Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the Gathering of Workers/Employees in the Khan Po Sen Chey/s Jrey Kaong Area [Unofficial Translation]


The Khmer New Year Will Be in Rather Good Weather

… I am sure some of you might have waited for my presence. My time has indeed been short. Yesterday I had in fact planned to go to Preah Vihear. However, there was a natural phenomenon, which I said perhaps there was a meeting between the Dragon Kings. Our country has had quite some rain. Last night there was rain too. This year, we seem to have no dry season. There was in a short span of time. There was a short period of hot weather, then came rain […] however, last night rain does not prevent us from today’s meeting, does it? We could predict that this year the Khmer New Year – the year of dog, Buddhist calendar of 2562, which is coming soon will not be too hot. That would allow our people to travel places for their holidays […]

It Was Such a Warm Welcome and Hospitality

I thank you all for your warm welcome and hospitality. Your kisses here do not leave me with prints of lipstick […] in Australia, kissers’ lipsticks were hard to remove […] please allow me to send from here my gratefulness to our people in Australia and New Zealand for making their presences to welcome the country’s leader for the meeting in Australia. Their presences were indeed a clear indication for the Kingdom of Cambodia’s leader. On my first day, we were able to meet with more than 800 people, in a place where they normally housed only 600. For the second meeting, it was at about 930 pm, I had more than 500 audiences […]

… In what they claimed to be the greatest demonstration (against Hun Sen), there were only about 100 people. We had about one thousands coming to greet the delegation […] on their last day, those demonstrators had blended themselves with those from Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines […] thus making altogether a rather growing presence […] that we are live now, and Australia is four hour ahead of us, it should be about 12am, I am sure they could see me speaking from here thanks to Fresh News and National Television. Again, I thank you all for your warm welcome and hospitality indicating that no matter where you are, we are all Cambodians […]

With Your Votes, I Will Continue

… I also thank those who protested my presence. It had indicated a working democracy. The small gathering has clearly indicated that they had no chance of gathering people, not only in Cambodia, but even abroad, than Prime Minister Hun Sen, who has led the country for nearly forty years, and will continue to do so in another ten years, at least. Just now, passing by that place over there, some nieces and nephews wished me to win the elections. Well, with your votes, your family members’ votes, I will be elected and I will keep going […]

… After overthrowing the Pol Pot’s regime and preventing their return, we had put into practice a process of win-win policy. It had created a condition for a country, divided into many parts and rules, to unify under one rule […] well, except those with mature pregnancies, who may deliver in the time of the Khmer New Year holiday, everyone must be planning their journeys to their native places to celebrate the event with their families, thank to good infrastructures, peace and security, in addition to means of transportation and financial resource […] Your parents and grandparents have been supporting me from the beginning and now it is your turn to do so. I hope that you will continue to make contributions with me for the sake of keeping peace altogether. With peace, we will be able to guarantee long-term development […]

Today is March 21, on March 18, forty eight years ago, there was a coup that overthrew Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk. It was 48 years ago that they started war in Cambodia […] we lost many lives, and many were maimed and separated before we could end the war. It was a tragedy from the past that was left for us to resolve. In the process of resolving it, I shared responsibility with other leaders to seek for peace, national reconciliation, and implementation of the win-win policy, which brought about peace and unified country for the first time. It was a precondition that is primarily important for creating jobs and income generation […]

We Should Keep Both Peace from Arms and of Mind

… I am taking this chance to appeal to our people concerning violence issue involving a traffic accident that took place some days ago […] we indeed need our people to uphold the traffic law. However, in doing so, we are not looking for extreme actions leading to loss of life. In any traffic accident case, if the person who caused it tried to escape, you may make a citizen arrest and leave the rest of the matters for involved authorities and the court to take actions. People should not try to end the person’s life. It is not human moral. It is the sort of action that we must avoid. We should not allow our country to be anarchic and to plague with extrajudicial killing […] the authorities have now arrested those culprits who will have to take responsibility for the crimes they committed. We must make common efforts for our country to keep peace, which is not only from arms but also of mind […]

Taking Measures to Prevention Problems of Factories Closures

We have a serious matter that requires measure. Minister of Labor and Vocational Training, HE Ith Sam Heng, already said that we had just released a sum of 4.6 million USD for 4,146 workers in nine factories in Phnom Penh, Kandal, and Kompong Speu, because the factories closures. If it continues to happen, the Royal Government will surely be a victim […] I have instructed HE Aun Pornmoniroth to lead a meeting to seek a solution to the problem […] there has to be some ways to deal with this […] otherwise every time there is this issue of closing down factories, responsibility to deal with money owed by factories to workers is coming to the Royal Government […] I see that it is one of the problems requires our attention to evade our workers and the Royal Government from such irresponsible actions of entrepreneurs […] we also have to work with respective countries from where the investments come […]

Voting for CPP for Real Democracy

I wish to remind you to go to vote on 29 July 2018. I hope that you and your family members will vote for the Cambodian People’s Party, the only Party with true ability to lead and to keep independence, sovereignty, peace, territorial integrity, and to drive further development […] I would not go into issue who said this and who said that […]

Monk “Marie” – Is He Real?

… There is no one who would arrest me in this world. However, there are many people who like to tell a lie […] there is this man who called himself “Monk Marie” who went from place to place with his bad mouth telling people a lie. I have ordered to look for him. I have his picture here. We have also a picture of him since before he “became” a monk […] he travel from Kep to Kompot, to Takeo, telling people a lie. Governor of Kep province, HE Ken Satha perhaps can search for this man and find out if he is truly a monk or not. If he is not, that would even be the case to take action on. He may say whatever he wishes but not about the national issues […] he told people I fled from journalists and ran into the plane, while I had a marathon meetings […] he could be not a real monk … but a spy […]

No Negotiation with Those Imprisoned

… They misbehaved very badly. That they burned the effigy of me means that you have ended your chance of getting out of your stalemate. Before I left for Australia, they cheated people that I would be arrested. When that was not true, they said there would be a negotiation. Hun Sen has no need to negotiate with imprisoned men, and those with dissolved party. They knew full well that Hun Sen holds key to everything but they led their actions to burn the effigy of me. I did not lay a trap for you but you had made your steps far from the red line. That has proven that you are half-baked politicians. You should instead be patient and seek for negotiation […] they may indulge themselves to damage my soul which is beholding in every Naga statue in the Buddhist temples because I was born in the year of dragon […] they like to make what I said happen […]

… They could have been cool. That they are quick tempered, they had in fact shut their doors. Even those jailed in Phnom Penh, who sought for a pardon, could not gain that because of actions of their bosses […] when I released Hong Sok Huor, they quickly said that it was because of international pressure. If they keep going with this, I would not seek pardon for anyone […] because their bosses have been so disruptive […] in this note, let them serve the sentence. Some had to serve jail term of twenty years. They would still be in jail when I no longer am a Prime Minister because I seek only another ten years in office. They may have to wait for the Prime Minister after me […]./.


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