Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the​ Gathering of Workers/Employees in the District of Samraong Torng, Kompong Speu [Unofficial Translation]


Continue to Meet Workers to Identify and Resolve Challenging Issues

[…] Please allow me to warmly welcome nephews/nieces workers for coming to see me today. I have told the previous meetings that I will come again to Kompong Speu province. I will continue to meet with workers. In the course of election campaign, I reassert that should the Cambodian People’s Party win the elections, I would become the forthcoming Prime Minister, and I would resume the meeting […] as everyone can see now, though we are still waiting for official results, the Cambodian People’s Party has gained the victory. Last Sunday, I met with workers in Phnom Penh and I am here in Kompong Speu today. I think I still have to come here at least for two more meetings. We can say that this is a resumption of the first round meeting. I will continue to meet workers in my capacity as Prime Minister for at least ten years more. The marathon meetings with workers will allow us to identify and resolving challenging issues and to bridge between leaders and workers as the Royal Government is implementing the 2015-2025 industrial policy.

High Turnout Reflects People’s Trust in CPP

Please allow me to express my sincere appreciation and gratefulness to our workers and people in the whole country for going to vote in great number setting Cambodia’s rate of voter turnout second in the world after Belgium […] while in Belgium some 83% (of registered voters) went to vote, over 82% did in Cambodia. This has also reflected that people are taking parts in process of democracy through regular elections every five years […] the elections have become an important event where people implement their rights once every five years as stipulated in the Constitution as well as the elections law […] that a great number of voters chose the Cambodian People’s Party reflects people’s trust in general, and those of workers’ in particular, in the Cambodian People’s Party, and my role as future Prime Minister […]

Voting the Cambodian People’s Party to Choose Peace and Development

This has indeed shown that you have made the right choice to keep peace and development. I said on various occasions in the CPP’s political platform and in the course of campaigning – opening and closing, my determination to keep peace and development. I affirmed that if people love peace and development, they should choose the Cambodian People’s Party. On the last day of campaigning I said a key term “peace for all, and all for peace.” I alone cannot keep peace. There must be people’s participations. That you have voted the Cambodian People’s Party, you have indeed voted to keep peace and development, to keep what you have in hands, which is individual and household economic progresses […]

To Form the Royal Government on 6 September

I wish to take this moment to inform our people in the whole country and media that yesterday I had an audience with HM the King to seek his approval to request for changes of dates to summon the National Assembly meeting and to form the Royal Government. Originally, we have planned to convene the first National Assembly meeting on September 19, followed by the National Assembly members’ swearing in in the afternoon of the same day. We aim to form the Royal Government on September 20, and the Royal Government members would take oath in the afternoon of the same day. The Royal Government will convene its first Cabinet meeting on September 21.

After thorough discussion with President of the Constitutional Council and President of the National Elections Committee, I have filed a request to HM the King to seek changes to the dates […] the requested changes are the elected National Assembly members will meet on September 5 at the invitation and presidency of HM the King. They will take oath in the evening of the same day. On September 6, the National Assembly will proceed to setting up its working structures, and the Royal Government will be formed. In the afternoon of September 6, the Royal Government will swear an oath. On September 7, a Friday, the Cabinet will convene its first meeting […]

Three Conditions Allow Formation of Royal Government in Early September

(We have made sure that) everything will go according to laws and the Constitution. The Constitution writes “… the National Assembly shall not be dissolved before the end of its term except when the Royal government is twice deposed within a period of twelve months …” In this case, the previous Royal Government is formed in September, and the next one will reform in September too. The Constitution also writes “the legislative term of the National Assembly shall be 5 years and terminates on the day when the new National Assembly convenes,” and “the election of a new National Assembly shall be held no later than 60 days from the date of dissolution.” President of the Constitutional Council wrote me an aid-memoir that based on three points, the new Royal Government can be formed (in early September) […]

We cannot call on formation of the Royal Government in late August though […] as the National Elections Committee need a period of time after announcing official results on August 15 for concerned party/ties to file legal protests if there would be any. After sorting out legal cases at the National Elections Committee, the matters will be forward to the Constitutional Council, which will take between ten and twenty days. In this understanding, by early September, NEC will be able to announce final official results including seats allocation and list of elected members of the National Assembly […] the three points that the Constitutional Council affirmed lawful is firstly, the first National Assembly to be convened by HM the King; secondly, no later than 60 days; and thirdly, after NEC announces official final elections results, list of elected National Assembly members […]

