Selected Comments Samdech Techo Hun Sen​ at the Gathering with Workers/Employees in SEZ of Preah Sihanouk (SEZ-P) – Day 2 [Unofficial Translation]


To Have Meal with Factory Workers on International Labor Day

I have fulfilled my aim to meet you today. I hope that on May-1 International Labor Day, we may organize this event again, and one of our Deputy Prime Ministers could take the presidency, while I will attend one of the events at factories. This year I wish to see a factory to organize something fun to commemorate the International Labor Day so that I can join and have meal with workers. Regularly, factories have organized parties for workers on May-1. Please allow me to excuse myself to workers/employees, and leaders of the Autonomous Seaport of Preah Sihanoukville from my annual visit, and will send someone to represent me instead. As I am touring the country to meet our workers. I think I should also join them in this joyful event.

Some may walk with petition letter. That is their right. A few hundreds out of millions of workers may walk with petition letter. That is normal in a democratic country. Our rights also allow us to celebrate the event with joys too […] last year there was this contest of freshie boy and girl, and it seemed that the boy from Kompong Som (Preah Sihanouk province) won the first prize and girl from here too won the second prize. Let us organize again another contest of freshie boys and girls in garment sector. Some have said that female workers have their choices in making couple. It is a good thing. In Khmer we say “to grow rice, one must be aware of grass, and to couple, one must know of kinship.” Well, in the present day, we also have to have blood test on both side […] having said that I am grateful to factories/enterprises as well as companies for providing jobs to workers with HIV/AIDS […] in addition to care to prolong and improve life provided by relevant authorities, for which our country has scored numerous successes […]

Workers Contribute to National Economic Growth

I wish to take this opportune moment to thank and appreciate our workers in every sectors gathered here for their works […] though it is for their own salary but your contributions have helped national economy to achieve growth. I just remind you that, where there are factories but there are no workers, there will not be bosses. Where there are workers but there are no factories, no investments, and production for exports and local consumption, there will not be jobs and income. You may have to return to your parents for other jobs, mainly in agriculture […]

I know that among workers gathered here yesterday and today, some are not from the province of Preah Sihanouk. They are from other provinces. For some years in the recent past, we made our efforts to localize schools for children and youth to have access to education. For some years now, we have localized hospitals and made further efforts to localize factories to provinces for local labor availability. This has created job opportunity for those of you in provinces of Kompong Speu, Kandal, Svay Rieng, Kompong Cham, Pursat, etc. Even in Koh Kong, we also have factories for which I will also visit […]

Previously, you might have seen me visiting farmers in the fields. It was a time when we had to achieve our goal of making Cambodia a food sufficient nation. With so many inputs we offered such as building of dams and canals, our farmers have made great progress in their cultivation. Just rice alone, where with less than ten million population, we did not have enough to eat and sought for food assistance from outside, now with over fifteen million population, we have a surplus of over five million metric tons of rice for exports […] Unlike the Pol Pot’s policy of having rice was having everything, we introduced policy for industrial development, which we are making further efforts to continue to develop, and to achieve a value added industry. Having said that I just wanted to stress it does not mean we are leaving labor intensive industry at all.

The Cambodian People’s Party Keeps Peace, Stability, and Social Order

… To continue to keep our jobs and incomes, and increasing ones, our first task is to maintain peace, stability, and social order. War and genocide in our country killed so many people. We did not have tourists, while life was hard […] in 1979-80s, traveling at night to certain targets would not be safe […] and to keep peace, there would not be any choice better than voting for the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). Voting for CPP will keep peace, life, and avoid war sufferings like those in Syria, Iraq, Libya, etc. In the present day, only CPP has the ability to guarantee that. You wished me luck and continue to be your shade in life. It is easy and you do not have to ask for help from spiritual powers but voting for the Cambodian People’s Party, those wishes of yours will come true. I already declared it and the Cambodian People’s Party already issued the decision through its congress for me to continue my candidacy of Prime Minister. No one objects that […]

Let Us Go to Vote and Vote for CPP

… I know well that I would not satisfy everyone, but I am sure there are people who are satisfied with my works. In a democratic regime, the one with the majority support wins […] let us wait till 29 July 2018 to see what is going to happen […] how many of you have registered to vote? I see, almost everyone here did […] please do not forget to go to vote to keep peace. If you wish to see me in power, just vote for the Cambodian People’s Party, you will see that I will continue to be with you […]./.


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