Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Inauguration of Kratie University [Unofficial Translation]


The celebration of the Khmer New Year was just days ago. It is not late for me to take this chance to wish you all, Buddhist monks, compatriots, the four Buddhist blessings and successes for the Year of Dog, Buddhist calendar of 2562. I also call upon Allah to bless the Cambodian Islam who have taken their times to join in this event […]

Making Sure of Education Quality

Since 2007, we put into use a senior secondary school. It is a big one. I was happy to have seen the old school in time and decided to build them a new one – three floors […] with now better schooling and teaching facility, I wish to see there are many mention-A students from here. Well, we only have to grade 10 now, but that will grow gradually to 11, and 12. We have a better school, but we also have to make sure of our quality of education […]

Choices of Youth in Peace Generation

The Kratie University not only solve problem of having to go away in pursuit of tertiary education for those students in Kratie, I also hope that the University will be able to welcome students from adjacent provinces such as Stoeng Treng, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri, and even a part of Kompong Cham. This is what we see as choices of youth in a generation that enjoys peace. It is starkly different from lack of choice for youth of previous generations, especially those belonged to and were hostages of war. We have done everything we could to bring peace for the Kingdom of Cambodia. The University would not be standing here if we did not have peace. With peace, we have chance for development, and through development, we have made human resource an important target, for which we are investing for knowledge, know-how for youth and children.

A Thank You to the People’s Republic of China

Through HE Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, please allow me to thank President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, and other leaders of the Communist Party, the government and people of China for providing supports for the Kratie University’s construction. China has provided a fund of ten million USD for construction here together with fund for tertiary education of Kratie headed by HE Keat Chhon […] the cost of building this university is about 12 million USD […] Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, HE Hang Chuon Naron, already hinted that there are needs still, especially hostel for teachers and students, which we will see to it gradually.

More Infrastructure Necessary

We must take into consideration facility for female students coming from distant provinces. They cannot stay in Buddhist pagoda like boys […] it is in this reason that we must continue to put together more infrastructures to respond to needs of teachers, who would be coming to work here, as well as of the students […] though we see more needs coming, we may not need to provide more at this stage. By and large, we have made a great step to lay down infrastructure necessary in response to demand for tertiary education in Kratie and adjacent north eastern provinces […]

I am taking this moment to appeal to parents to take this chance to allow their kids to pursue knowledge. It is the most important thing in their lives. Parents must know that whatever property they may have and give to their children would not help them for their whole lives. They could be subject to theft, robbery, fire accident, etc. As for knowledge, we have a saying that goes – the termite cannot eat it, the rats cannot cut it. Take for instance in the Pol Pot’s regime, they might have killed life and confiscate property but they cannot take away what is inside people’s brain […]

41 Junior, 11 Senior Secondary Schools in Kratie

It would not be appropriate (if parents) stop their grown-up children from going to school to help them with house works. They should send them to school and keep them all the way. Stopping their kids from schooling would be a decision lacking farsighted vision. Parents need to invest and encourage their kids to pursue education […] we will keep up with our efforts to localize secondary schools to remote areas to guarantee that kids finishing their primary education would have available option to go on. In Kratie, among the 47 communes, we have junior secondary schools in 41 communes plus 11 senior secondary schools […] this should allow our children and adults to continue their education to senior secondary school without having to leave or go far away from their native places like in older days […]

New Buildings for Growing Number of Students and Replacing Dilapidated Ones

We have seen that there is a need for building more school buildings to respond to growing number of students and villages because people are making new settlements thanks to (the Royal Government’s efforts) to provide them with social land concession and ownerships of their lands […] people in those new settlements are demanding more investment in schools for their children. Secondly, many of the schools we built before have come to dilapidated conditions. We will see if some of them would only need repair and fixing, and some may have to rebuild […] It is required that the Royal Government contributes funding for education sector, one part for scholarships, but basically for school buildings. We need more hostels for students and homes for teachers in junior, senior secondary schools, and in tertiary education institutions […]