Two Birthdates 4 April 1951 and 5 August 1952

I have this feeling that your hospitality towards me is one between a father and his children, grandfather and his grandchildren, an uncle and his nieces and nephews. I have a strong feeling that you have known me not from last year, or recently. Your grandparents and parents have journeyed with me from the time that our country was in hardships and deaths under the regime of Pol Pot. They joined with the Cambodian People’s Party and me to liberate the country […] (I wish to draw your attentions on) two remarkable things concerning the elections – firstly, people in great number went to vote. They ignored this campaign to “stay home to win” […], secondly, people voted to keep peace and continued development […]

I never had this good teenagers’ time as you are now. War took away those joyful life. I never had that. All we had instead was to sacrifice for national, religion, and King as there was a coup that brought down Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, our head of state. I may open a bracket here as to why I have two different birthdates – 04 April 1951 and 5 August 1952 […] while reporting myself to the Marquis, I did not have birth certificate with me. I settled to set my birthdate on 4 April 1952, the day when I answered to the call of our national father Samdech Norodom Sihanouk (4 April 1970). It later changed to 4 April 1951 […] when I became foreign minister. People typed my year of date not 1952 but 1951 in official biography and it was broadcast by national radio and then news agency SPK […] when I rejoined with my parents, they told me my date of birth was on Tuesday, the month of Srap, the year of dragon, or 5 August 1952 […]

Win-Win Policy Brings Factories/Enterprises to Kompong Speu

I am proud of the fact that we have improved and made progress to our country. Looking back to the last part of our history, we have just had twenty full years of peace to develop our country […] through win-win policy, which we first piloted in Kompong Speu province and later brought about peace in the whole country, our nation has again reunited for the first time in our history that was full of sufferings. We started to work stage after stage (to change our past.) Would anyone think then that we would have up to 228 factories, enterprises, foundations, etc. with a total number of over 10,000 workers/employees? Annually, based on this figure, a sum of 247 million USD has come to Kompong Speu province. It was hard to think about it in the past. Factories and enterprises locate mainly along the road between Phnom Penh and Kompong Speu now, especially the district of Samraong Torng […] I am grateful to people in Samraong Torng who always voted in majority for the Cambodian People’s Party […]

From Poor to Lower Middle Incomes, and Towards Higher Middle Incomes

We liberated and built our country from being the poor to one of lower middle income countries. We are also working on vision to achieve our goal in 2030 to become a higher middle income country. The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told me during my visit to Japan last year that Japan will work to assist Cambodia to achieve its goal of becoming a higher middle income country. President of China Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang also assured that they would do to help Cambodia develop its socio-economic development […] again, no one could have imagined that Kompong Speu becomes a location of so many factories, enterprises, etc. […] through the Kirirom I and Kirirom II hydropower stations, Kompong Speu now provides electricity to Phnom Penh. Kompong Speu transforms itself from rice shortage to rice exporting province, and is well known for productions of apparels and other materials for exports […]

Work harder to Serve People in the New Term

We have now secured our hard-won peace and keep continued development. It is our pride. We need to maintain this success. We will work harder to ensure that we will realize what we have set out for the next five years […] the Cambodian People’s Party has gained through this elections larger burden and more responsibility since our people in great number have placed their confidence in the party. What we have remained is to continue to work for development. The civil servants and armed forces must do their bests to serve people. The new legislative term Royal Government will work harder to fulfil reforms to ensure people’s improved livelihood and peaceful lives. I asked you to join me keep peace and guarantee continued development. You have responded. We all then join together to fulfil this objectives. Hun Sen alone or a bunch of people in the Royal Government cannot make it happen. We need people’s participations to ensure peace, security, and social order […]

Cambodia to Celebrate 65th National Independence Day

That we are working to develop our industry does not mean we leave agriculture out of our sight. Our policy is to ensure industry as an locomotive to pull agriculture to a new progress as we have set out in our agro-industrial development policy to change our people’s status from subsistent farming to exporting […] in the last elections campaign some thought and said they were the ones to promote organic farming development. I wish to make this point clear to them that it was not their endeavors alone. It is a policy of the Cambodian People’s Party, and the Royal Government. If the Hun Sen’s government does not allow it, who could have worked on it? […] they must not ignore role of the Cambodian People’s Party and Hun Sen in leading this country […] as for this year, we are going to celebrate the 65th National Independent Day and we will make it a big event in front of the Royal Palace […] (on another matter) I am asking the Ministry of Labor to follow closely my Facebook page. Days ago workers sent me comments and I forwarded them to concerned ministries to respond […]./.


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