Cambodia that in between 12 and 18 April, for seven days, the Municipal of Phnom Penh will prepare 120 buses at disposal for our people to travel from Phnom Penh to/from provinces free of charge. I cannot repeat what I have asked to private bus owners to maintain their normal charges. They do not heed my requests. We will have the Phnom Penh Municipality buses running on national road 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 […] for Phnom Penh, we also allow our people to use public buses free of charge for seven days from 12 through to 18 April. We also allow people the same benefit when they travel by speed boats between Kandal and Phnom Penh […]

Sportsmen-Women for Traffic Education; Drug and HIV/AIDS Prevention

I have three requests for our sportsmen-women to help. Firstly, I am asking our sportsmen-women to help in land traffic education to reduce accidents both for sportsmen-women themselves, and for friends and society […] one critical way to do that is to avoid driving under drunkenness […] secondly, please help our society to prevent (our society from) drug […] some of you may have remembered my advice before our sportsmen-women were on their ways to competitions abroad. I always asked them not to use prohibited substance in sports or doping […] our country is not producing those stuffs but many of them have targeted our country […] and thirdly, please help in preventing HIV/AIDS. The infection rate of HIV/AIDS has in fact gone down promisingly but lately we noticed a recurrence among same-sex couple. I am calling on them to pay attention to this matter. I hope it is an obligation for our sportsmen-women to help prevent further outbreak of HIV/AIDS in our country […]./.


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