Human Resource Necessary for Development

A country would need basically human resource for its development. Our country started from the fact that there remained a small and limited number of human resource. We have better human resource now, however, we still need more to respond to growing demands for socio-economic development investments. Both local and foreign investments are demanding for human resources. A local company told me once they could recruit only over 200 for the required 400 employees. Some companies resorted to recruiting expertise from abroad for which they had to pay very high salaries. We have more and more foreign companies now doing investments in Cambodia. They would not want to bring in foreign expertise but Cambodia could not provide them what they needed […]

Human Resource – First Priority

We have noticed that in the field of garments and apparels, they have been able to recruit Cambodians to replace expertise they brought in from abroad. However, in construction and some other areas, they still have to bring in foreign experts for their investments, which contributes to our national development. To resolve these issues, we have to work hard on human resource development to not only serve needs in investments but our long-term goal to transform Cambodia from lower-middle income to higher-middle income country by 2030, and a high income country by 2050. We need to work out to speed up human resource development in a timely manner to respond to demand for development. Technology is advanced but we must also make sure that our human resource is up to the tasks.

We still continue in this last part of the fifth legislative term Royal Government on the four priorities – irrigation, roads, electricity, and human resource – that I issued since 1987, 31 years ago, of which human resource is now taking the lead […] From 2013, we have made human resource our first priority. Our people may see that the Royal Government allocated its funding more than three folds to education, youth and sports. Teacher’s salary also increases since 2013 from roughly over 100 USD to a minimum of 250 USD now. We also work hard along with salary increment and paying attention to teachers’ living conditions to further invest in necessary infrastructures which in return will serve the needs of our teachers and students […]

Triangular Development Cooperation Countries Have Done A Lot

… I made an intervention at the Greater Mekong Sub-regional and Triangular Development Areas Summit among Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam about initiatives concerning poverty in those areas […] I noticed that in Hanoi, there was a short report about what had been done in these frameworks […] I wondered why the report did not mention things that Cambodia itself has done, for instance, we have here today a university in Kratie. They only counted in a small section of foreign assistance in the report. They failed to list things that countries have done themselves. I did not read the prepared text because I found it unacceptable. We have done so much and our Chinese friends have also helped us with connectivity roughly in the whole north eastern area […]

The Secretariat of Triangular Development Cooperation should revise their ways of calculating growth and reporting. In every meeting they seem to have focused only on foreign assistance, while neglecting each country’s efforts […] I have listed Cambodian four provinces – Kratie, Stoeng Treng, Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri into the triangular development cooperation system so as to benefit from connectivity and mutual assistance. It seems that the four provinces have sent some students to study in Vietnam […]

One More Bridge in Kratie

Let me take this opportune moment to share with our people in Kratie and Ambassador of the PRC that Cambodia needs to have one more bridge at Kratie, in the city of Kratie. The bridge, as I said we still do not have enough, will facilitate relations between people in Kratie in their journeys to Kompong Thom, to Siem Reap. It would be only 129 Km […] it is in this note that I would say presences of Hun Sen, the Cambodian People’s Party, would ensure that the bridge across the Mekong at Kratie would become a reality. I hope our people in Kratie continue to vote for the Cambodian People’s Party to allow me to make sure that the bridge in Kratie will be true […]

A Difference in 43 Years – People Out of Cities for Holiday

Forty three years ago, at this time, the Cambodian people were traveling out of the cities on their ways to rural areas at the evacuation plan of Pol Pot. On 17 April (1975), after liberation (from the Lon Nol’s Khmer Republic regime) people were evacuated from Phnom Penh and other cities. Forty three years ago people fled the cities to rural area. Forty three years later, people flock into the cities after they spend their Khmer New Year holiday. That is the difference. This year, forty three years later, between 12 and 13 April, people went out of cities with their families to their native places, to enjoy Sangkranta, and/or this or that resorts. Between 17 and 18 April, people roamed the streets to come back to the cities […]

Discrimination on Disables/HIV AIDS carriers – Immoral Acts

On 16 April 1975, one of my eye was wounded. That has left me only one eye […] I am calling on our people to respect and be moral. Some called disables by their disabilities – the blind, the amputated, etc. These are immoral. They should not be forgiven. They did not have education. They could not be friends. In this world, people are pity of disables but these people behave immorally […] even people with HIV/AIDS, we must not be discriminated against them […] there must be mutual respect. Everyone must uphold moral and should not overlook this issue […]./.


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